Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 358 The girl's persistence

There was heavy traffic in the city in the morning, with traffic jams in many places. Liu Li rushed to the Hilton Hotel around ten o'clock and arrived at the top-floor luxury suite. She knocked on the door. She thought the person who opened the door would be Link or Feifei, but her hair was wet. Shu sang.

"Sing-sing? Why are you here?"

Liu Li asked.

Shu Chang blushed at her sight and shyly said that Feifei was in poor health and Link called her to come over and help take care of her.

Liu Li saw her flushed cheeks and watery almond-shaped eyes, and understood everything instantly.

He pulled her into the room with a cold face and asked her if she was also bullied by Link?

If so, tell her and she will make the decision for her.

Shu Chang shook his head repeatedly and said it was voluntary.

It was she who took the initiative to climb into Link's bed, not Link who forced her to do so.

Link was very kind to her and didn't bully her.



Shu Chang nodded his chin shyly but firmly.

Liu Li looked at her helplessly. She originally wanted to persuade her to stay away from Link and film with peace of mind before finding a good man to marry.

For a scumbag like Link, there will be no good results from liking him.

But when he thought about his daughter still lying on Link's bed.

She took back the words that came to her lips, sighed, and walked into the bedroom.

The bedroom was brightly lit, and the curtains on the curved floor-to-ceiling windows were drawn open.

Clear sunlight shines through the glass into the room more than two hundred meters high.

You can see the bustling Bund and the Pearl Tower from the bedside, and the scenery is charming.

Chris is still sleeping.

She has a pale, delicate face, messy black hair, and slightly frowned eyebrows.

Like the peach blossoms that had been damaged by heavy rain in April, with a broken beauty of jade and beauty, Feifei at this moment looked weaker and more pitiful than ever before.


Liu Li sat on the edge of the bed and touched her daughter's forehead with compassion. Suddenly, her nose caught a strange smell of medicine.

She smelled it and saw a crystal bottle on the round table next to her, which contained a sticky green plaster.

There was a label on the bottle with a string of words she didn't recognize, and it didn't sound like English.

"What's this?"

Liu Li looked back at Shu Chang.

Shu Chang said with a red face that it was Link's medicine. Link was a boxer and was prone to injuries during training, so he carried this plaster with him.

Liu Li took a look at the bottle and suddenly lifted the blanket.

See what's going on with Chrissy.

Her face turned red and white, and she looked at Shu Chang angrily and asked her how could this happen?

Shu Chang blushed and lowered his head, pinching his white wrist with his fingers.

Liu Li was someone who had been here before, and she immediately understood what she was talking about. Her face turned red and she asked angrily, why not send her to the hospital?

After saying that, she also felt that this question was wrong. Chrissy is a popular star and a minor actress.

Being sent to the hospital like this, even if confidentiality is kept in advance, the news will inevitably leak out afterwards.

Chrissy is a pure goddess, a fairy-like person.

If this kind of news breaks out and the persona collapses, it will be difficult to establish a pure persona again.

Shu Chang saw that she looked unhappy and quickly comforted her by saying that Link's medicine was very effective.

Just rest in bed for two days and you'll be fine.

And Link is very gentle to Chris.

Maybe it won't take more than a day.

Liu Li asked her how she knew?

Shu Chang hesitated and said embarrassedly that she had used it before.

Liu Li suddenly remembered that Kris and Shu Chang went to Shenchuan to watch Link's concert a few days ago. After returning, Kris and Shu Chang were taking a bath in the bathroom. She accidentally slipped and injured her hip and knee. She rested in bed for three or four days. sky.

"Is it you, you guys?"

Liu Li looked at Shu Chang in shock, which meant that nothing happened when the three of them slept in the same room that night.

But Chris was drunk and had no idea what the other two people were doing?

And Link was not the calm gentleman she imagined.

He is just a rough and greedy pervert, and both Chang Guang and his daughter were deceived by him.

"Sing, did he force you to do it?"

"No, I did it voluntarily. He never meant to touch me. I took the initiative to sleep in his bed. He is the most handsome and outstanding man I have ever met. I don't want to miss him."

Shu Chang pinched the corner of her skirt and explained shyly.

Liu Li looked at her with hatred.

Isn't he just a stinky man? Why should a good daughter's family be given away for free?

But she thought that her own daughter was like this, knowing that Link was a philandering scumbag, but she still foolishly liked him.

I am willing to give him my most precious things and have no reservations about him.

Liu Li couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

Daughter and Shu Chang are both right. They are too simple and don't know that people's hearts are sinister.

It's Link, the bastard, who's wrong. He's a playboy and knows exactly what girls like and are obsessed with.

Just show them your best side, deceive their trust, and defraud them of their most precious things.

Let them sink step by step into the beautiful dream he weaves for them, and they will never be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Liu Li suddenly felt that Link was a scary man, like a wolf. There was no benefit in dealing with such a person.

If you were more rational, you should take Chris away decisively at this time and stop the loss in time.

But it would be too easy for Chris to leave like this now, that bastard Link. Liu Li clenched her fists and punched her thigh.


The girl on the bed trembled her eyelashes slightly, and then opened a pair of bright eyes like autumn water, with a shimmering light, revealing a hint of joy, and an uncontrollable shyness.

Chris pulled up the quilt to cover her little face, and said in a muffled voice:

"Mom, why are you here? I said it's okay, it's really okay."

"Why are you still lying in bed if you're okay?"

"My mom, don't ask."

Chris hid her little face under the quilt like an ostrich and said shyly.

"I told you a long time ago that Link is a dangerous guy, stay away from him. Now you know how bad he is, right?"

"Mom, Link is not bad, he is very good, very good, ten thousand times better than the man I imagined."

Chris said shyly and happily under the blanket.

"He is so rude to you, and you are still praising him, are you stupid?"

Liu Li said angrily.

"Mom, Link is really good, he is very gentle to me and takes good care of me, I am too useless."

Chris said while playing with her hair.

"You silly girl!"

Liu Li shook her head helplessly. If she had been more domineering yesterday and stopped Feifei from leaving with Link, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

Now the rice has been cooked, and the daughter she raised has been taken advantage of by a pig.

It's useless to say anything else.

"Where is Link? Feifei has become like this. Where did he die?"

Liu Li looked at Shu Chang and asked unhappily.

"Link is in the fitness center. I knew when he left."

Chris explained for Link.

"Shut up! I didn't ask you!"

Liu Li glared at her daughter. She felt that she had raised her daughter in vain. Now her mind was full of Link, that bastard.

Shu Chang smiled slightly and told Liu Li that Link had finished his exercise and had just come back to see Chris.

At this time, he was eating breakfast in the catering center and left a message saying that he wanted to talk to Liu Li.

"He wants to talk to me? Great, I just want to talk to him too."

Liu Li said with a cold face.

Seeing her like this, Chris was worried that she would quarrel with Link later, so she quickly said good things about Link, hoping that Liu Li would not blame him.

But the more Liu Li heard her say this, the more annoyed she became. She said "shut up", gently covered her with a blanket, and asked her if she felt any discomfort.

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