The next scene is the two bridesmaids speaking on stage. In order to show that they have a better relationship with the bride, the two bridesmaids are jealous and tear each other apart. They say some very embarrassing things and almost ruin the engagement ceremony.

Link is the groom and has no lines in this scene.

Every time the two bridesmaids finish speaking, the camera turns to the bride Lillian and him, and he needs to make some reactions. At first, he smiles and applauds, and then he will make some exaggerated and funny expressions.

When acting in this kind of play, Link found that acting in comedy is not an easy thing.

Acting in art films mainly requires understanding the role, using micro-expressions and eyes to express the emotions of the role, making the performance natural, delicate and infectious.

Comedy films are more extroverted, and some exaggerated expressions and actions need to be made during the performance to make the role interesting and make the audience laugh.

It is hard to say which of these two performance methods is more difficult or easier. Link believes that for extroverted and lively people, comedy is more suitable, and for serious and introverted people, art is more suitable.

In comparison, Link feels that he is more suitable for art films, and he will feel embarrassed when performing some actions in comedy films.

Before the performance, he needs to repeatedly convince himself that he is just acting, so he can barely perform, so the effect of the performance is not as good as that of actors who are good at comedy, such as Emma Stone.

Today's "engagement scene" is one of the climaxes of the whole movie and also a very important scene.

The crew filmed for two days on the Burbank County set, and Link also served as a background board for a day and a half on the set.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, after filming this scene, Link got in the car and followed Catherine back to her newly bought apartment in the metropolitan area. Little Annie was also picked up here not long ago.

"Annie, am I good to you?"


"Who do you like the most?"

"Daddy Mommy!"

"Besides Mom and Dad?"

"Link Selena!"

"Wait, why is my name after Link? No, you have to say Selena first and then Link. We are good sisters, understand? Link is a nasty guy, we don't like him."

In the living room, Selena peeled grapes, ate one herself, and stuffed one into little Annie's mouth.

Little Annie ate grapes, her bright eyes blinked, and suddenly saw a familiar person walking into the living room. She immediately jumped off the sofa and ran over.

"Link, you're back."

Link laughed, squatted down and picked up Annie.

The little girl was just four years old, with an apple head, bangs, and a pink face. She was very well-behaved and cute.

"Annie, we just said we didn't like him, why did he ask you to hold him again? Come down quickly."

Selena supported her small waist and said dissatisfiedly.

"You've been teaching Annie nonsense all day. If you keep teaching me nonsense, I'll beat you up."

Link raised his hand and rubbed Selena's hair, turning her newly permed hair into an afro.

Selena was so angry that she waved her fist and wanted to hit him. Link only needed to press her forehead to easily resolve all her attacks.

"Scumbag! You only know how to bully girls."

Selena used her hands to adjust her bangs, and her small round face bulged.

"Nonsense! I didn't get my gold belt by beating girls."

Link smiled lightly, hugged Annie and sat down on the sofa, looking at Selena, "Your previous braids were pretty, how did you get a perm?"

"I'm eighteen years old, an adult, and it's too childish to keep braids."

Selena rolled her eyes at him, sat on the sofa, and pulled Annie to her side.

Link saw her cute baby face, matched with more mature perms, and lipstick, like a little girl who stole her mother's cosmetics.

"How's the new song going?"

"Great! We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore. Is it good? When will we release a single?"

Selena sang a few lines and asked proudly.

"Not bad. I don't have time to record songs recently. Maybe in August. I can also help you promote your new album."

Link picked up a bunch of grapes, lay on the sofa, and watched the cartoon "The Simpsons" with Annie.

Selena shrugged her shoulders, lay down beside her, and poked his shoulder.

"The media said that you have more than 20 girlfriends and are the number one scumbag in the entertainment industry. How does it feel to be regarded as a scumbag?"

"It doesn't matter. A little bad reputation doesn't affect me much."

Link said indifferently.

Selena snorted: "I advised you a long time ago that if you have a girlfriend like Taylor, don't mess around outside. How about now? I think you should find a way to get Taylor back. Taylor is the best for you."


Link shook his head. After dating Emma Watson, Marion Cotillard, and Daddario, he couldn't understand Taylor. He treated her so well, but she just cheated once. How could she bear to break up with him?

Thinking about it, combined with Taylor's past experience, he thought the reason was that Taylor was too career-oriented and had a cold attitude towards feelings. She was a ruthless woman and a real wild horse.

Even if he could get her back, he was not sure to completely possess her.

In this case, it is better to learn from her and be more free and easy with feelings.

"Do you want me to help you? I met Taylor yesterday, and I scolded you in front of her."

Selena smiled proudly.

"Is she back from Nashville?"

"Yes, her new album will be released next month and she will come back to promote it. Do you want to meet her? I can help you make an appointment with her."

Selena said.

Link thought for a moment and decided to forget it.

Before they broke up, the two had a deep relationship, but Taylor also decisively left.

Three months after the breakup, with Taylor's free and easy personality, there is probably no trace of her past relationship left, so it would be useless to see her again at this time.

Besides, he is now the biggest scumbag in the industry, and Taylor may not necessarily like him.

"Demi Lovato, Vanessa Hudgens, and Miley, they are all your friends too, how about you introduce them all to me?"

"Introduced to you? Scumbag, you are hopeless."

Selina kicked him, hugged Annie and left, saying she wanted to stay away from this scumbag like him.

"time to eat!"

Catherine shouted from the dining room.

After lunch, Link took Annie and Selina to Disneyland.

Annie is young and mainly plays some children's projects, such as merry-go-round, dwarf roller coaster, bumper cars, etc.

Selena said that playing with these things was boring at first, but after arriving at the amusement park, she hugged the children's toys and did not let go. She had more fun than Annie, and she did not look like an eighteen-year-old beautiful girl at all.

Link's main task is to protect their safety, and help them take photos and carry their bags.

When we were at the Carousel project, we also met Jessica Alba who was playing here with her ‘囧 Girl’ Oona. However, she was a little busy and was on the phone on the side, leaving her to the maid to take care of.

Sister Ji is eight months younger than Annie. She is also very cute in a small floral skirt. Together with Selena, who has a round face, they are three cuties.

Link took many photos of them.

At around 7 p.m., he drove them home and then drove back to the Santa Monica Bay Villa.

In summer, the foliage of the trees in the villa became thicker and lusher, and the lawn that hadn't been mowed for more than a month was overgrown with weeds.

Link stood in the driveway in front of the door, looking at the silent and empty building. Although the lights in the house were bright, it still gave people a deserted feeling. He found that this place seemed uninhabitable.

Thinking of Selena's words during the day, he sent a message to Taylor, asking her how her new album was and whether she had the confidence to beat "The Woman I Love".

After a while, Taylor didn't respond. Link put down his phone, did ten sets of sit-ups in the gym, took a shower and went to sleep. When he woke up the next day, he received a message on his phone.


Link shook his head, this woman was still so confident.

However, considering that most of the songs in her new album call herself a scumbag, and combined with the current negative news, Link feels that the coming days will not be easy, and she will probably take the position of the number one scumbag this year.

"Remember our bet, that time in the recording studio in January?"

Link sent the message, but after a few minutes there was no reply. He put on his sneakers and went out for a morning jog.

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