Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 331: Destroying Link's Plan

"Destroy Link and divide Link's music. Does Jay-Z want to join?"

As soon as Eminem and others walked to the box on the second floor, they heard this sentence coming from inside. Eminem immediately stopped, looked back at the 50 Cent group, and asked in a low voice how many of them were still there? Do you want to continue listening?

Fifty Cents raised his index finger and gestured "Shh", then put his ear to the door and listened happily.

Eminem shrugged his shoulders, leaned against the railing of the aisle, took out his mobile phone and played elimination games, and listened to the conversation in the room. The main reason was that the sound in the room was too loud, so he didn’t need to put his ear against the door to hear it. .

"Can those scandals bring down Link?" Jay-Z asked.

"Of course you can't rely on scandals. How about adding criminal cases?" Diddy said.

"Criminal case? What kind of case has Link ever done? Do you have any evidence against him?" Jay-Z asked in a surprised voice.

"Not yet. Qiao Xi has checked his file through the judicial system. This guy has been more cautious in doing things as an adult. He does not engage in whoring, gambling, taking drugs, or doing any illegal business. There are almost no flaws. However, he has recently been exposed. Big flaw, lustful!”

Diddy paused for a moment and continued, "It's easy to deal with a lustful person. We just need to arrange a few young girls to give him, and then let the girls come out to report him afterwards. Hmph, guess whether he will become famous Bankruptcy? If he doesn’t want to go to jail, I think he would be happy to use his Link Music shares in exchange for evidence.”

"Sounds like a good idea," Jay-Z said.

Hearing this, Eminem couldn't help but frown, with a look of disgust on his face, and made a 'trash' mouth gesture.

The people at 50 Cents also curled their lips when they heard this. Even if they were not good people, they would never have thought of using such disgusting tactics to deal with Link.

"Josie, it's up to you or me to handle this matter. There are more girls like this at your uncle's place and they are more obedient. How about you arrange it?" Diddy said.

"My uncle has just been released from prison. There are many police officers watching him around. It is not convenient to ask for people from him. You should make the arrangements." A lazy voice said.

"How to arrange it?" Jay-Z asked.

"Eminem's new album is a hit. He will hold a celebration party next week. He has a good relationship with Link. You can call Link over. Then..."

"Fuck Fuck!"

Eminem heard the conversation of several people inside. He could hold it back at first, but then he heard that they wanted to use him to plot against Link. His anger suddenly jumped from his heels to the top of his head, and he kicked open the door of the private room. , cursed at a speed of 12 words per second:

"Garbage! A bunch of garbage! Calling you garbage is also an insult to garbage. You are not even comparable to the garbage in my toilet wastebasket. You are rats, rats in the stinking ditch. From fur to blood and bones, , all exude a vile, foul smell. You hide in the stinking ditch every day, plot against others, and think about how to steal other people's things. You are the most lowly human beings in the world, no, no, you don't You guys are shit. When I see you guys or mention your names, I feel like my eyes and mouth are dirty. I will definitely rinse my mouth with disinfectant and wash my eyes after I go back."


The six people in the room were discussing how to destroy Link and divide up the link music. Suddenly, the door was kicked open. Eminem stood at the door, his mouth like a machine gun, and he was firing at the people in the room. , sprayed randomly, and several people were stunned and did not react at all.

When several people came to their senses, their expressions turned dark. This bastard Eminem was swearing too dirty.

Some of them are either billionaires or second or third generation rich people. They are also respectable people in New York, but now they are called trash, shit, and stinky rats by Eminem.

Diddy and Jay-Z have even uglier faces. They are dark-skinned people and hate being discriminated against.

Now, Eminem is calling them a dirty rat, the lowest human being in the world. This is like stabbing their throats with a toilet brush. Who can bear this kind of thing?

Diddy's face was sullen, his eyes widened, and he pulled out a Desert Eagle from his waist.

"Eminem, stop scolding."

Seeing that something was wrong, 50 Cent grabbed Eminem who was still squirting wildly, covered his mouth, took a few steps back and said with a smile, "Jace, keep talking, we are just passing by."

"Why are you here?"

Jay-Z asked sullenly.

50 cents chuckled, "Jace, Eminem is doing this for your own good. We all know that Epstein and Diddy are not good people. Eminem was worried that you would learn bad things by being with them, so he dragged us up here." I advise you.”

"Fake! 50 cents, who do you think is not a good person?"

Diddy scolded with a dark face.

Although he is called Diddy, he is actually about the same age as Jay-Z. He is in his early forties. He initially worked in gangs to sell fans, and later founded Bad Boy Records, which produced B.I.G., Jay-Z, Mariah Carey, and Jennifer Lopez. Superstars such as Ci have earned hundreds of millions of dollars.

In recent years, I have started doing business and investing, and have done some extraordinary things.

Although he still has a high status in the rap circle, his influence is not as good as before, and top rappers of the younger generation such as 50 Cent don't like him very much.

"Hey, Sean, rappers are not good people, that's what your lyrics say."

50 Cent laughed.

"Get lost! Don't think you can be arrogant here just because you sold tens of millions of albums. If I hadn't led the way, you would be a bunch of drug addicts living in the slums, a bunch of paupers. You should be grateful to me, understand?"

Puff Daddy pointed his gun at several people with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Sean, put the gun away, we are all family here."

Jay-Z frowned and said.

Puff Daddy snorted and said "you come", sat back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and hit his calves with the barrel of the gun.

"Eminem, don't be angry first, come in and sit, let's chat together."

Jay-Z said to Eminem gently.

Eminem shook his head, took a step back, and swept his eyes around several people in the box, saying disdainfully: "Jay, we are friends, I kindly advise you not to get involved with them, there is no benefit, bye!"

Eminem pulled up the hood of his sweater and covered his head, and walked away without looking back.

Jay-Z, Puff Daddy and others all looked gloomy.

"Jay-Z, Eminem is right. You are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and have a good wife like Beyonce. We all envy you to death. You really don't need to get involved with these stinky bugs. What can they bring to you? Bullshit!"

50 Cent said with a sneer.

"Fuck! 50 Cent, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I will smash your stinky mouth?"

Puff Daddy picked up the gun and cursed.

There were four people left in the box. Josie Epstein, Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, and Luther Detsch also had gloomy faces and stared at him angrily.

50 Cent smiled, pulled out a revolver from his waist, shook it and said, "I have this thing too. Let's not scare each other."

Puff Daddy and others saw him take out a pistol, and they held their breath and restrained the anger on their faces.

Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, and Luther Detsch looked at each other and regretted coming to a black bar. This place was not suitable for white people to live in.

"50 Cent, put your gun away. We are all friends. There is no need to do this."

Jay-Z said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

50 Cent shrugged his shoulders, put away his gun, grinned at the people in the box, shouted "Eminem, wait for me", and ran downstairs.

Drake and Chris Brown scratched their heads. They followed up to join in the fun, but accidentally ate a stinky melon, and felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Don't tell anyone what you just heard."

Jay-Z said.

"Okay, we didn't hear anything."

Drake and Chris Brown shrugged their shoulders and left the aisle immediately.

Jay-Z stood at the door for a few seconds with a sullen face, then turned around and said, "Eminem and Link have a good relationship. If he hears our plan, he might tell Link. Link will be prepared and won't be fooled again. How about another way?"

"Don't worry, lust is like drug addiction and alcoholism. Once you are addicted, you can't quit. It doesn't matter if Link is prepared. As long as we design it more cleverly and find more hot girls, he will definitely be fooled."

Josh Epstein said very experiencedly.

"Okay, let's talk about how to distribute Link Music's assets. This is a big cake worth 400 to 500 million. I haven't eaten such a big piece of cake for a long time."

Peter Peltz said excitedly.

Puff Daddy smiled and nodded, arranged two men to stand guard at the door, and then closed the door again.

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