It rained all night, and in the morning, the weather in Paris became cool. There was a lot of water on the streets along the Seine River. The surrounding classical buildings also became like Monet's oil paintings after the rain, with bright and delicate colors.

When Link was having breakfast, he heard Frank say that Director Allen caught a cold last night and had not gotten up yet.

After he and Marion finished their meal, they went to visit him, but Director Allen had a dark face and didn't like them at all.

Link didn't stay there to make things worse. At noon, he followed Marion to the Pompidou Center in the 4th District and met Director Jacques Audiard in a nearby cafe.

Director Audiard is in his fifties and is a famous French director, screenwriter and producer.

He debuted as a director in 1995. His representative works include "Homemade Heroes", "Lip Language Terror", "The Rhythm of My Heart Forgotten" and "The Prophet".

He has won many awards and nominations, including the French Film César Award for Best Director, the Cannes International Film Award Palme d'Or, the American Film Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. He is a director with good strength.

After the meeting, the two sides talked about the movie, and Link and Marion even performed a scene where the male and female protagonists first met on the spot.

Since the two had worked together for more than a month, they had a close relationship and had a tacit understanding when performing.

Director Jacques watched for a while and approved of their performances, but only made some comments on Link's French pronunciation and hoped that he would practice French more before filming.

Link said that it was no problem and he would continue to learn French with Marion.

Director Jacques also mentioned the issue of investment. After obtaining the adaptation rights of the novel last year, he spent half a year conceiving the script and started the film project this month.

The initial budget for this film is 15 million euros, about 16.2 million US dollars. If he is used as the male lead, the budget will be higher.

Director Jacques is also the producer of this film. He has currently received 8 million euros in investment from Lumiere Films. If he is optimistic about this project, the remaining share will be given to his film company to invest.

Link also said that it was no problem.

In the future, he will hold concerts and boxing matches in Europe and France. There will be a lot of ticket revenue and competition share. If he transfers this money back to the United States, he needs to pay additional taxes. It is better to spend it where he earns it and use this money to invest in movies.

If the movie investment is successful, he can also use this money to buy villas, castles, and wineries in Paris or other parts of Europe for future vacations.

After discussing the movie project, Director Audiard left early.

"Are you going to start a film production company in Paris?"

In the Télescope cafe, Marion asked while stirring the coffee with a silver spoon.

"Yes, invest in the production of niche art films, one or two or three films a year, what do you think?"

"It's difficult. Now the film industry is only Hollywood that makes money. French films were good in the 1970s and 1980s, but have declined seriously in recent years. Hundreds of films are made every year, and most of them are losing money."

Marion shrugged her shoulders.

"I understand. I don't make movies to make money. It's mainly so that I can come to see you often." Link said, holding Marion's hand.

Marion looked at his handsome face, her blue-gray eyes trembled, she retracted her fingers to tuck the hair by her ear, and rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, "Little guy, I'm more than ten years older than you, it's good to be your lover, you'd better not think of completely possessing me."

"Okay, I invest in movies here mainly to make money, and secondly to come to see you and learn French, but I don't know much about the French film industry, I want to ask someone familiar with this industry to help, recommend one or two good investment projects every year, or your film projects, whether you make money or lose money, it doesn't matter, is this okay?"

Link said, holding her hand.

Marion looked at him for a few seconds, nodded her chin, and then wrapped her arms around his neck and offered a hot kiss with the aroma of coffee.

Link also held her slender waist, and responded to her warmly in public.

This is Paris, the romantic capital, kissing in public places is very common, which is one of the reasons why he likes Paris.

"Marion? Oh, sorry to bother you."

While they were kissing, two people came over to say hello. Link let go of Marion in his arms, took a look, and found that he knew her too.

The plump woman in a blue suspender dress was Monica Bellucci, a famous Italian movie star.

The man in a casual suit was her husband, the famous French actor Vincent Cassel.

"Hi, Monica, Vincent, are you here too?"

Marion stood up and greeted them.

Monica Bellucci looked at her, then at Link, with a half-smile on her beautiful face.

"So what the news said was true, are you dating?"


Marion said indifferently.

Link also stood up and shook hands with Vincent Cassel and said hello to Monica.

Vincent is in his forties, a handsome middle-aged man, and is also the most famous actor in France.

Representative works include "Saint Joan", "The Apartment", "Wolf Covenant", "Ocean's Twelve", and the upcoming "Black Swan", etc.

Comparatively, his wife Monica Bellucci is more famous worldwide.

Representative works include "Beautiful Legend of Sicily", "Irreversible", "Don't Look Back", etc. Because of her beautiful appearance and plump breasts, she is called "Ball Flower".

However, Qiuhua is also older, in her forties, and her figure has begun to gain weight. She has a round oval face, big breasts and a big ass, making her look like a MILF.

"Mr. Baker, it's nice to see you here, you look more charming than you do on the news."

Monica Bellucci looked at him and smiled.

Link smiled lightly and praised the couple for being very loving and a model couple in the film industry. However, he remembered that the couple seemed to be getting divorced soon.

"Link, I have something to ask Marion. Can I keep you for a few minutes?"


Link glanced at Marion and saw her and Monica sitting next to her. He invited Vincent Cassel to sit down and chat about the "Black Swan" movie.

He is also acquainted with Darren Aronofsky, the director of the "Black Swan" movie. Last year, the other party offered him a role as a ballerina in the movie, but he refused.

In the booth next door, Marion and Monica Bellucci were also chatting. They are both French actors who have settled in Paris. They belong to the same circle. They have been together for a long time and are good friends.

In comparison, Marion's boyfriend Guillaume Canet has a better relationship with Monica Bellucci and his wife. They have collaborated several times, and Marion also met the couple through Guillaume.

"Marion, how does it feel to date a young, strong, older boy?"

Monica Bellucci quipped in a sexy Italian accent.


"Yes, the young man is very energetic, like an angry rhinoceros."

Monica said with a half-smile.

"Link is not an ordinary young man. He is the world boxing champion, the most powerful man in the world. He is very powerful in all aspects."

Marion held up two fingers and asked Monica to guess how long they had been playing since last night.

"twenty minutes?"

Monica asked, blinking.

Marion shook her head slightly and told her to do it in hours, without foreplay.

Monica glanced at Link in the booth next door, lowered her head and stirred the coffee cup, "Guillaume came to my house last night, asked Vincent to drink, and said he was in pain now."

"Is it related to me?"

"Yes, Marion, Guillaume loves you very much, and he doesn't want to see you snatched away by Link."

"He doesn't need to be like this. When I came out, I said that I would stay on the set for these two days and I would go back after filming. Why is he suffering?"

Marion asked.

"Of course it's because he loves you. He loves you very, very much."

"I know, I love him too."

"But you and Link, do you love Link too?"

Monica asked.


"This is the source of Guillaume's pain. He wants you to love him alone."

"You came to me because of this?"

Marion glanced at her. Even though the two were friends, she didn't want anyone to interfere in her private life.

"No, Marion, don't get me wrong. The weather is nice today. Vincent and I are also shopping here. We just happened to meet you."

Monica said with a shrug.

Marion said: "If he loves me he shouldn't limit me, just like I wouldn't stop him from seeing Diane Kruger."

Diane Kruger is Guillaume's ex-wife, a famous German actor and model, whose representative works are "National Treasure" and "Inglourious Basterds". The two got married in 2001 and divorced in 2006.

"Guillaume said that he regretted meeting Diane Kruger. He now understands that the person he loves most is you, and said that he will propose to you next."

Monica Bellucci took Marion's hand and persuaded, "Marion, you should also seriously consider it. Link is too young and is still a playboy. It doesn't matter if you sleep with him, but it's best not to take it seriously. He will definitely I won’t love you like Guillaume.”

Marion Cotillard pondered for a moment and shook her head, "Monica, you are wrong, Link is not a playboy."

"American media reported that he has had many girlfriends. Isn't this a playboy?"

"No, Playboy is using his own advantages to play with women's emotions and bodies, but Link is not. He has never had such thoughts.

He takes relationships very seriously and sincerely, and never thinks of abandoning them after playing around with them.

If at first I dated him because he was handsome and talented, but now, Monica, I seem to have really fallen in love with him, a little more than Guillaume.

He is gentle and elegant, humorous, very serious about his work, very motivated, unlike Guillaume who has no goals, and he is full of strong possessiveness for everything.

Sometimes he holds me as if he wants to melt me ​​into his body. I originally thought I hated this, but after meeting him, I found that I was obsessed with this feeling. I know this is wrong, but I always I can't help but love him. "

Marion held her forehead and looked at Link in the booth next door, her eyes gradually becoming obsessed.

Compared with Vincent next to him, although he does not have the vicissitudes and maturity of an old man who has been pickled by time.

But he is also mature and stable, with a masculine temperament, a flawless handsome face, and a clear and clean smile.

There are also the strong muscles and physique under his clothes, as well as his sometimes gentle and sometimes domineering, sometimes humorous and sometimes melancholy temperament, like a strong and refreshing cocktail, which often makes people want to stop.

Monica glanced at her and shook her head helplessly, wondering how Marion Cotillard, a woman who had been in the entertainment industry for many years, could fall in love with a young Link just because he was strong enough?


"Monica, don't worry about me. I'm over 30 and I know how to deal with emotional matters."

Marion said, putting her arm around Monica's shoulder.

"Okay, let's go over there. It seems that these two grown men don't have much in common."

Monica Bellucci looked at the two people chatting awkwardly and laughed.

Marion also laughed a few times, stood up and sat next to Link again.

Link was relieved to see the two people come back.

At first, the two of them could talk about "Black Swan" for a few sentences. After the chat, he talked about sports, but Vincent was not interested. He also said that Guillaume was his friend and hoped that Link would leave Marion and not affect their relationship.

Link said that he also loved Marion and did not want to destroy anyone's relationship.

Vincent then refuted him in the tone of a middle-aged and elderly person, saying that the reason he flirted with Marion was because she was famous, beautiful, and was called the French Rose. He would feel a sense of accomplishment if he flirted with her.

He also said that this feeling was like poison, and he had experienced it before.

Link objected, saying that he was more famous than Marion and did not need to satisfy his vanity in this way.

Marion was a very charming and profound French woman. Dating with her would help him better understand what love was and learn how to live.

That was why he chose to continue dating her.

Vincent did not believe him and stopped talking to him.

When the two women returned to their seats, the atmosphere in the booth became lively again.

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