Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 327 Do the most romantic thing

"Act 12, 8 shots, 1 shot, action!"

After the car arrived at the Île de la Cité studio in the Seine, director Woody Allen saw him and Marion Cotillard getting out of the car together, with dark faces and without even saying hello, he shouted, "Give them makeup," Shooting starts in ten minutes'.

Link didn't intend to fight with him, so he changed into his original performance clothes, which was a finely crafted gray suit.

He and Director Allen also had many disputes over this suit.

At first, Director Allen asked him to wear a baggy casual suit and a wrinkled shirt, saying that was what he usually wore.

Link disagreed. After the modification, this character was no longer the original Woody Allen, but Link Baker.

When it comes to clothing, it should match his image and personality, be looser and appear casual.

But there’s no need to look ugly by wearing a wrinkled shirt.

Because the character is set to be a famous writer and Hollywood screenwriter, his girlfriend’s family is also very rich, and she is quite particular about her clothes.

There is also the second female lead, Adriana, who is the lover of celebrities such as Picasso, Hemingway, Amedeo, etc., and has met too many outstanding men.

If the male protagonist is slovenly, verbose, and unmanly, how could the other person give up on Picasso and Hemingway and fall in love with him instead?

Link believes that if the male protagonist looks more handsome and his clothes are more refined and fashionable, he can show more modern charm and attract the attention of the second female protagonist and fall in love with him.

Director Woody Allen disapproved, believing that the second female lead fell in love with the male protagonist because of his talent and connotation, not because of his handsomeness.

Link retorted, no matter how talented the actor is, can he still compare with Picasso, Hemingway, Fitzgerald and others?

The two sides were arguing, and the costume designer Sonia Grande came forward and said that she could change into two sets of costumes first to see the effect.

After he put on the exquisitely made suit, the crew members were all attracted by his attire. The crisp suit, messy and stylish long hair, and angular face gave him the look of a classical literary actor. temperament.

Several female staff couldn't help but applaud and cheer, saying he was so sexy.

Director Allen stared at him for a few minutes, scolded him with a dark face and looked like a scumbag, and then called the crew to prepare for filming.


"Link, are you an actor? Look at what you are playing. It's a piece of shit. I tell you, with your behavior, you won't even win the Zimbabwe Film Award, not to mention the Academy Award."

On the set, Director Allen stood behind the monitor and shouted at him.

The crew members couldn't help but sneer when they heard him talking about the Zimbabwe Film Awards. There is no doubt that this is a new award made up by Director Allen to attack Link.

Link shook his head. Before coming to Paris, the director's assistant Frank Alera told him that he would only make up for the rain scenes and not the other scenes. He did not prepare in advance.

After arriving on the set, Director Allen told him that one of the key scenes had not been filmed and asked him and Marion Cotillard to shoot another one.

Without much preparation, he stood in front of the camera. It was normal that he didn't get the shot right the first time.

But Director Allen took advantage of the topic and took the opportunity to mock him, feeling that Director Allen was deliberately teasing him.

"Do you want me to put some water in?"

joked Marion Cotillard.

"No need, I can handle it."

Link said while looking through the script book.

"Are you sure? Director Allen has no intention of letting you pass easily today."

Marion said, straightening his tie.

"Don't worry, I can still be afraid of an old man. As long as he has the energy, I will stay with him until the end."

"Honey, you're so sexy."

Marion stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Link lowered his head to return the kiss and squeezed her buttocks.

Not far away, director Woody Allen was waiting for the two to get ready before taking the next shot, but suddenly he saw the two kissing and squeezing their butts in front of the camera.

The anger in his heart suddenly surged up. He slammed down the director's notebook and shouted:

"Shoot! Start shooting! If it doesn't work this time, don't blame me for swearing."

"Act 12, 8 shots, 2 shots, start!"

Field recorder.

Link and Marion took their positions and began to brew their emotions. When the cameraman signaled to start, Link looked at Marion in confusion: "What are you talking about?"

"We should stay here, this is the beginning of the Belle Epoque, the greatest and most beautiful era in the history of Paris."

Marion was wearing a white ball dress, smiling and speaking in a sexy voice.

"But in the twenties, there was the Charleston, and there were the Fitzgeralds, and there was Hemingway, and I mean I liked those guys more."

Link said with a shrug.

"But that's reality, it's very boring."


A look of surprise appeared on Link's face, and he said with a complex expression, "But that's not my reality. I come from 2010. When I come to your time, it's like we came to 1890."

"This is real?"

Marion asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I was trying to escape my reality, thinking about going back in time, just like you're escaping your reality, looking for the golden years. Look at some of those people over there, for them, the Renaissance was golden era, they would rather exchange the Belle Epoque for the opportunity to paint with Titian and Michelangelo, and people of that era might imagine that the era of Kublai Khan was better. I understand now, although it is not a complete enlightenment, but It also made me understand things that I used to worry about even in my dreams.”

Link gushed.

"What dream?"

asked Marion Cotillard.

"I had a dream, a nightmare, that I ran out of azithromycin and I went to the dentist and they didn't have Novocain, you know what I mean, they didn't have any antibiotics."

"what are you talking about?"

Marion Cotillard looked at Link, with some confusion and confusion on her beautiful face.

Director's area.

"close up!"

Director Woody Allen saw Marion's performance through the monitor and praised, "It's so sexy. Girls like Marion, no matter what era they were born in Paris, will be sought after by celebrities. It's a pity that beautiful girls don't have any taste. Jack Queline Locke is like this, Marion Cotillard is like this, they all like bad men, damn it!”

Director Woody Allen stared at the monitor, his expression becoming very angry.

Assistant director Frank Alera and assistant director Maroni Balestra looked at each other and smiled secretly. They had worked with Director Allen many times and knew something about him.

The Jacqueline Locke that Director Allen mentioned was Picasso's second wife and the object of Director Allen's secret love.

Director Woody Allen visited Paris to study in the 1950s and met Jacqueline Locke. He was immediately attracted by her beauty and even pursued her.

But at that time, he was just a little-known screenwriter. He was short in stature and unattractive in appearance. Apart from humor, he had no outstanding talents.

Jacqueline Rock rejected him cleanly and married the eighty-year-old scumbag Picasso in 1961. After Picasso died in 1973, Jacqueline also committed suicide in 1986.

There is also the character of Picasso in the movie "Midnight in Paris". Probably because he hated Picasso, Woody Allen designed him to be a man who looks like Hitler, rough, cruel, and ruthless.

Adriana, played by Marion Cotillard, is Picasso's lover, but in the movie, she was attracted to the male protagonist and voluntarily left Picasso and chose the male protagonist.

Woody Allen also used this method to complete his revenge on Picasso.

Historically, Picasso had two wives and more than ten public lovers. He did not raise children even after he gave birth to them. He was a complete scumbag.

Link is also a playboy who has had affairs with more than a dozen actresses. Although his fame is far less than that of Picasso, after hearing that Link was sleeping with Marion Cotillard, director Woody Allen His dislike of Picasso was transferred to him.

This also makes the character of Link very complicated. Not only does he have the characteristics of Link himself, but also has elements of Woody Allen. Director Allen also treated the character as Picasso and was hostile.

Frank Alera could also feel the difficulty in Link's performance. He looked at the monitor and said: "Link's performance is also very good. He has a deep understanding of the character. It is difficult for ordinary people to perform like him." A sense of confusion and complexity that travels through time and space.”


Director Woody Allen folded his arms and said nothing. Looking at Link's handsome and elegant face on the monitor and his fluent and emotional delivery of his lines, he also knew that Link acted well, but the more... This makes him more unhappy.

Before joining the group, Link's performance was very rough. He had no professional training and no good director to guide his performance. He was like an unpolished stone.

Over the past month or so, he has been giving guidance to Link, instilling many performance skills into him through every performance, making him more and more proficient in performance, and even gradually forming a performance style that is unique to him.

For actors, having a personal performance style is one of the signs of mature acting skills.

Link started to show off his acting style when he was only 21 years old. This not only shows that he has good talent in acting, but also shows that he is a good teacher as a director.

Originally he should be happy about this, but Link was such a bastard. He picked up girls unscrupulously during filming, treating the crew as his hunting ground, and didn't care at all about his feelings as a director.

Director Allen will naturally not let him go easily.


Director Allen called a pause and took a look at the footage he had just shot. The effect was better than the one shot last month.

Link was under too much pressure last month and there was always a sense of tightness when filming. At that time, he reluctantly gave it a 'pass'.

After a few days of rest, after Link returned to the crew, Director Allen thought about filming it again to see how it turned out. The result was good. Link's performance was more relaxed, with a feeling of sudden enlightenment, which was also Just the element needed in this scene.

But Director Allen did not intend to let Link go like this. He first praised Marion, and then criticized Link for not using his heart when performing. If he had used his heart, he would have performed better.

"Link, you have to do your play again. Put more effort into the performance. I need you to use all your acting skills. Hurry up!"

Director Allen shouted.

On the set, Link was helpless. In the scene just now, the male protagonist had 227 lines, a total of five pages. He memorized it for many days before he could speak it according to his own understanding and speaking speed.

I said it twice during the performance just now, and it's too much trouble for him to say it again.

"Link, you performed very well. There is no problem. Director Allen is deliberately causing trouble for you."

Marion said.

"I understand that this old man is old and can only have this much fun in a day, so let him do it as he wishes and do it again. Treat it as daily line training."

Link said nonchalantly.

"My dear, you are amazing, so outstanding, and so generous and tolerant. What should I do if I fall in love with you more and more?"

Marion leaned into his arms and said with obsessed eyes.

Link hugged her soft waist, lowered his head and kissed her red lips.

Over in the director's area, Director Allen raised his head to see how Link was preparing, but saw the two hugging each other and kissing passionately. They had no scruples at all in front of dozens of people on the crew.

Director Allen was so angry that he slammed the table and was about to scold Link again.


Suddenly there was thunder in the sky, the sky in the west was covered with dark clouds, and it looked like it was going to rain.

"Transition! Keep shooting!"

"Link, stop kissing and get ready to film the next scene."

shouted Frank Alera.

But Link and Marion Cotillard were still kissing until it started to rain. The two of them kissed in the rain as if no one was around.

Director Allen held up an umbrella and watched the scene of the two kissing in the rain. The envy and jealousy on his face were undisguised. Kissing a sexy French girl in Paris in the rain was the most romantic thing he had ever imagined. thing.

But he only thought about this kind of thing in his heart and had never experienced it.

But Link, a scumbag, did it easily. He kissed the most popular French actress on a rainy day in Paris.

"What a jealous bastard!"

Director Allen cursed.

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