Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 291 Is there still a chance?

When he entered the door, he happened to meet Mrs. Andrea coming out of the house, followed by two cats, Meridian and Olivia. The two cats saw him and meowed at him.

"Hi Annie!"

Facing Mrs. Andrea, Link was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain to her.

"I'm back. Taylor is upstairs. If you have anything to say, go tell her."

Mrs. Andrea grabbed the two kittens and walked out of the villa expressionlessly.

Link took off his hat, changed into light clothes, and then went to the piano room on the second floor. He stood at the door of the piano room and listened. There was no sound in the room.

"My dear, are you there? I'm back."

Link said as he knocked on the door.

There was no response from the room.

"Honey, I apologize to you. I should have pushed Emma away."

Link explained a few words outside the door and talked about the ins and outs of that day.

After the game, his adrenaline was so high that he wanted to do something crazy. Emma just ran into the locker room. He couldn't control it for a moment, and that's what happened. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he thought of his identity. , immediately pushed Emma away and did not continue.

But no matter what the reason was, the reason was that his willpower was too weak, he couldn't resist the temptation of the opposite sex, and he committed the same mistakes that normal men would make.

Link spoke for a while, but Taylor still didn't respond to his words.

Just as he was about to continue apologizing, there was a pleasant tinkling sound coming from the room. It was a song that he had never heard before, including the albums released by Taylor II. There was no such song.

Link was a little surprised. Could it be that this incident stimulated Taylor and made her write a new song?

It's just that this piece of music sounded warm and peaceful at first with gentle wind and drizzle, but then with a rising key, the rhythm of the music became fast and violent, as if it suddenly entered a thunderstorm, with lightning and thunder, and the momentum of destroying everything, like that The first song "Blank Space" written by Taylor is for the scumbag.

Link's scalp felt tense upon hearing this.

The music in the room lasted for more than four minutes.

It ends abruptly at the end.

Link asked Taylor if it was her new song and if she had written any lyrics. He also praised it as a good song and had a good chance of reaching the top of the singles chart.

Taylor still didn't respond.

Link sighed helplessly and heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Mrs. Andrea, Ms. Mandy, Catherine, and the round-faced Selena holding Olivia.

Several people looked at him as if they were watching a good show.

"Ha, Link, I told you a long time ago, don't be half-hearted as a man. How about now? Did you fall into the water?"

Selina walked over with Cat Tuan in her arms, blinked her round eyes, and looked at him mockingly.

Link raised his hand and hit her on the forehead. Selina covered her forehead and stared at him angrily, "You dare to hit me? Link, have you forgotten who I am? I am a saint who can communicate with the gods. Priestess, you will be punished by the gods if you hit me. I will punish you severely."

Link saw that this girl was addicted to dressing up as a saint. He raised his hand and frightened her to take a step back. He smiled and said, "Do you know who I am? I am God!"


Selina gave him a big roll of her eyes, with a bulging little round face, and Tata walked to the door and shouted, "Taylor, don't forgive this stinky guy Link, he is too bad, he must be cold." , Two days, don’t talk to him for one day, this bad guy is not worthy of our attention. "

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Ms. Mandy came over and smiled and said, "It's normal for couples to have conflicts. It's normal to have a few quarrels and a few fights. There are no couples in the world who never quarrel and have conflicts."

"Mom, what do you mean, no matter who I find as my boyfriend in the future, I will always quarrel and fight with him? Is having a boyfriend so scary?"

Selina blinked her big bright eyes and looked at Mandy, Catherine, and Mrs. Andrea curiously.

Ms. Mandy nodded her forehead, pointed to the room, and whispered: "I am trying to persuade Taylor, please don't interrupt."

Selina Qiong snorted softly, rolled her big eyes and said: "The trouble was caused by Link. I think he should handle this place. If he can coax Taylor well, he will be lucky, but if he can't coax him well, he will be lucky." Taylor, he asked for it, and we are of no use here."

Link glanced at her sideways. Although what Selena said was a bit unpleasant, it was also true. The person who tied the bell had to untie it. If he wanted to persuade Taylor, he still needed to work hard on his own.

He expressed his gratitude to Mrs. Andrea, Ms. Mandy, and Catherine. He had not been able to come back in time in the past two days and had troubled them to take care of the family affairs.

Now that I am back, I am responsible for the rest.

Mandy and Mrs. Andrea had something to do, so they drove away one after another.

Catherine gave him a few words of caution, asking him not to be too impatient.

Girls like Taylor who are smart in their youth are generally proud, willful, and unwilling to accept betrayal. When dealing with them, you need to be more patient, use more sweet words to coax, and follow her wishes first. The problem will not be too serious. .

Link nodded repeatedly as he listened.

"Selena, can you leave?"

Catherine asked looking at Selina who was still playing with her cat.

"No! I want to watch the fun here, no, I want to help Link persuade Taylor to prevent the two of them from fighting and no one will stop them."

Selina sniffed her delicate nose and said.

Catherine saw that she had a short body, and it would be difficult to persuade two big men not to fight. However, the probability of Link and Taylor fighting was too small, and there was no need for Selina to persuade them.

"Okay, you stay here first, remember there is an internal meeting of the crew at four o'clock in the afternoon."

"I know, I'll remember it."

Selina nodded repeatedly.

After Catherine left, Selina stuck out the tip of her tongue, sat down on the carpet, hugged the two kittens and said: "Oli, Merry, what should I do if that idiot can't get in? There is a ladder in the tool room, do you want it?" Remind that fool to get a ladder and get in through the window."


Meridian called to Link.

Link glanced at the little round face, walked to the door of the piano room and knocked, "Dear, please open the door. I suddenly had an inspiration. It's a great song. I need to borrow the piano, can I?" "

"Link, stop! If we can't get in, we can wait. It's a bad idea to lie to people, and the consequences will be very serious."

Selina hurried over, took his arm and said.

"I was really inspired."

Link said, pressing her shoulder.


The door was opened, and Taylor appeared at the door, with long blond hair hanging loose, wearing a T-shirt and denim trousers. His face was bare-faced, with no makeup and no expression. He just held a sharp pencil tightly in his right hand. There are blue veins on the back of the white hand.

"Hi, Taylor!"

Selena blinked her big eyes and smiled at Taylor.

Taylor nodded reluctantly, and just when Link was about to say hello, Taylor narrowed his blue eyes and said in a cold voice: "I will never let a man lie to me twice. You better really need the piano."

"Really, I didn't lie to you. Are you okay?"

Link looked at Taylor's face and asked with some remorse.

Taylor didn't answer, walked to the piano, held a pencil and looked at him coldly.

"Link, you're dead this time."

Selina muttered, pushed him in the back, and trotted to stand next to Taylor. She looked around, grabbed a crystal trophy, and glared at Link angrily, with an expression even more fierce than Taylor's.

"What are you looking at? Write a song quickly. No matter what, you have to write a little bit, otherwise you won't even think about going out today."

Selina waved the trophy and winked at Link.

Link shook his head and sat down in front of the piano, placing his slender fingers on the black and white keys.

What song should I write?



He looked at Taylor's face, which was no longer as affectionate as before, with a bit of coldness and alienation.

He shrugged helplessly. This was all caused by himself. There was nothing else that needed to be explained.


Seeing him sitting there without making a move, Selina shook Taylor's arm and said softly, "Link just got off the plane and his head is still dizzy. How about giving him another day to think about it seriously?"

Taylor snorted softly, turned around and walked outside.

At this time, the sound of the piano slowly sounded, ding ding dong dong! The top note is a little bumpy, but it sounds good, like a new song.

Taylor stopped, and Selina, who was about to catch up, also stopped and looked back at him in surprise.

You know I try but I don't do too well with apologies

You know I tried to get you back but I'm not good at apologizing

I hope I don't run out of time

I hope it's not too late

Could someone call a referee?

Can anyone help us mediate?

Cause I just need one more shot have a forgiveness

Because I just want you to give me another chance and ask for your forgiveness.

I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice


After hearing a few words, Selena turned into a silly face. Her big eyes were round and her small mouth was open in an 'O' shape. She looked at Link and then at Taylor in surprise.

"I don't think I've heard this song, Taylor, have you heard it?"

Taylor shook his head slightly, frowned his slender eyebrows, and listened to the song quietly.

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Is it too late to say sorry now?

Yeah I know that I let you down

Yes, I know I let you down

Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

Is it too late to say sorry now?

I'm sorry, yeah



After hearing these words, Selena covered her mouth in surprise. In order to apologize, this guy wrote a special song. It was a very nice song. This is amazing.

She looked at Taylor curiously again. Can Link get her understanding by apologizing in this way?

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