"Haha, Jess, don't worry, just wait and watch the excitement tonight. It's eight o'clock in the evening, YouTube."

SB Projects Entertainment Company, in the president's office, Scout hung up the phone with a smile.

If someone asked, he might not tell, but Jay-Z is his past boss, a big boss in the rap industry, and a partner of the company at this stage, so he still has to give him some respect.

Scout thought for a moment, then called the director of the publicity department and asked them to contact the media in advance and contact several more companies. When the video comes out, they must rush to hype it before it is deleted.

After contacting the media, Scout leaned on the sofa, poured a glass of red wine, and rethought his thoughts to see if there were any loopholes.

In the end, it was discovered that the entire plan was well thought out and everything was ready. The video was uploaded online at eight o'clock in the evening, setting off a huge public opinion storm in the United States.

"Link, prepare to give way."

Scout looked at Link on the newspaper and sneered.

"Boss, President Ivaca of Link Music is here and wants to talk to you about something."

Assistant Alex called and said.

"Oh? Why is she here?"

Scout frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart. Could it be that Link Music heard the noise and Ivaca wanted to convince herself not to post the video and let Link go?

Scout chuckled. It was absolutely impossible to let Link go. The mall was like a battlefield. Once he caught the enemy's flaw, he would fight to death.

Being soft on the enemy is causing trouble for yourself.

Not to mention that the video was sent by Kunas Jr. and he had no right to make the decision.

"Boss, do you want to meet her?"

Alex asked.

"See you! Please come in, Miss Ivaca."

Scout straightened his tie and stood up. He once met Ivaca at a business party. She was like the moon, surrounded by everyone. She was sexy, noble and stunning, just like little Kunas. Everyone ignored him, and Scout didn't even get a chance to get close to him.

But this time Iwaka came to SB Company in person to find him.

Scout felt very good. He looked in the mirror, tightened his tie, and combed his hair back. When he heard footsteps coming from outside, he put down his comb and returned to the office chair to sit upright.

"Please come in!"

The door was pushed open, and assistant Alex held the door.

Standing outside the door was Ivaca, wearing a moon-white women's suit with a platinum lining, long golden hair tied behind her head, and red lips with fresh rose petals, adding bright colors to her elegant clothes. The whole person looked dignified, luxurious and She is cool and charming, and her plump and plump body curves make her look very sexy.

"Haha, Miss Iwaka, welcome to SB Company, please take a seat!"

Scout stood up from behind his desk, stretched out his hands and smiled warmly.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Braun!"

Ivaca nodded slightly, walked into the office with the two assistants, and sat down on the sofa in the middle.

"Haha, Miss Iwaka, I have heard of your name a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to come to SB Company as a guest. It's really a rare visitor. Miss Iwaka, do you have anything to do with me?"

Scout sat on the sofa opposite and asked with a smile.

Ivaca said: "Mr. Braun, I learned from Wall Street that SB Entertainment has done well this year and is of great investment value. Today, I will come forward on behalf of Link Music and plan to use 10 million to acquire SB Entertainment. I hope Can you think about it?"

"Buy my company?"

Scout was stunned for a moment, and his mind was a little confused for a while.

Today he contacted the media in the office, planning to release Link's private video in the evening and plot against Link.

At this time, Alex told him that Miss Ivaca, the president of Link Music, arrived and said she wanted to talk to him.

He subconsciously thought that Ivaca was here for the video and asked him not to post the video.

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Iwaka wanted to acquire SB Entertainment as soon as she opened her mouth, and she only offered $10 million.

You must know that SB Agency has more than ten contracted artists, including pop singer Justin Bieber, famous singer and actor Ludacris, rap king Kanye West and Usher, etc.

The market value is no less than 60 million U.S. dollars. As Justin's album sells and his fame skyrockets, the company's market value will become higher and higher.

But Evaka actually wanted to use 10 million US dollars to buy SB Brokerage Company.

And a tone that leaves no room for doubt.

"10 million US dollars? Miss Ivaca, are you sure you're not joking?"

Scout slowly lowered his face and stared at the woman opposite with beautiful appearance, plump figure and luxurious temperament. He had some doubts about whether she was the legendary Miss Ivaca who was both beautiful and wise.

Ivaca crossed her legs and swayed, placed her hands on her thighs casually, looked at Scout opposite and said: "Mr. Braun, I am very serious, and I hope you can seriously consider it."

Scout's eye muscles twitched, and he held back his anger and asked again, "Miss Ivaca, are you sure you are using 10 million to acquire SB Company, not 10% of SB Company's shares?"

"Mr. Braun, you heard it right. Link Music plans to acquire 100% of the shares of SB Projects Entertainment Company for US$10 million and operate SB Company as a subsidiary. This is our acquisition proposal. Take a look."

Ivaca waved her fingers, and the secretary standing behind took a step forward, took out a folder, opened it and placed it in front of Scout.

When Scout saw that Ivaca had even drawn up the acquisition contract, he was so angry that the blood vessels in the corners of his eyes were beating. This woman was too domineering. She just threw over a super unequal contract without even discussing it. Could it be that she Think you can sign it?

Does this woman take him for a fool?

"Miss Ivaca, I have no plans to sell SB Company for the time being. There is no need to talk about this matter anymore."

Scout stood up and said.

Ivaca raised her sexy lips, waved her hand, and the secretary took out another folder and put it on the desk.

"Miss Ivaca, there is no need to waste time. No matter what conditions you offer, I will never agree to sell the company to you."

Scout sneered.

"Mr. Braun, don't worry, look at the documents first, maybe you will change your mind."

Ivaca pointed to the folder, with a calm smile on her beautiful face.

Scout shook his head, feeling a little disappointed.

It is rumored that Iwaka, the president of Link Music, is a beautiful, sexy, smart, and business-minded woman. But when I met her today, she was nothing but beautiful and sexy.

It’s really a miracle that such a person can take Link Music from scratch to its current scale.

He picked up the document and glanced at it. It was a copy of the song copyright information registration information produced by the American Songwriters Guild.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but as he looked down, his face became paler, his forehead began to sweat, and his brown curly hair became wet.

The information is the registration information of a song called "Baby". Judging from the registration information, there are seven or eight lyrics and music scores that are the same as Justin's "Baby", and the chorus is almost identical.

He looked at the registration time, which was December 18, 2008. The copyright was registered under Link Music, and the songwriters were Link Baker and Graeme Goodall.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Scout yelled.

Ivaca crossed her fingers and said with a faint smile: "The Composers Association has an archive. You can go and see if it is true or false. I am very busy and have no interest in deceiving you with a false information."

Scout shook his hands and looked at the information on the document again. No matter where he looked, it was true. A person with Ivaca's identity would not use a false document to defraud.

Could it be that his group of composers really stole Link's songs?

Suddenly he thought that at the end of last year, the company hired a production assistant from Link Music. Could it be his fault?

"Miss Iwaka, this is definitely a coincidence. The musicians in our company definitely did not plagiarize Link's songs. I promise God."

Scout explained quickly.

Ivaca shook her head slightly and said coldly: "It's useless to promise God, this matter falls under the jurisdiction of the law. I have evidence to prove that you have poached eight people from Link Music through a series of unfair competition methods since last year. A famous musician, what’s even more disgusting is that you let people steal Link’s songs and openly make them into albums. Mr. Braun, in your eyes, does the law not matter at all?”

"I didn't! I definitely didn't ask anyone to steal Link's music library, I swear!"

Scout quickly defended.

Ivaca looked at him quietly, moving her bright and plump lips and said coldly: "I have evidence to prove that you have done these things. What evidence do you have to prove that you have not done them? Maybe you can explain to the judge, Let’s see if the judge believes you.”

Scout opened her mouth, her mind buzzing.

It is true that people were poached from Link Music. Many people know this and cannot hide it at all. As for plagiarizing Link's songs, even if he wants to quibble, the evidence is solid and it is difficult to argue with him.

"Miss Ivaca, there must be some misunderstanding here. Please give me three days to check. I need to know what went wrong."

Scout said.

"At this time tomorrow, Link Music's legal department will formally file a lawsuit with the Manhattan District Court against SB Company and its musicians Justin Bieber, Ludacris and others for infringement."

Ivaca said something loudly, got up and left with her two assistants.

Scout stared blankly as Ivaca's sultry figure disappeared from the door, and her body lay limply on the sofa.

how so?

Previously, he wanted to use the video to severely deceive Link, so that Link's reputation would be tarnished and the album would be unsaleable. He would then step up the promotion of Justin's new album and try to eat up the share Link lost.

Taking advantage of the album's success, Justin stepped on Link's stepping stone to rise to the top.


How could "Baby" be copied?

Scout scolded Falk a few times, picked up the phone and called his assistant Alex, asking him to check the copyright information of "Baby". At the same time, he called several people in the production department and asked them to give him an explanation.

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