The next day, it was a sunny day in Los Angeles again. Because he came back late last night, Link went to bed later. When he woke up, the sky outside the window was already bright.

"Honey, it's time to wake up."

"No, I want to sleep for a while, and you go cook first."

"All right!"

Link stretched out, put on a T-shirt and shorts, opened the curtains, and the morning light of Los Angeles shone warmly into the room through the windows.

Seeing that Taylor was still sleeping, he closed the curtains again, did chest expansion exercises, went downstairs and ran for more than ten kilometers on the Gulf Highway, and bought some fresh vegetables and fruits at the Carrefour supermarket in the Gulf.

Back home, Taylor had just gotten up and was still busy in the bathroom.

Link made a breakfast and put it on the table. While eating, he picked up the newspaper on the table and read it.

The Grammy Awards are over, and news about the Grammy Awards is out.

Beyoncé won six out of ten nominations, becoming the singer with the most wins at the same time in the history of the Grammy Awards.

Taylor won four out of eight and ranked second in the number of awards.

Jay-Z ranked third with three out of five mentions.

Lady Gaga, Kanye, Eminem, Maxwell, Kings of Leon and more all won two awards.

Link's second out of eight nominations has become the most controversial topic at this year's Grammy Awards.

"Los Angeles Times" commented that this year's Grammy Awards allowed more young singers to be selected during the nomination process. This is a great progress and also shows that the Grammy Awards will adopt a more open attitude in the next ten years. The newcomers accept the Internet, unlike the past few generations who regarded the Internet as the enemy of the development of the music industry.

The above points are good, but the Grammy Awards judges are still tied up in the award process and do not dare to take steps and boldly accept new things.

For example, Link released a total of 32 songs last year, three of which topped the Billboard singles chart, and 22 songs entered the top 100 of the singles chart, although he is not the singer with the most number one singles. , and he is not the person with the most entries into the top 100.

But it was the person who had the most songs entering the top 100 in the same year.

This is a new record in Billboard history.

There are also his singles "see you again", "Unstoppable", "Give Me Reason", "Believer" and "lighters", which ranked first and fourth respectively on the '09 Top 50' list released by Rolling Stone Magazine. Nine, eighteen, thirty-two, forty-five.

Link is also the only artist to have five songs on the chart at the same time.

For such a singer who has achieved astonishing achievements, the Grammy Awards could have adopted a more open and inclusive attitude to accept him, but they did not.

The same thing happened to Lady Gaga. Since last year, Lady Gaga has become synonymous with fashion, avant-garde, and weirdness. Her songs and herself have taken the world by storm, becoming a phenomenal singer.

But at this year's Grammy Awards, she only won two awards, Best Dance Single Record and Best Dance Album.

The Los Angeles Times said of this year's Grammy, "She cunningly took back the dance steps she took and paced in place."

Other mainstream media also commented on this year's Grammy Awards with mixed reviews, making this year's Grammy Awards a very controversial one.

In addition to the news about the Grammy Awards, mainstream media also reported that Justin Bieber, the representative of 50 Cent, challenged Link to compete with him on the pop song charts.

The media also reported and commented on this incident.

The "Hollywood Reporter" also reported an interesting fact. At 11:45 last night, the Los Angeles 911 center received a police call claiming that '50 cents is going to shoot something.' According to police investigation, the phone number belonged to the famous rapper Eminem.

Netizens speculated that the person 50 Cent was about to shoot was probably Link Baker.

This news also adds a bloody flavor to the battle between the two sides in March and April.

Jingle Bell!

Link put down the newspaper, stood up and picked up his charging cell phone.

"Good morning, do you have any good news for me?"

Link sat back on the sofa, crossing his calves and letting the Los Angeles sunshine shine on him.

"No! I have some bad news for you, are you ready?"

Ivaca's voice in the receiver had a hint of morning laziness, as if Olivia's fluffy tail had swept across her face.


Link was a little surprised.

"Yes! According to internal information from the Grammy Awards jury, you were supposed to win five Grammy Awards last night, second only to Beyoncé. However, due to interference from external factors, three trophies were canceled."

"Really? Have you found out who is behind this?"

Link had already made some guesses last night and was not surprised by the news. He picked up the milk on the table and took a sip.

"There is a suspect, little Kunas."

"Hate out of love?"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Ivaca said in a calm voice, "One more thing. Since last night, many singers have publicly recommended Justin's "Baby", which has also caused the sales of this single to skyrocket, from 23,000 copies to 28,000 copies. , according to this trend, this song is very likely to top the singles chart this week."

"It doesn't matter! We also have the championship single."

Link said while eating bread.

"Don't be too careless. They can hype a catchy song into a champion single. This shows that the operating company behind Justin is very powerful. They are more professional than our team in hyping songs and promoting singers. This is a powerful opponent. We should be more vigilant."

Link nodded and felt that what Ivaka said made sense.

In the past, singers became famous by strength. Some people did not make a name for themselves for ten years, but suddenly became a sensation.

In the Internet era, many things have changed. Singers become famous more by marketing hype, full coverage exposure, and fans. Judging from the signs of Kanye and Justin's popularity, Scooter of SB Agency is undoubtedly a marketing expert.

"I understand. Is there any other bad news?"

"Do you want to hear it? There are still many."

Ivaka told him a few more bad news.

For example, Wiz Khalifa smoked marijuana in the recording studio. Although he promised not to do it again afterwards, it seems that his promise was useless.

Also, Mars lost $200,000 gambling in a casino in his hometown of Hawaii during the New Year and was detained in the casino. Later, his assistant paid money to redeem him. Last week, a tabloid broke the news. Link Music's public relations department spent a lot of money to remove the news.

Link touched his forehead after hearing this. Several singers under him are very talented, but they are not well-behaved people.

Wiz Khalifa is known as the "God of Ma", and Mars is known as the "God of Gambling".

Lana is a little better and has not had any problems for the time being, but it is only for the time being. This girl used to say that she wanted to commit suicide and die in news interviews. Even the album titles are "Kill kill" and "Born to Dead".

They are all problem youths.

Given the current situation of Link Music, with internal and external troubles, it is not easy to survive in the competition with peers and become bigger and stronger.

Link asked Evaka what countermeasures she had. Evaka told him to concentrate on preparing for the Super Bowl and not to worry about other things for the time being. She called him to tell him these things to remind him to pay more attention in normal times and be careful of being plotted against by opponents.

Link said he understood.

"Boss, it's time to rehearse at the Art Theater."

Anna came in with a shoulder bag and reminded him.

"Got it!"

Link drank the milk in the cup, shouted to the upstairs, "Honey, I'm going to rehearse", put on his coat and got up to go out.

January 31st is the Grammy Awards ceremony, and February 7th is the day of the Super Bowl. There are only seven days in between, so after Link is busy with the Grammys, he has to rehearse the Super Bowl halftime show.

During the few days he was rehearsing, the competition in the music industry became more intense. On the album chart, the albums of Kesha, Antebellum, Monica Arnold and others fought against each other, competing openly and secretly for the weekly championship.

The competition on the singles chart is even more intense, with Wiz's "Black and Yellow", Goddess' "Need You Now", Usher's "Hey Daddy", and Justin's "Baby" by Kesha.

These five songs are also No. 1 on the rap chart, No. 1 on the country music chart, No. 1 on the blues chart, and No. 1 on the pop chart.

Goddess' "Need You Now" won the championship for two consecutive weeks in mid-January, and had the opportunity to continue to win the championship.

But after the Grammys, "Baby" was recommended by many celebrity singers, and its exposure rate increased significantly.

There are many Internet celebrities on YouTube who filmed videos imitating Justin's dance, which also brought a lot of popularity to this song. There are also radio broadcasts, TV commercials, bars and shopping malls, etc., all of which can hear this song.

After the Grammys, the digital sales of "Baby" on the online platform skyrocketed, selling 124,000 copies in a week, defeating "Need You Now" on the singles chart and becoming a champion single. Justin also became the youngest singer in the history of Billboard to win a single championship.

For a time, Justin's fame in the European and American music scene increased greatly, and he almost became the most popular male singer in the pop music scene.

Many media predicted that with Justin's current popularity, even if Link could beat him on the singles chart, it would not be easy to win.

The New York Post also mentioned that Justin, Usher, and Drake chose to release their new albums around Link's third album. Whether Link's third album can break through the siege and achieve good results is still an unknown.

Link didn't care about these news, and was focused on rehearsing new songs in the theater.

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