Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 217 The Thief's Trick

Bang, bang, bang!

At the training center, Link did half an hour of rope skipping training, one hour of weight training, and two hours of boxing confrontation practice. He was sweating and tired.

However, the physical and mental discomfort caused by jet lag and long flight was also relieved during the training, and the whole person became more relaxed.

When he came out of the training center, night had fallen on the banks of the Thames in London.

During the day, the streets were crowded with cars and advertising signs on both sides. It felt that London was not much different from New York and Los Angeles.

But at night, everything became different.

There were almost no cars near London Bridge, but pedestrians and tourists became bustling.

On the Tower Bridge, the Thames embankment, and the ships on the river, there were traces of tourists everywhere.

Those ancient buildings that have survived the long history, the Shard, the Walkie Talkie Building, the Tower of London, the London Eye, Big Ben, and the Gherkin, also showed their majestic and magnificent figures under the reflection of neon lights.

London at night is five or six hundred years older than during the day.

Link took out his phone and stood by the Thames, taking a few photos of the Tower Bridge in front of him. The phone had average pixels, so the photos were blurry, but the delicate and elegant outline of the Tower Bridge could be vaguely seen.

He sent the photos to Taylor, Selena, and Eva Ka.

London is five hours away from New York and eight hours away from Los Angeles, and it is still daytime in the United States at this time.

After seeing the photos, Selena kept saying that they were beautiful and asked him to take a few more. In the end, she became more and more excited and said that she also wanted to come to London to play.

She also asked him to ask Katherine and Mandy for favors. He was their boss, and they dared not disobey.

Of course, this was not possible. She was busy promoting her new album and had no time to come for the time being.

Link promised to bring her over for the next concert.

Eva Ka also replied to the message, but replied lightly, "The scenery is nice, but the shooting skills need to be improved", like a photography teacher correcting his homework.

Then he added, "British paparazzi are crazy, don't mess around there," which seriously doubted his character.

Taylor replied slowly and asked him who he was playing with?

Link replied that there were many people, Anna, Wallace, Bob, and members of the training team. They decided to take a night cruise on the Thames.

Taylor replied that she had played in London for two days last year and suggested that he go to Waterloo Bridge to have a look. It was the filming location of the old movie "Waterloo Bridge". The scenery at night was very good, but the wind on the river was a bit cold in September, so he asked him to wear a coat before going.

Link said he knew it. He also selected four photos that he thought were the most beautiful among many photos and posted them on Twitter.

He currently has 11.2 million Twitter followers, making him one of the users with the most Twitter followers.

After the photo was posted, the fans responded very enthusiastically. In less than three minutes, the number of likes exceeded 30,000, and the number of comments skyrocketed.

Most of them praised London at night for being so beautiful and wanted to travel to London.

Some people also asked him what he was doing in London, holding a concert?

Link replied that he was coming to London to participate in a boxing match.

Soon, fans cheered him online, hoping that he could get all the gold belts for everyone to draw.

Some people also commented that his photography skills were average and the pixels of his mobile phone were average, and advised him to change to a digital camera for shooting. Some people also wanted him to appear in the photo, wanting to see a photo of him standing on the Thames.

Link felt that these people were asking too much.

"Boss, the police called and asked if you were at the Tower Bridge. If you were, they advised you to go back early. Many fans are rushing here. It is easy to have unsafe incidents at night when there are too many people."

Anna put away the phone and said.

Link smiled helplessly. He was so busy posting photos that he forgot that he was a big star.

He noticed that there were indeed many young people on the Tower Bridge rushing in this direction, so he had to change his night tour plan and get on the car back to the hotel in advance.


In a small cafe not far from the Tower Bridge, reporter Bernard Gary saw Link walking into the business car through the camera lens, picked up the phone on the table and said:

"Biggs! Pay attention! Link is about to return to the hotel, you find a way to follow him and find out which floor and room he lives in."


"Damn, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, nothing, just took a puff."

Curo Biggs said with a strange smile.

Gary gritted his teeth and cursed, "Biggs, Link is a big fish. If you want to get the money, you'd better be serious."

"Hehe, I understand, I understand everything. I'm taking drugs at this time to do a better job, not to be lazy."

"Okay, Link will go back to the hotel immediately. You find a way to catch up with him, or ask the waiter for his room number. We must keep an eye on him to avoid missing this big fish."

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm here with Biggs, the thief. Not only can I find out the room number, I can also find out what color underwear Link wears and what type of condom he uses."

"Notify me if there is any news."

Gary didn't waste time talking to him. He hung up the phone and called James Rider again to ask him if he had sneaked into Link's security team.

Officer Rider replied that he hadn't, but he took the initiative to apply for overtime and was currently assigned to patrol outside the Tower of London Hotel.

Gary said it was great and asked him to keep an eye on the hotel entrance and notify him in time if he saw a suspicious vehicle or a woman wearing sunglasses and a hat.

Gary called the Charlotte detective again to ask.

Charlotte said Emma went out in the afternoon, walked around the shopping mall, bought more than ten sets of fashion, and returned to the apartment. There was no unusual movement for the time being.

"Very good!"

Gary hung up the phone and drove to the Tower of London Hotel.


"Hey, good evening, Mr. Baker!"

Link had just returned to the hotel lobby when a man in a suit took off his hat and greeted him. The man was thin and had a few burnt yellow rotten teeth in his mouth.

In the movie "The Fighter", Christian Bale played Dick, an addict, and he also had rotten teeth. His teeth slowly turned white after quitting drugs.

Seeing this mouth of teeth, Link knew that the other party was probably not a serious person.

"Hello, sir!"

Link responded politely.

"Mr. Baker, my daughter Alice is your fan. She likes your songs very much. When I went out today, she specifically told me that if I saw you, please bring her a copy of your autograph, Mr. Baker, okay?"

Biggs took out a record of Link and said eagerly.

Link looked at him unexpectedly. He didn't expect that this drug addict was still a good father.

He didn't refuse. He stopped and took out a pen to write on it, "To Alice, grow up healthily, and be a brave girl-Link".

At this time, the hotel waiter pushed a food cart over.

Link took a step back, and Biggs also gave way. Suddenly, he stumbled and bumped into Link. Wallace saw something wrong and quickly blocked the two of them and reached out to grab Biggs' collar.

"Hey, man, be careful!"

Wallace lifted Biggs to stand steady.

"Hey, sorry sir, the ground is too slippery, I didn't stand steady, thank you."

Biggs grinned strangely.

Link shook his head and returned the record to the man. After the other party left, he said to Wallace, "He seems to have put something in your trouser pocket."

Wallace touched it with his hand and found a small eavesdropping device.

"Fuck, damn paparazzi."

"Leave it to the police."

Link waved his hand and walked into the elevator.

In the Internet age, communication is advanced, and there are many sophisticated spying and eavesdropping devices on the market, like little bugs, penetrating everywhere.

Because of the existence of these things, Link rarely lives outside. Every time before checking into a hotel, he will check it with professional equipment to prevent being photographed and used for blackmail.



After returning to the hotel, the thief Biggs turned on the computer and prepared to eavesdrop, but heard a harsh buzzing sound from the monitor. He cursed shit and threw down the headphones in anger.


A few years ago, in order to rob a bank, he took the initiative to learn some Internet technology.

Relying on superb stealing skills and computer technology, he did make some money in those years.

But he should never, ever, get addicted to drugs.

After taking drugs, his physical and mental conditions were much worse than before. Because of this, he changed from a big thief who robbed banks to a thief who broke into houses and picked locks.

Although he became a thief, he still had the skills and experience of stealing.

His previous plan was to sneak up on Link by signing, and then put the bug in Link's pocket.

By the strength of the sound coming from the bug, he could estimate the location of his room, and if he was lucky, he could even hear some important conversations.

But many things are easier said than done.

He didn't expect Link to give in so quickly. Yes, before, he only thought of Link as a singer, and forgot that he was also a very fast boxing expert.

Unable to put the bug on Link, he suddenly had an idea and put it on Link's bodyguard. According to the habit of celebrities, bodyguards usually live next door or opposite, and Link can be found through them.

But the plan still failed.

"Link, the game has just begun, I will definitely catch you."

Biggs was very unwilling. He changed his clothes and hat, went out for a walk, and was lucky enough to find out Link's room number from a drugged waiter, B25 on the sixth floor.

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