Radio City Music Hall is the world's largest indoor theater and one of the world's most famous art palaces.

Since its completion in 1932, it has performed symphony, singing, dancing and juggling programs, as well as hosted hundreds of movie premieres.

The theater has 6,200 purple velvet-covered seats. It is 50 meters from the back row of the auditorium to the stage. The ceiling height is 25 meters. The surrounding walls and ceiling are composed of rows of linear arches from outside to inside.

Standing at the entrance and looking over, the interior looks like a curved space with brilliant lights.

Because the venue is relatively luxurious, the shows performed here require extremely high standards.

After Link and Wiz were invited to perform, they rehearsed here twice to prevent stage accidents.

Because he needed to play the piano on stage, Link practiced piano for more than three hours a day during this period. He kept tapping the keys and his fingers were almost numb every day. Fortunately, he had strong recovery ability and could continue practicing the next day. .

Under his sudden practice, his playing skills have improved significantly, and it will not be like that time when he almost failed in his performance at the country music festival.

"Mr. Linkback, are you ready?"


"OK! Start!"

Hearing the director's voice coming from the headset, Link took a deep breath and the performance was about to begin.

He straightened his back and sat in front of the Steinway piano. He placed his hands on the black and white keys and pressed the keys gently. A string of pleasant piano sounds flowed out from his fingertips, which was the prelude to "See You Again".

Ding ding dong dong!

When the piano sounded, the purple velvet curtains around the circular stage slowly rose, and there was no longer a gap between the stage and the audience.

Link, who was originally sitting behind the curtain, was also exposed to thousands of spectators at the scene.

"Link! Link!"


Waves of applause and cheers from the surrounding auditorium hit his ears from all directions. This was a scene he had never experienced during rehearsals.

The scene now looks more like a boxing ring.

He competes in the ring with spectators on all sides.

The difference is that in the past, he needed to defeat the enemy, but now he only needs to overcome his own fear and lack of confidence, and show his best performance to complete the performance.

This is the scene of the 26th MTV Music and Television Awards ceremony.

Since an important part of this award ceremony is to commemorate MJ who passed away not long ago, "See You Again" is considered the 'most sincere' song to mourn MJ.

Therefore, Link and Wiz were invited to participate in this ceremony as opening performers.

Initially being invited to perform was something Link could have expected.

But being invited to perform as an opening guest was something he didn't expect.

In a large-scale show, the opening and closing are the most important, also known as 'opening and closing', and there can be no mistakes at all.

Hearing the applause around him rise and fall like a tide, Link felt calmer and his playing skills became more skillful. This was also the ability and psychological quality he had gained from hundreds of boxing matches.

He continued to play the piano, put his lips close to the microphone on the piano cover, and sang softly:

It's been a long day without you my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

"Wow! Singing is great!"

"Link! Link! Link!"

After he started singing, the fans in the audience cheered and applauded loudly.

"Link! You're the best!"

Taylor sat in the second row, holding a speaker and shouting at him, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"This is so cool!"

"He can box, swim, sing and play the piano, and is so handsome. He should be my boyfriend."

"You forgot to mention that he's physically strong, that's the most important thing."

The female singers in the audience couldn't help cheering loudly and talking quietly when they saw Link in front of the piano.

"Link is the coolest boy I've ever seen wearing a suit. If I were his girlfriend, I would want him to wear a suit every day, even when he's having sex."

Katy Perry clapped her hands and said to Lady Gaga next to her.

"Keep your voice down, Tyler is behind you."

Lady Gaga said while holding a hand puppet.

"I was complimenting Link, and it doesn't matter if Taylor hears it."

Katy Perry said nonchalantly.

Although Taylor didn't hear Katie's words, he heard the praises of other female singers. He couldn't help but pursed his lips. If he had known earlier, he should have let Link wear a garbage bag, so that there wouldn't be so many green eyes jealous of him.

She also suddenly realized that Link being too handsome was not a good thing.

"Fake! Why did you let that bastard Link be the opening guest? This year MTV is being held in New York, so we New York singers should be the opening act."

In the third row of auditoriums in the middle, 50 cents said unhappily.

"Because "See You Again" is his work, you guys all claim to be MJ's die-hard fans and regard him as a spiritual idol. Why can't anyone write a song that's even remotely good after his death? ?”

Eminem teased, clapping his hands.

50 Cent, Lil Wayne, T.I., and Drake have nothing to say.

Kanye also looked at the stage with a gloomy face, secretly annoyed in his heart, why Link can write it, but he can't?

"Okay, I understand, you are all fake fans of MJ."

Eminem smiled evilly.

Beyonce, who was sitting in the front row, turned around and smiled: "Eminem, you are an anti-fan of MJ. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to come here to attend the MJ memorial ceremony?"

The smile on Eminem's face froze. In 2003, he wrote a rap song "Just Lose It", mocking MJ's child, shooting Pepsi ads, burning and turning white, and making a fake nose.

Michael publicly expressed that he was hurt, and borrowed his friends' words to call Eminem a piece of shit.

This incident was also one of the hot news in the entertainment industry in 2003. Eminem was also forced to apologize in a radio interview, saying that he was also a fan of MJ.

But MJ's fans did not forgive him, and he was also considered the leader of MJ's anti-fans.

"Hey, Eminem, will you be embarrassed?"

Lil Wayne and others looked at Eminem with a smile.

"I won't!"

Eminem put on his hood, leaned back on his chair with his arms folded, and ignored the others.

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again

In the middle of the stage, Link played the piano and sang. When he finished the first bar, a wanton and coquettish voice came from the speakers.

Damn, who knew all the planes we flew

Good things we've been through

That I'll be standing right here

Wiz Khalifa, wearing a white suit, walked onto the stage from the middle aisle with a microphone, rapping as he walked, his arms constantly beating the rhythm, and his braids on his head swaying.

The atmosphere on the scene was immediately driven by him.

The audience shook their arms to the rhythm.

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

The fireworks around the stage also sprayed out, making the stage more dazzling and igniting the atmosphere on the scene.

It's been a long day without you my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

After Wiz Caffari finished speaking, Link's voice followed up, one was flirty, the other was serious, and the two cooperated very well.

Link sat on the piano and sang, while Wiz walked around along the strip aisle of the stage, waving his arms constantly to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience.

Because this song is so popular, many audiences sang along with Link when he sang the second chorus.


A dazzling light flashed, and a full-body image of MJ slowly appeared above the stage.

More than three meters high, it was a scene of MJ performing on the stage, wearing a sequined suit, and his mouth was still moving, as if he was singing.

This was an image created by the staff of a Hollywood special effects company invited by the organizers of the MTV Awards event using 3D holographic projection technology.

In 2009, 3D holographic projection technology was still a very cutting-edge imaging technology, not as rampant as it would be ten years later.

After the image of MJ appeared, there was a burst of excited shouts from the scene. Many fans looked at the image in the sky and sang "See you again" loudly.

When I see you again

When I see you again, see you again

When I see you again

Pah pah pah!

After singing twice, the curtain slowly fell amid the applause of thousands of audiences, and the opening performance ended.

Link was still sitting in front of the piano, playing the accompaniment of the song. As the stage slowly sank, a few seconds later, he and Wiz came to the underground lift platform together.

This is a hydraulic lifting device that can achieve fast screen changes and special stage effects.

Pah pah pah!

"Link, good job!"

When the two came to the underground, Ms. Mandy and several staff members applauded and cheered, as well as the queen Madonna who was ready to go on stage next to them.

Link and Wiz hugged each other.

It was also the first time for Wiz to perform on such a large stage, and he was a little nervous after going up.

"Hey, Link, you are cool. If I were ten years younger, I would definitely ask you out."

Madonna looked him up and down and smiled.

"Thank you! Ms. Ciccone, you look very young now."

Madonna is 51 years old this year. She is well maintained and looks charming. But when she was young, she was also a flower in the entertainment industry.

"Oh, Link, you mean if I ask you out, you will agree to date me."

Madonna smiled.

"Of course, I am your fan. It is my honor to date you."

Link shrugged his shoulders. He knew that the other party was joking, so he would not be embarrassed.

"That's what you said. Wait for my call."

Madonna patted his shoulder and walked onto the lift with a smile.

She was going to the stage to read a eulogy for MJ. As the elevator went up, the smile on her face gradually faded, becoming lonely and sad. With her black clothes and black skirt, she looked like a widow whose husband had died.

Link shook his head, thinking that none of these people who could become superstars were simple characters.

"Hey, Link, if Madonna asked you out, would you really agree?"

Wiz Khalifa bumped his shoulder and asked.


Link smiled softly, and went to the audience seats in front of the venue with Wiz from the underground passage, waiting for the award ceremony to begin.

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