Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 192 Emma Stone (for readers)

Los Angeles, on Hollywood Boulevard, the sun is shining and palm leaves are swaying in the wind.

Kristen Stewart stopped her blue sports car on the side of the road, held a lollipop in her mouth, and walked into a Mars candy store on the street.

Mars is the world's largest candy company, with more than 60 brands under its umbrella, including Dove, Green Arrow, Snickers, Skittles, Yida, Dada Bubble Gum, Zhenzhi Lollipop, etc., and almost all brand-name sugars.

In addition to supplying candies to all over the world, Mars also has candy stores in major cities in the United States. It launches some new flavors of candies every year and invites customers to taste them. These candies are customized, relatively expensive, and considered luxury goods.

"Good morning, Mr. Lewis, I'd like a box of blueberry-flavored lollipops."

Kristen took off her sunglasses and said.

Behind the counter, the chubby store manager saw her, put down the candy jar in his hand and said with a smile: "Ms. Stewart, blueberry flavor is very popular recently. The blueberry flavored candies delivered yesterday have been sold out. Other flavors of candies are also good. You Do you want to try it?”

Kristen leaned over the bright cabinet and looked at it.

It was filled with a dazzling array of candies, including chocolate bars, juice candies, pastry jelly beans, nut jelly beans, etc. Suddenly she saw a box of blueberry-flavored lollipops with several blue-purple blueberries printed on the surface. It makes people drool when they wake up.

"Mr. Lewis, you need glasses."

Kristen tapped her fingers on the glass.

The fat shop owner, with a bulging belly, laughed and said, "This box was ordered by the customer in advance. He called and said he would pick it up in the afternoon. Why don't you take a look at the others?"

"No, I just want to eat blueberries now. Mr. Lewis, remember to leave one box, no, two boxes, for me next time it arrives."

Kristine put on her sunglasses and was about to walk out when she suddenly saw a familiar guy walking in.

He is tall, tall and handsome, wearing a brown shirt, gray and white checkered fine trousers, and a pair of RayBan sunglasses. He is dressed very fashionably, like a star out for street photography.

But this guy is indeed a star, a big star. He has been in the newspapers recently.

"Hi! Chris, are you buying candy here too?"

Link was surprised to see Christine here, took off his sunglasses and said hello.

Kristen is a friend of Taylor's friend. She came once when a party was held at her house and she is considered an acquaintance.

"What are you doing here? Buying chocolates for Taylor?"

Kristen asked, holding a lollipop in her mouth.

"Taylor likes soft desserts and doesn't like sugar. I like sugar. Come over and replenish the stock."

Link took a lollipop out of his pocket, put it in his mouth, came to the counter, and got the pre-ordered blueberry-flavored lollipop from the fat shop owner Louis.

Kristine stared at the box of lollipops for a few seconds, then looked at Link, licked the corner of her mouth and asked, "You are a big boy who likes to eat lollipops, aren't you afraid of being called childish?"

"Don't be afraid, it's just a little hobby."

Link laughed.

Kristen scratched behind her ears. This guy is a world boxing champion and a tough guy. How could he like eating lollipops like her?

"Aren't you going to buy candy?"

When Link walked out, he saw Christine coming out too.

Kristen shook her head, staring at the box of blueberry lollipops in his hand, and said with a cold and indifferent face: "I only like blueberry ones, what about you?"

Link looked at her empty hands, smiled softly, opened the box, grabbed a handful, and handed the box to her.

"No, I don't need it. I'll buy it next time."

Kristine turned her head and waved her hand, but Link forced him to come over. She could only reluctantly accept it, and she felt that Link was a bit overbearing.

Kristine peeled off a blueberry-flavored lollipop and popped it into her mouth. She immediately felt the sweet and sour blueberry flavor. This candy is made from real blueberry pulp, and its taste is a hundred times more pure than the essence. , very good.

"Link, you haven't answered my question yet, what flavor of lollipop do you like?"

"I don't pick the flavor. Blueberry, citrus, mango and strawberry are all fine."

"Really? I heard that men who only like one flavor of lollipops are more dedicated to love. Men who don't pick flavors are playboys. You seem to be the same."

Christine looked at him and said.

Link smiled and said, "I've also heard that boys who only like one taste will be monotonous or even boring in life. Generally no one likes such people. Would you date such a boy?"

Kristine thought about it seriously, probably not, but she would never admit it in front of Link, so she decided to change the topic.

"Link, what are you doing here, specifically buying candy?"

"No, I'm shooting the album music video at Universal Studios next door."

Link walked out of the candy house and saw a silver-gray Mercedes Benz parked on the street. It was his new car. He didn't have much work recently, so he would often drive out for a ride.

"Can you go take a look? I have nothing to do today."

Christine asked.

"Of course! Please follow me!"

The two drove to a filming location in Universal Studios.

The crew is filming the MV for "Believer" here. The MV will be released on TV music channels, which can increase the exposure of the album's songs, improve the connotation of the song, and make fans like the song even more.

"Wow, that girl is beautiful."

Kristen came to the set and her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the heroine in the MV.

The heroine of the MV is Emma Stone, an actress newly signed by the Palm Bay Agency, who is also the future Sister Stone.

21 years old this year, debuted in 2005. In the first two years, she played a small role in the crew. This year, she played a supporting actress in the low-budget comedy "Ghosts of Ex-Girlfriends" and "Paperman".

Catherine saw that she performed well in the movie and had great potential, and asked Link for his opinion.

When Link saw it was Sister Shitou, he naturally wouldn't miss it.

Emma Stone has starred in "Birdman", "La La Land", "The Amazing Spider-Man", etc. She is a two-time Oscar winner and has great potential. Signing her before she is famous is undoubtedly a good deal. of trading.

After signing the contract, Emma Stone naturally became the heroine of many of his music videos.

"Chris, there are a lot of scenes today and I don't have time to come over. If you feel bored, you can leave without saying hello."

Link said.

Kristen nodded, licked the lollipop, lay on the sofa next to Director Herrick, and took out the game console to play games.

Link ignored her and continued filming on the set.

Originally the "Believer" MV was a competition between two boxers, one beating the other badly, using fists and pain to turn the other into a believer.

However, the opinion of the link music promotion department is that since the first album contained a lot of boxing match plots, boxing scenes should be avoided as much as possible in the second album to avoid creating a stereotype in the minds of fans and thinking that his songs are all about boxing.

That would appear too monotonous and not diverse enough.

Link felt that what they said made sense, so he accepted the new script.

In the new script, Link becomes a rock climber. When he conquers the cliff, he is also scarred by the cliff. During a rock climbing process, he loses his soul mate, the heroine played by Emma Stone, due to an accident. The protagonist, the male protagonist is very painful and becomes a painful believer.

The MV director is Stephen Herrick, an old acquaintance. He is a good director, especially good at shooting people and scenery. He can shoot people beautifully, which is also the effect Link needs.

This MV first shoots scenes of the male and female protagonists falling in love indoors, and then goes to Yellowstone Park to shoot more exciting climbing scenes. Some places are more dangerous and require the use of special effects.

The budget for the entire MV is between 500,000 and 1 million, and the investment is no less than that of a small movie.


"Emma, ​​you did a great job. Link, please make your performance more natural and have more emotion in your eyes. We need to take close-ups of your face in the next set of shots."

Director Stephen shouted.

Link made an OK gesture, sat down again, and filmed clips of the daily interactions between the male and female protagonists.

When he acted opposite Emma Stone, he truly realized what acting talent is.

After Emma Stone got the script, she read the plot once. There was no need to rehearse at all. As long as the director called "action", she could immediately come up with what the director wanted, and she got into the play very quickly.

Link can't compare to her for the time being, and is often overshadowed by her.

Fortunately, the other party didn't know that he was the major shareholder of the Palm Bay Brokerage Company, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be suppressed by his own employees.

After the filming in the afternoon, when Link came out, Kristen was still lying on the sofa playing games, her posture had not changed, she still had a lollipop in her mouth, and there were a bunch of candy wrappers on the floor.

"Don't you have to work today?"

Link sat down and took out a bottle of water and handed it to her. Kristen shook her head, took out the lollipop in her mouth and said, "The filming of "Twilight Saga 2" is finished. I am on vacation during this time."

"I envy you. I haven't had a holiday in half a year."

Link said while drinking water.

"I have no sympathy for you."

Kristen said shaking her legs.

"Well, I'm just stating a fact, not asking for your sympathy."

Link looked at her. She had short hair, wore jeans, and a loose T-shirt. Although she had a delicate appearance, a good figure, and a perky ass, she looked masculine, like a tomboy.

"Link, goodbye!"

Emma Stone came over to say goodbye with a small bag.

Link waved and said goodbye.

"Hey Emma wait a minute!"

Kristine threw down the game console, got up and chased after him. After a while, she came over with a tissue with a number written on it, and a happy smile on her face.

Link looked at her strangely. He heard that she had a boyfriend, so why was she also interested in girls?

He didn't discriminate against those with ruffled edges, but it felt strange for a beautiful girl to pick up another girl in front of him, as if he and all the men in the world were not attracted to her at all.

The existence of this kind of girl is like a mockery of all men.

"You waited so long just because you wanted Emma's contact information?"

"No, I have a question for you."

Christine sat across from him, looked at him with blue-grey eyes, and blinked.


Link peeled open a lollipop.

Kristine scratched behind her ears. Seeing that no one was around, she came over and asked with a blueberry-flavored breath: "What posture do you usually like to use for ML?"


Link looked at the girl in front of him in confusion. How could he ask such a question at such a young age?

Kristen blushed a little when he looked at her, turned her head and said expressionlessly: "It's not me who wants to ask, it's Blake, Emma, ​​Katie and the others who want to know what position you like to use. I'm mainly asking you on their behalf. I think we are all friends, and it's okay to talk about this issue. Don't be too stingy."

Link's mouth moved, "Yes, what position do you like to use?"

Kristen blinked, raised her head and thought for a while, "I like the front."

"Okay, I know, it's getting dark, do you want to stay here overnight?"

Link picked up his clothes and stood up and said.

"Wait, you haven't said what position you like to use."

Kristen pulled his arm and said.

"We are the same."

"You like the front too?"

Kristen touched her chin and said puzzledly, "But Katie said that if you like the back, Taylor's butt will become more and more upturned."

Link covered his forehead when he heard it.

Do these women like to talk about this all day long?

It's too fierce.

He is not good at this topic at all.

"Link, walk slower, I have a few more questions for you."

Kristen shouted.

Link walked faster.

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