Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 184 New Script (710 extra chapters for the leader)

When we walked out of the Staples Center, the artificial rain ended, and the people who came to pay their respects put down their umbrellas, revealing their sad faces.

Link looked at the endless stream of people in front of the stadium, and he also admired MJ. A black singer could become a world-class idol through music, and hundreds of millions of people around the world were fascinated by him and sad about his death. Even many heavyweight politicians could not achieve this achievement.

On the streets around the Staples Center, there were also hundreds of police cars, thousands of police officers maintaining law and order at various traffic arteries, and four helicopters patrolling back and forth in the air. In addition, there were many media reporters and paparazzi crowded on both sides of the street.

When MJ was alive, they were like wild wolves staring at food, often wandering around him, relying on the news materials dug from him to support their families and make a fortune. Now that MJ is gone, today's memorial service may be their last interview.

"Mr. Link Baker, can I interview you?"

"Mr. Baker, can you tell me what you think of MJ?"

"Mr. Baker, will you still compete with Jay-Z and Kanye for the rap charts?"

A large group of reporters and paparazzi saw him and shouted with cameras and microphones.

Link waved his hand, indicating that it was not convenient to accept the interview. This was a memorial service. Accepting an interview in such a place would be suspected of riding on the popularity, and he didn't lack this popularity.

After getting in the car and blowing the air conditioning in the car, I felt much more comfortable.

Ms. Mandy handed over a bottle of water and said, "Link, Jay-Z and his group are very powerful and influential in the music industry. We only have a few people in Link Music. Why don't we stop competing with them and wait until they are old to deal with them? You are only 21 now and have a lot of time. Don't be too anxious."

Link smiled softly when he heard her suggestion: "It's a bit difficult. Except for Jay-Z who is over 40, the others are all in their twenties. When they are old, I will almost retire. So if you want to defeat them, it's best to do it while they are still strong, and you will gain more.

Besides, it's not that I want to compete with them now, but they are too stingy. They don't want to see me stand out in the field of rap, and they don't let people under Link Music stand out. I can only reluctantly accept the battle."

"But they have so many people and debuted earlier than you."

Ms. Mandy said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. I have confidence."

Link smiled with his fist clenched.

During this period, many media have reported the news that Link Music and the East Coast Rap Gang competed for the charts.

However, compared to the conflict over the Grammy Awards in March, the media is now very restrained in reporting.

They only discuss competition in the music industry, conflicts in the rap industry, competition between Link Music and Epic Records, Def-Jam and other companies, etc., and limit the topic to the music circle, and never involve the issue of racial discrimination.

It is also because of this that Link dares to continue to compete with Kanye and others. If the media claims that Link Music and East Coast Rap are competing for the charts, it is racial discrimination, then he will definitely go around them.

In addition, when the media reported the conflict between the two parties, Link Music also quickly became famous in the circle, becoming one of the most prominent new labels in the music scene this year, and a banner that can attract the attention and joining of many musicians.

Several new singers under Link Music will also receive extra attention from the media.

With this attention, Lana, Mars and Wiz can save a lot of publicity expenses when releasing records.

This is also one of the benefits of continuing to compete with Kanye and others.

In addition, in the current music scene, rock music is gradually declining, and pop music, country music, and hip-hop rap music will become the mainstream of the music industry, and they are also the three most profitable genres.

There are too many singers in the pop music field, and the competition is too fierce. Major record companies including Universal, Sony, and Warner all focus on this field. Link Music has limited funds and is alone. It is too difficult to make money in this field.

Country music has a unique style and it is difficult to enter the industry. Taylor is also his girlfriend, so he does not need to compete.

The remaining rap music has also become a field that he must get involved in. If he wants to make money in the rap field, he can only have two relationships with Kanye and others: competition or cooperation.

Due to the exclusiveness of the East Coast rap gang, it is difficult for outsiders to integrate into it.

If he is black, it is no problem to cooperate with Kanye and others, but he is not black. At the beginning of his debut, he was hostile to Kanye, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and others because of boxing.

Therefore, he and the East Coast rap gang can only be in a competitive relationship.

It is also very beneficial to get support and help from West Coast rap while competing with the East Coast.

Given the above reasons, he is not in a hurry to seek reconciliation.

"How is the preparation for the album release?"

"Very smoothly, the first batch of 20,000 vinyl records, 50,000 deluxe records, and 500,000 standard records have been delivered to record distributors in various places, and they are just waiting to be officially put on the shelves for release next Monday. Overseas, Universal Records and Atlantic Records are also ready and plan to release them on the same day."

Ms. Mandy said.

Link nodded. By July, the release of the second album "Keep On Movin'" was also on the agenda, due to the excellent sales performance of the first album "The Fighter".

So far, the global sales of this album have reached 5.27 million copies, and the five-times platinum achievement has made the distribution company and distributors full of expectations for his second album.

After several company representatives listened to the songs in the album, they were more confident about the album.

At present, online and offline pre-sales have begun. The pre-sales volume has reached 45,000 copies in three days. The number of pre-sales of the album this week ranks first, which also shows that fans are looking forward to this album.

"In addition, concerts and autograph sessions for the new album are also being arranged. There will be 22 sessions in July, almost one session every day. You will be busy from next week."

Ms. Mandy shook a thick stack of information in her hand and smiled.

"One session every day? Don't you have any arrangements for the Berlin Swimming Championships?"

Link reminded.

The swimming championships were held in Berlin, Germany, for seven days before and after, with more than 30 events, and Link signed up for eight of them.

"It has been arranged. Some activities are two sessions a day."

Ms. Mandy smiled.


Link shrugged his shoulders. He would be busy again for a while, but since he chose to work hard, he could not expect to have the opportunity to lie down.

The business car returned to Santa Monica Beach. Link said goodbye to Ms. Mandy and others and returned to the villa.

The villa is still rented. He plans to buy a villa in Beverly Hills, but he has not found a suitable one after several visits.

"Is Staples crowded?"

Taylor, sitting on a rattan chair on the second-floor terrace, with a ponytail, wearing a white vest and blue shorts, shouted from upstairs.

"Tens of thousands of people, you should have gone with me just now."

Link took off his clothes and put them in the basket. He was only wearing a pair of shorts, and felt much cooler when the wind blew.

"There are too many people, I don't want to go, and I don't like that kind of sad scene. I feel very uncomfortable when I see many people crying."

Taylor said, shaking her calves.

Link smiled lightly. Before leaving, Taylor had planned to go, but she had to put on makeup and change clothes. She thought the weather was too hot, so she decided not to go halfway through changing.

"Taylor, you are a creator, you should try to get in touch with this kind of thing to get creative inspiration and materials, just like just now, when I saw MJ's portrait, a melody suddenly ran out of my mind. On the way back, I wrote it into a song, a great song."

"Are you serious?"

Taylor asked in surprise, holding the railing on the terrace.

"Of course! I never lie to you."

Link smiled triumphantly and jumped into the swimming pool, splashing the light blue water.

"Wait! Don't swim, get up and sing first, I want to hear how it goes."

Taylor picked up the guitar leaning against the chair and shouted.

"It's been a long day without you my friend, And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again"

Link floated on his back on the water, kicking the water and singing a few words loudly, "Dear, how is it?"

Taylor imitated singing two words and asked in surprise: "Did you write this just now?"

"That's right!"

Link laughed.

Taylor curled her lips and looked at him enviously, "You knew that kind of scene could inspire creative inspiration, why didn't you take me with you? If you took me with you, maybe I could write a good song."

"I called you, but you didn't go."

Link laughed.

"Humph! You are so domineering. If you force me to get in the car, I will definitely not resist. Why don't you pull me? No, I'll go now. I want to write a better song than yours."

Taylor ran back to the house to change clothes.

"Taylor, don't go. You and MJ are not familiar with each other, and there is no inspiration if you go."

Link shouted.

Taylor came out of the terrace with her skirt lifted up, and said while putting it on her body: "But what if there is, you get up quickly and go with me."

Link slapped his forehead. He really shouldn't have boasted just now. It was so hot, and going out with clothes on was a complete torture.

Luckily, the two had just put on their clothes and hadn't left the house when Mrs. Andrea came and said she had something to talk to them about.

Link secretly said thank God, someone can finally control Taylor.

"Are you going out?"

Mrs. Andrea asked.

Link didn't say anything, just poured a glass of lemonade for Mrs. Andrea to cool down.

Taylor said: "We are going to attend MJ's memorial service."

Andrea looked at Link, "I remember in the morning, Taylor said you went there? Didn't you go?"

Link looked at Taylor and tilted his head, asking her to explain. Taylor shrugged and smiled: "He accompanied me. He got inspiration at MJ's memorial service just now and wrote a great song. I am also going to go to the scene to see, maybe I can find inspiration."

Andrea was a little surprised. If Taylor, a picky guy, called it a good song, the song must be good. It's good to write a song after going to a memorial service.

"It's so hot, if you want to go, go alone, why drag Link, you are an adult, don't be so willful."

Mrs. Andrea said.

Taylor looked at her mother in surprise. When she said she wanted to date Link, Andrea was strongly opposed, thinking that Link was uneducated, too rude, and would commit domestic violence.

But now Andrea's attitude towards Link seems to be better than her own. She asked Link to accompany her daughter out, and she was worried that Link would get too hot.

The contrast is too big.

"Sit down, I have something to talk to you two about."

Mrs. Andrea waved and said.

Link sat down on the leather sofa opposite. Taylor rolled her eyes at him, pushed him away with her butt, and sat down in his seat.

Mrs. Andrea smiled when she saw the two of them joking, took out a script from her bag and handed it over for them to take a look.

"What script? Do you want the two of us to read it?"

Taylor grabbed it and flipped it over. There were two words 'Valentine's Day' written on the title page of the script.

When Link saw the name, he thought of a bad movie.

Starring Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, and Taylor, as well as "Twilight" actor Taylor Lautner The movie is also Taylor's debut.

The film follows the structure of the British film "Love Actually", using multiple big stars as selling points, and interweaving several love stories to form a film, like a New Year's film.

"Mom, this script is great, I decided to take it."

Taylor read only a few lines before closing the script and saying.

"Don't make a decision so quickly. Read the script first."

Link reminded.

Taylor shook his head, "You don't need to read it. Anne just said that the script is modeled after "Love Actually". I have seen that movie and it was great. Julia Roberts also agreed to star in it. This movie will definitely not be bad."

"Link is right, let's read the script first."

Mrs. Andrea took the script and handed it to Link's hand. Taylor curled her lips in displeasure.

Link turned it over and looked at it. He felt that it was very ordinary. The plot was patchwork and scattered, as if dozens of characters were trying to fit into a 90-minute video. There were too few scenes between him and Taylor, like It's a foil.

Seeing that Taylor wanted to act, he thought for a moment and said, "Annie, Taylor and I have too few scenes and are not outstanding enough. Acting in this kind of movie will not help us much. My opinion is that if they really want to invite us, Just write a better story and make it more interesting.”

Mrs. Andrea nodded, "You are right. I will negotiate with the film company and ask for their opinions."

"Will the film company agree?"

Taylor blinked and asked, this was the first time such a big production approached her, or working with a big star like Julia Roberts, and she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Don't worry, we are popular stars, and the film company will take it seriously. If they don't change, I will find you a better role to ensure that you are satisfied with being an actor."

Link laughed.

Taylor is also an actress. After becoming famous, she often received scripts and filmed them. However, her taste in selecting scripts was very poor. In her first movie "Valentine's Day", she was a high school girl holding a silly bear. It was silly and didn't have much plot.

Later, she played a rich girl in the new movie "Amsterdam" by "The Fighter" director David Russell. She was pushed under a car and died within a few minutes of the appearance. It was also a bad movie.

Link felt that as her boyfriend, he had the responsibility to help her plan.

"This is what you said. I remember it. Let's go find inspiration."

Taylor pulled him and said.

Link smiled helplessly and could only get up and run with her.

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