"how do you feel?"

Outside the Metropolitan Theater, Link looked at the silent Selena and asked. Since meeting MJ, Selena the lark has become a silent idiot and rarely speaks.

Selina held his hand and blinked her big eyes: "It feels strange, not as good as I imagined, but he is very good and I don't know how to evaluate him."

Link smiled softly, "It's normal. An idol is like the moon. It looks beautiful from a distance. When you look closer, you can see its more real side, but that doesn't stop it from being a giant."

Selena nodded her chin, raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes, "Will you become a big star like MJ in the future?"

Link thought for a while and shook his head: "I will become a big star, but not a big star like MJ. He is very famous. No one in the past and present can compare with him, but he lives too restrained and goes out to pick up girls. , I will also be criticized by others, it’s too boring.

In comparison, I would rather be a celebrity like Bill Gates. Everyone around the world knows his name, but he does not need to bear too much pressure and his life should be more leisurely and comfortable. "

"So your goal is to become a billionaire?"


Link chuckled.

"Then I will become a billionaire in the future."

Selina said, clenching her little fists.

"you can."

Link smiled and said, remembering that after Selena enters the music industry in the future, she seems to have earned hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to several best-selling albums and personal investments.

Just thinking that the little girls around him will also be billionaires in the future, Link feels that he should work harder and not be compared with them.


When he was about to take Selena into the car, there was a shout from behind. Kanye came towards him with Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and more than a dozen black people, with a fierce attitude, like in "Gangs of New York" of battles.

Link patted Selena on the shoulder, looked at Kanye and asked, "What's the problem?"

"Link, we will not have any conflicts with you in the future, but you can't actively provoke us anymore, let alone mention me in the media. I hate it when someone uses my name to hype things up."

Kanye took off his sunglasses, revealing his gloomy black face.

The black men behind him also had their arms folded and their chins raised high, looking like they were no fools.

Link saw that after he took off his sunglasses, his face looked a bit like Wade from the Heat. He smiled and said, "That's it, but there's something I want to say hello in advance. I wrote two rap songs some time ago. , ready to cooperate with Eminem, I hope this will not be provocative to you."

“You want to make rap music?”

Kanye's gloomy face showed some surprise.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This guy said he wants to rap?"

"It's so funny. This guy dared to say he wanted to rap in front of us."

Several black people in the back laughed, and some held their stomachs and laughed.

Link smiled carelessly. Rap ​​music is the domain of black people. People of other skin colors are considered to be rap idiots, except Eminem. But geniuses like Eminem are very rare, and he is a newcomer. It does sound ridiculous for a popular pop singer to dare to mention this matter in front of several top figures in the rap industry.

He looked at Kanye and asked: "I ask Eminem or other rappers to collaborate. This shouldn't be a provocation, right?"

Kanye gave him a strange look and waved his hand, "As you wish!"

Then he led a group of black people into a white stretched Lincoln.

When we got in the car, someone said, 'That kid said he wanted to rap.'

Then the car suddenly burst into laughter, some people slapped the seats, and some people stamped their feet vigorously.

Even Kanye, who looked depressed, was smiling with big white teeth.

Link shrugged his shoulders, feeling that he had the potential to be a stand-up comedian. Most people told jokes, but they couldn't make people with bipolar disorder laugh along with them. He could do that.

"Link, do you really want to rap?"

Selena asked.

"Of course, only by trying out more careers while we are young can we know how much potential we have."

"Come on! I support you!"

Selena shouted, waving her little fist.

Link smiled softly, started the car and left the Lincoln Center for the Arts.


After coming to Link Music, Link sent a cooperation invitation to Eminem Music Studio through the company's channels.

At the same time, he handed over an unfinished version of the score of "Lighters" for Eminem to take a look at.

The lyrics of this rap song are generally positive and the melody rhythm is also very good. It is also one of Link's favorite classic rap songs.

Link believed that Eminem would be interested after seeing the score.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in!"

Link put down his pen and rubbed his forehead.

Iwaka had nothing to do the past two days, asking him to write a few more songs and add them to the deluxe version of the album.

After he called Graeme and asked him, Graeme thought that releasing a deluxe version of the album would increase sales and would be a good way to promote it.

He could only pat his head and think of ways to hold in a few more songs.

Ms. Anna walked in wearing a blue-gray professional attire, holding several folders in her arms, and she seemed to be delivering a task.

"Boss, here are the work arrangements for this week."

Anna took out a folder and put it on the table.

Link looked at the folder and felt like it was a Pandora's box. Once opened, it would lead to trouble, so he didn't want to look at it.

"Do you have a lot of work this week?"

"Not much."

Ms. Anna smiled.

Link opened the folder with a pen and took a look. It was a full sheet of paper, like the class schedule when he was in elementary school, but the content was obviously more than the class schedule.

First of all, the sales of "The Fighter" in the United States exceeded 2 million copies last week, and it was a double platinum record. The American Recording Association will hold a small ceremony on Monday to certify this record, and he needs to attend it in person.

The company will hold a cocktail party on Friday to celebrate his first double platinum album, and he cannot be absent.

"The Blue Sea 2" will be officially released on Thursday this week, and he needs to attend several premieres. This is a contract clause signed with the production company when he took the role, and he cannot refuse it.

However, because he is now famous enough, the film distributor hopes that he can participate more in the promotion, so he promised to give him a notice fee of no less than 200,000 US dollars per show.

Report to New York University on Monday and discuss with the school about participating in the World University Games.

There are two advertising shoots on Tuesday and Friday.

There are two media interviews on Wednesday.

On Saturday, Lady Gaga invited him to dinner and talk about music, and Dino invited him to watch a boxing match.

On Sunday, he also invited director Woody Allen to discuss the script, and Leonardo invited him to play bowling.

In addition to these temporary jobs, he also has several regular jobs, practicing boxing every day, coming to the recording studio to practice the songs for the second album, practicing MJ's songs, and he may be called to participate in the rehearsal on site.

Link felt that this folder was much more terrifying than Pandora's Box. At a glance, there was no time for rest this week.

"Is this not much?"

Link frowned and asked.

Anna smiled and said, "I have seen Miss Evaka's schedule, which is twice as much as these."

"She is a workaholic, but I am not."

Link took over several other files and flipped through them. Except for two contracts that needed to be signed, the other three were script invitations.

The first one was "Twilight 2". The producer invited him to audition for the fourth male, a vampire, and the salary was not less than 1 million.

The second one is "Underground Boxer", inviting him to audition for the male lead, and the salary is 1 million.

The third script "Blood and Bone" is also a boxing movie, inviting him to audition for the male second, and the salary is not less than 500,000.

Link glanced at it and said, "Anna, don't take boxing movies in the future. I have already filmed a boxing movie. Continuing to repeat this kind of role will not only lack freshness, but also form a stereotype in the audience's impression, which is not conducive to long-term development. I will take a look at the first script first."

The "Twilight" series of novels is extremely popular in the United States, and it is even more popular after being made into a movie. With just one movie, Christine and other three protagonists have become youth idols.

Playing a role in such a movie can also increase popularity, but with his current popularity in the entertainment industry, the fame bonus brought by playing such a supporting role is too small, and it is not very useful.

So this kind of role can be accepted or not, depending on whether there is time.


Ms. Anna nodded, put away the documents and left the office.

Link shook his head and continued to work.

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