Amy Adams smiled slightly and poured him a glass of wine, "You are a paving worker, right?"

"Yeah, I'm still a boxer."

Link added, looking a little more confident.

"Oh, I heard you were a stepping stone?"

Amy Adams laughed.

"I'm not a stepping stone."

Link emphasized.

"They use people like you to move other boxers up."

Customers arrived, and Amy Adams resumed her work at the counter.

Link showed some shame on his face, clenched his fists and said: "I have suffered several defeats before, but that is not my true strength. I will use my true strength in the next game."

"But no, he will still lose the game in the end."

An alcoholic who came to the counter to drink sarcastically said to him, took out a banknote and slapped it on the counter, "Karin, a glass of soda, a glass of whiskey, one of them please, please move your sexy ass now, hahaha ~”

"Dude, speak with some respect."

Link shouted angrily, grabbing the drinker's collar.

"Hey, don't hurt your hand, you have a game next week."

Christian Bale, who plays brother Dick, enters the scene from behind.


"One more thing, Link, when you're angry, keep your expression calm and don't show too much force. Mickey doesn't have a strong personality."

Director David Russell shouted from behind the monitor.

Link nodded, exchanged a few words with Christian Bale and Amy Adams, and continued filming.

"David, how's Link doing?"

asked producer Darren Aronofsky as he came to the director's area.

"Not bad, better than expected."

Director David Russell stares into the camera and says.


Producer Darren crossed his arms and watched the performance of the three people in the field.

Christian Bale won multiple awards for his superb acting skills in "The Dark Knight Rises".

Amy Adams received two Best Supporting Actress nominations at the 2006 and this year's Oscars for "Junebug" and "Abuse", and her acting skills are also very good.

Link is an amateur actor, and it's hard not to be compared to the two of them when he plays a role.

"Yes, I read Link's information before the filming started. He is flamboyant, domineering, and sharp-edged. My first impression was that he was definitely not the right person to play Mickey.

But after the filming started, his performance was amazing. He was low-key, dull, and introverted. And did you see that the shyness and inability to pick up girls that he just showed seemed real, with no trace of acting at all.

If it wasn't for that face, I would have mistaken him for this character, which is so funny. "

Director David Russell said while stroking his chin.


Producer Darren frowned and looked at Link's performance more seriously.

On the matter of using Link as the male protagonist, the production team had repeated discussions many times, and it was still being discussed before filming.

The focus of the discussion is whether Link is qualified for this role and whether it is cost-effective to use him.

In fact, he supported Link at first, but was later convinced by others that Link was an amateur actor, and using him as the leading actor would lower the quality of the entire movie and affect the film's Oscar bid.

Just when he agreed to change, Relativity Pictures suddenly changed their tune and decided to cast Link as the male protagonist.

Because Link is the real world boxing champion, using him to play an ordinary boxer is very topical and can attract some boxing fans to watch the movie.

Secondly, Link's fame in the entertainment industry is growing day by day, and his fans are increasing.

Taking advantage of his low salary, if you use him to make movies, you will earn high returns.

Also, he is very handsome, has a great figure, and is good-looking.

He is a very cost-effective actor.

As for acting skills, Relativity Company believes that using a few veteran actors and a new actor is more interesting than using a group of veteran actors to act.

For this purpose, the several supporting actors hired by Relativity Company are all capable.

In addition to Bell and Amy Adams, Melissa Leo, who plays their mother, was nominated for Best Actress at the Oscars this year. The old man who plays their father and coach has also acted in stage plays for more than 20 years. old actor.

A group of veteran actors perform with a newcomer named Link. Even if Link's acting skills are poor, the impact of this combination will not be too great.

Producer Darren and director Russell were convinced by the people at Relativity Pictures.

Even though he was convinced, he kept the film in mind while he was busy preparing for his new project "Black Swan" and worried that Link's acting skills would hold back the crew.

After watching it for a while, I found that Link's acting skills are not that bad. His interaction with the two actors is very effective, without the awkwardness of an amateur actor, which makes people watch the show.

Seeing this, Producer Darren felt a little more relieved.

"David, the requirements for Link should be stricter. Our goal for this film is still to win an Oscar. He cannot affect the quality of the entire film because of him."

Darren Producer said.

Director Russell nodded.

For film workers, they also want to see their works not only receive high box office numbers but also win major film awards, but such films are rare.

When there is no guarantee of box office success, they will shift their focus to film awards.

Take "The Fighter" as an example. The protagonist of this movie is not a world-famous boxing star like Ali and Tyson. Mickey Ward is just an ordinary boxing champion. There are no classic matches and not many old boxing fans, which leads to insufficient selling points of the movie.

In addition, the plot design of the movie is based on family, affection and love. There are no big scenes and exciting performances. There will not be many people attracted to the story to watch the movie. It is a niche in a niche movie.

Even with Link, the box office will not be too high.

So it is safer to have higher requirements for performance and firmly aim to impact the Oscars than to expect high box office.


"One more! Link, it's your problem. I need you to show a better performance."

Director Russell shouted.


Link nodded and apologized to Amy, Bell and other actors. He shot seven or eight days in the crew. He got more than 20 NGs every day on average, which means failed shots when shooting movies.

Others added up to less than 20.

This made him feel ashamed, and it was necessary to apologize.

"Link, it's okay, there's nothing wrong with your performance. Maybe Director Russell has higher requirements for the whole scene."

Amy Adams said while leaning against the counter.

Amy is not tall, about 165 cm, but she has a good figure, fair skin, wearing an open-necked T-shirt, revealing half of her plump hill, exuding a sexy atmosphere.

"Come on, Link, it's easy to be an actor, but it's not that easy to be a good actor."

Christian Bale patted his shoulder and staggered back to the booth to sit down.

In order to shoot this movie, Bale lost more than 30 pounds, from the muscular man in Batman to a skinny drug addict, bald, rotten teeth, and staggering when walking, not as handsome as he was in Batman.

Seeing that the other party became like this for the Oscar, and Leonardo became an obese middle-aged man for the Oscar, Link thought of his own goal, is he going to destroy his image for the Oscar?

Link thinks that the reason why the Oscar acting award is difficult to get is the result of the internal competition of this group of people.

"34th scene, 3 shots, 4 passes!"



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