After receiving the invitation from MJ to perform, Link was very excited at first.

MJ is the king of pop music. He is the most accomplished and influential singer in the history of world pop music. He has more than one billion fans worldwide. Even when Britney, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, King Zhou and others were at their most popular, they could not compare. Fuck him.

Being invited by him to sing at his concert is more worthy of praise than winning the Grammy Award.

But after making the call, he slowly calmed down again.

MJ invited him to the concert. The main purpose must be to calm the impact of this incident and mend the rift between his and Kanye's two fan groups, not because he sang well enough.

In addition, he remembered that MJ seemed to have passed away this year. He didn't know the specific time or reason. Even if he knew, there was nothing he could do. He was not a doctor, so he couldn't help him treat his illness.

If MJ passed away before the concert started, this invitation would be a blank check and there was no need to get too excited.

Link opened Twitter and posted three words, 'Let it go', to let it all go.

After posting it, comments from fans came quickly, asking if there are no new songs?

Some people urged him to release new songs quickly. It has been two months since his last album, so it would be best to have more new songs like "Give Me Reason".

Before he could reply, Selena Gomez jumped out and replied: There is a song, and it was written by Link. It is a great song. I am practicing and will release a single in June. Please remember to support it.

After Selena filmed several Disney movies, she also became a little flower in the film industry and is very popular among teenagers.

Her fans want her to learn Link, and how about making a singing video and posting it on YouTube so that everyone can listen to the song?

After a while, Selena hung up a video link.

Link clicked on it and took a look. It was Selena sitting on the sofa, playing and singing while holding the guitar. She only sang two lines of the chorus, 'Let it go, Let it go, I don't care what they' re going to say, Let the storm rage on'.

It sounds great and matches her voice.

Link left a message praising her for singing well.

Selena showed her love and asked him online how he was preparing for the SAT exam. If you need other teaching materials, mail them to him immediately.

After Selena asked this question, the comment section of the two exploded.

Big star Link is going to take the college entrance examination?

The world boxing champion also came to take the SAT exam?

Many people are asking whether he is real or fake.

There are also people who claim to have perfect scores on the SAT and can be tutored for free.

Link wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and wanted to knock Selena a few times. He signed up to take the SAT test because he wanted to experience the feeling of the college entrance examination and see how high his current cognitive level was.

In order to avoid failing the exam, he kept a low profile and only told a few people close to him.

Now that Selena has exposed it, it will definitely be on the news tomorrow and everyone will know about it.

If you fail the exam, you will be embarrassed.

Ding dong~ding dong~

Selena sent several text messages to apologize, saying that she made a mistake and mistook Twitter for MSN.

Link sent a few slap-on-the-head emojis and said he would beat her up when he went to New York.

Selena sent three cheering gestures, saying that she believed he would get good grades.

Link knew that this girl must be laughing with her mouth open when she sent the message.

The matter has come to this, and there is no other way.

I can only spend more time on textbooks, read more books, and do more sets of test papers.

Yes, in order to prevent accidents, he bought several sets of SAT simulation test questions from the Chinese training class and implemented the question sea strategy.

He didn't believe that he couldn't get a good grade in the exam.

Ding dong dong!

There were too many things going on. As soon as I put down the phone, Miss Eva called.

"People say on the Internet that you are preparing for the SAT exam? Is it true?"


Link said resignedly.

"Unbelievable! You are an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, and a big singer, but you are preparing for the SAT exam like a middle school student? Many young people on the Internet say you are super cool and should learn from you. Congratulations, you have gained a lot Teenage fans.”

Miss Eva joked.

Link has no interest in teenage fans, "I'm taking real SAT practice tests, and you called me just to tease me?"

"Are you doing mock tests?!"

There was a snort from Miss Eva, and there was a moment of silence. Miss Eva coughed twice and said seriously, "Of course I have something to do with you. Guess how many thousands of copies of "The Fighter" were sold last week?"


After entering March, album sales showed a downward trend.

He remembered that last week it was 48,000 copies, and the cumulative sales in the United States were 1.652 million.

"It's 218,000! The increase in the northern states was not big, only about 15%. The largest increase in more than ten states in the middle and south was more than 210%, quadrupling. According to estimates by Boston Data Consulting, through this incident, your The popularity in the United States has increased by nearly 25%, and many fans and boxing fans have directly become loyal fans.”

Miss Eva said in a more encouraging voice.

Link didn't quite understand the meaning of these two data.

“But Kanye and others threw dirty water on me and called me a racist, which will also make me lose some black fans.”

“You don’t have to worry about this. Every singer has his own market positioning. Only accurate positioning can make money.

Before this incident, most people who bought your albums were under 30 years old, mostly white and Hispanic women. They liked your appearance and figure more, and secondly, your songs.

After this incident, the number of adult male fans increased sharply, and they were mainly white and Latino, so there is no need to care too much about the lost part. No one can make everyone like him, not even MJ.”

Miss Eva said.

Link had never been a singer before, so he didn’t know much about these things. After listening to Eva’s explanation, he realized that fans can also be divided into various types.

"It sounds good."

"Of course it's good. There is one more thing. The first month's share from China and overseas will be received in the near future. It is about 28 million US dollars. 20 million will be used for dividends. I plan to keep about 8 million to acquire a recording studio and sign a few new singers. What do you think?"

"I agree!"

If he wants to make Link Music a large music company, it is not enough to rely on just one singer. It is better to select a few more potential newcomers.

Link thinks that he can go to the bar more often when he has time. Maybe he can meet one or two future big stars.

"Well, finally, classmate Link, how did you do on the mock test? Do you want me to explain the questions to you? I also took this test that year."

Miss Eva joked.

"Really? How many points did you get? Take a picture of your transcript and let me see."

Beep beep! The phone was hung up.

Link smiled lightly. The media reported that Miss Eva's SAT score seemed to be 1080 points.

Under the premise of a full score of 1600 points, this score can only be said to be average.

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