"Hey Taylor, over here!"

Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, an outdoor cafe.

Taylor heard someone saying hello on the second-floor terrace, picked up her sunglasses and took a look. It was her friend Blake Lively who was saying hello. She handed the shopping bag to her assistant Emily and stepped up to the second floor.

Today, the second floor of the Italian Cafe was reserved, with only a group of celebrities drinking coffee and chatting on the terrace.

Including Hollywood actor Blake Lively, popular little girl Kristen Stewart, fruit girl Katy Perry, Emma Roberts, supermodel Doutzen Kroes and other ladies, as well as several of their boyfriends were chatting on the other side.

"Hi, Taylor!"

Everyone greeted her one after another.

Taylor is a little more familiar with Blake, Katy Perry, and Doutzen Kloss.

I also know several others.

Emma Roberts is the niece of big star Julia Roberts, and Kristen Stewart became famous with the movie "Twilight" last year.

They are all relatively popular stars currently.

"Tyler, why didn't you invite Link? Are you afraid that we might snatch him away?"

Blake Lively pulled Taylor to sit down and joked.

Everyone laughed.

Taylor also smiled slightly and did not bring Link out. This was indeed the reason. None of these women were simple, and Link was more coveted, so it was safer to be on guard.

She glanced at the men at the corner and smiled: "You didn't tell me that I could bring my boyfriend out. I thought it was just a girls' party."

"Haha, yes, it's our girls' home court, so they can only sit there."

Blake Lively said to the men over there.

Blake Lively is a popular Hollywood actress. She is 22 years old this year. She was born into a family of Hollywood actors. She became famous in 2005 with the movie "Summer of Jeans". She is also starring in the second part of the popular TV series "Gossip Girl". She is well known in the industry. She is quite popular here, and this party was also initiated by her.

Blake is tall and handsome, and has a small black mole on the side of his face, which makes him very recognizable.

Taylor and she have known each other since last year. They often gather together and are ranked relatively high in their circle of friends.

"What are you talking about?"

Taylor took the coffee and asked, crossing his long legs.

"Talking about your boyfriend!"

Kristen across from her said without raising her head. She had short blond hair and a lollipop in her mouth. She put her legs on the table and played games on her mobile phone. It seemed that she was not at a party, but just changing places. play games.

Blake Lively and others looked at her helplessly. Although everyone was talking about Link just now, is it really appropriate to say it directly in front of Taylor?

"Link? What does he have to talk about?"

Taylor asked with a nonchalant smile.

Blake laughed and said, "Talk about how awesome your boyfriend is. He is a world boxing champion and a singer across industries. He has sold three to four million albums. He is better than a top-notch singer. I heard that he wrote all those songs himself, which is amazing. "

"My favorite song is "Despacito". As soon as I hear this song, I want to dance. The rhythm is so good."

Emma Roberts swayed her shoulders, a pair of pink headphones hanging around her neck.

"Taylor, Link said in the news that he learned guitar and piano from you. Is this true?"

Katy Perry wore a white suspender belt with heavy breasts.

Taylor glanced at her breasts and couldn't help but think of another woman with big breasts, and felt secretly unhappy.

"Yes, Link is very stupid at music. It took me several months of teaching before he could play the guitar."

"Really? How can someone so stupid write such good songs as "Despacito", "Dream It Possible" and "Unstoppable"?" Katy Perry didn't believe it.

Taylor shrugged his shoulders, "He is very talented, learns things very quickly, and has a great sense of music. He is better than me."

"I understand, your boyfriend is a genius, so enviable."

Blake Lively held Taylor's arm and praised.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"That's not what you were talking about just now. You were discussing how powerful Link is."

Kristine said suddenly while playing with her phone.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the embarrassment factor spread in the air.

Even though Blake Lively was used to seeing big scenes, her cheeks turned red at this moment, and she felt very regretful. She knew that Kristen was a topic-stopper, why did she ask her to come? This is setting a time bomb at your own party.

Blake Lively glared at Kristen, who was playing games with a lollipop in her mouth and didn't receive it at all.

Taylor blinked his blue eyes and said nonchalantly: "He is indeed very powerful in that aspect. This is not private. It doesn't matter if we talk about it."

"Haha, I told you Taylor wouldn't mind. It's normal for girls to talk about this kind of thing together."

Katy Perry laughed.

Blake was a little helpless. Katy Perry brought up that topic first.

He also said that he personally asked Amber about the size, duration, and KO, and the topic was very explicit.

She saw that everyone was more interested in that matter and did not stop it.

Who expected Kristen to explode in front of Taylor.

She stared at Christine angrily again, looked for an opportunity to change the subject, and started talking about fashion, perfume, beauty, and movies, trying to make the topic less awkward.

After working hard for more than half an hour, the atmosphere on the coffee table became lively again, everyone was chatting and laughing, like good sisters.

"Ah! Look."

Suddenly Christine, who had been silent for a long time, shouted again.

Blake Lively's heart trembled, this tomboy wouldn't say anything nonsense again.

Kristen took out the lollipop in her mouth, took off her headphones, and pointed at the phone screen.

"Link has released a new song. It's very nice. Listen quickly. This song is definitely the best song he has ever written."


Taylor asked in surprise, she didn't know Link would be releasing a new song today.

"Link is on Twitter, and there is a link to the video on Twitter."

Christine said.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and opened Little Blue Bird, and quickly searched for Link's Twitter account.

Link's Twitter account is newly registered.

Taylor was surprised to find that there were now 217,000 followers following him. When she clicked to follow, the number became 231,000, growing at a rate of almost several thousand people per second.

Link has only one message on Twitter.

It said, 'I am very sorry for occupying everyone's public resources recently. I have seen many people in the online media asking me to stand up and apologize. I want to say that it is okay to apologize, but first give me a reason for me to apologize. Tell me. What did you do or say wrong, why did you apologize? Apologize to whom? ’

There is also a link to the YouTube website below this tweet.

Before Taylor clicked on the link, he read the comments from netizens.

Most of them were accusations and abuses. Some asked him to apologize to Kanye, and some asked him to apologize to all dark-skinned groups. They said that his words, "They think the current president is African-American, America has become an African-American world", which is hurtful. To destroy the dignity of the African-American community, he must apologize.

Many netizens also left messages to support Link, saying that Link was not wrong, but that the group was too aggressive, and asked Link to hold on and not apologize.

Taylor looked at it again and was a little surprised.

When she was at home these days, she was either writing songs in her room, or practicing and playing guitar with Link, and rarely read newspapers or surfed the Internet.

Link, on the other hand, went for morning jogs, trained, practiced piano, cooked, and read every day, just like in the past. He was too calm, which made her mistakenly think that nothing was really wrong. She had no idea that things would develop like this and be so serious.

So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this clean memory

Then give me a reason, prove it's my fault, clear all memories

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Let the torrent fly over the abyss before your eyes

Taylor was reading the comments when suddenly a passionate and high-pitched singing voice came to his ears. The voice was very powerful and hoarse, as if shouting and questioning loudly at the sky, which made people's scalp numb.

“This song is great, Link I’m rooting for you.”

Emma Roberts held the phone and shouted with red eyes.

"Link is so cool, he's the coolest man I've ever met."

Katy Perry said it unabashedly.

Taylor looked at the two of them and opened the video link curiously.

Thanks to book friend Yue Hua for another tip. Thank you very much for your support!

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