"How does it feel to attend the Grammys for the first time?"

Taylor asked, holding his hand while sitting in the seat.

"I'm a little nervous. I just sang two wrong words on stage. Did you notice?"

"No, but there are cameras here. I should be able to tell when I go back and watch the TV broadcast."

Taylor pointed to several camera positions on the edge of the stage and laughed.

Link was helpless, which meant that the mistake he just made on stage would be broadcast on television and criticized by many people.

"It doesn't matter. It's your first time singing in front of so many professional singers. It's already very good to be able to perform like this. I was very nervous just now."

Taylor comforted softly.

Link nodded. He dared to sing and dance in front of hundreds of top singers. This mentality was indeed not bad.

".Link, you should apologize to Kanye."


Link was chatting with Taylor in the audience, and suddenly he heard a burst of exclamation from around him. Then people in the audience looked over, and he and Taylor became the focus of the audience.

Link and Taylor looked at each other, a little confused.

"Link, Lil Wayne said you should apologize to Kanye."

Lady Gaga pulled his sleeve and pointed at the black singer on the stage holding the golden gramophone trophy.

He is in his twenties, wearing white short-sleeves, with black dreadlocks, which are more than a foot long. He has green tattoos on his arms, which are even more exaggerated than Dino's tattoos.

This man's name is Lil Wayne, a famous rapper. He wrote songs at the age of 8, debuted at the age of 15 and released records, selling more than 400,000 copies.

The sixth studio album "Tha Carter III" was released in June last year and topped the US Billboard album chart with sales of approximately 1.005 million in the first week.

With this album, he won four trophies at this year's Grammy Awards.

It is said that the other party has a good relationship with Kanye West, and he was also the one who criticized Link's album in the media last time for being too cheesy.

What Link didn't expect was that when expressing his acceptance of the award, this person would thank Kanye and ask him to apologize at the same time.

This approach made Link very uncomfortable. The other party was on stage, he was off stage, and he couldn't do anything in public.

"Link Baker, you shouldn't be attacking Kanye's condition, I think it's extremely rude and you should apologize to him."

Lil Wayne took the microphone and said.

Link smiled and shook his head, gave the other party a thumbs up, and then turned down.

He originally wanted to give a middle finger, but considering that he is a youth idol and has the burden of being an idol, he changed it to an inverted thumbs up.

Lil Wayne scolded Falk and continued to talk.

Host Allen stepped forward and persuaded him to step down.

Lil Wayne cursed and left the stage, and several black singers sitting in the back row also cursed Link.

Link was too lazy to respond. The Grammy Awards was a stage for the winners. He was a guest invited to attend the ceremony. It would be impolite to cause trouble on such an occasion.

"Honey, ignore them, you're not wrong."

Taylor grabbed his arm tightly, lest he get up and hit someone.

"Don't worry, I'm not that impulsive."

Link said.

At this time, Kanye West came to the front stage again to receive the award for Best Rap Song Collaboration. Kanye took the microphone and said to the audience: "Hey, Lil, I told you not to mention that kid."

Link lowered his head and said a few words to Taylor, buttoned up his buttons, stood up and left the auditorium, heading outside the venue.


There was a burst of noisy discussion at the scene.

Link stood up and left while Kanye was delivering his speech, clearly showing disdain and disrespect for him.

The black singers at the scene immediately started to make a noise and cursed Link, and were then asked to leave by the on-site staff.

The award ceremony was chaotic for more than three minutes before other awards continued to be presented.


"Mr. Link Baker, can I interview you?"

"Mr. Baker, please wait, we have a few questions for you."

When Link walked out of the Grammy Awards ceremony, reporters waiting outside the Hilton Hotel swarmed in with interview tools, surrounded Link, and the shutters of their cameras were heard in unison.

Link stopped and looked at his watch, "Dear reporters, I have something else to do, please ask questions quickly."

"Mr. Baker, why did you leave the show early?" a reporter from "Entertainment Weekly" shouted.

Link frowned and said, "If you don't even know the reason, I think this interview is unnecessary."

"Mr. Baker, Lil Wayne and Kanye West asked you to apologize when they accepted the award. How do you evaluate their behavior?" a reporter from the Los Angeles Times asked.

"I'm very disappointed. The Grammy Awards are the artistic palace of musicians. They should be sacred, or at least serious. But on such a serious occasion, they publicly accused me on the podium because of a personal grudge. A guest invited to attend the ceremony?"

Link shook his head, looked at the reporters and said, "In addition, I am also disappointed with the Grammy Awards. For musicians, the Grammy Awards are a huge honor, and the winners should also be true artists. , but today I saw them awarding several awards to two rude and unqualified people. This kind of Grammy is disappointing. "

Hearing his direct criticism of the Grammys, the reporters felt like they were in shock. A reporter from the "Hollywood Reporter" shouted: "Mr. Baker, do you think Lil Wayne and Kanye shouldn't win the Grammys?" ?”

"I don't know if they should win the award. If the Grammy selection committee thinks that the award process is only about the quality of the songs, regardless of the singer's conduct and moral cultivation, I have nothing to say about it." Link said, spreading his hands.

"Mr. Baker!"

A reporter from "American Express" shouted, "Lil Wayne asked you to apologize to Kanye, will you apologize?"

"Yes, not long ago, Kanye and Lil Wayne publicly spread rumors that my album sales were false. My lawyer team has obtained the evidence of their rumors and filed a lawsuit with the Manhattan District Court. The next step will be to hear the case in court. I think it’s them who need to apologize, not me.”

"Mr. Baker, Kanye said before that you attacked him at the press conference because you wanted to use his popularity to sell albums. Do you agree with this view?"

a reporter from USA Today asked.

"This statement is even more ridiculous. My album sales are higher than theirs, so I need to borrow their popularity? On the contrary, they are taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble. Through today's incident, I can confirm that Kanye West is sick, and Lil Wayne is also sick. They all suffer from arrogance. They think that because the current president is African-American, America will become an African-American world? This is ridiculous. "


Hearing that he pointed the finger at the person in the White House again, the reporters at the scene were stunned for a moment, and then their brains were congested and their eyes were red, and they yelled at him.

"Mr. Baker, are you saying they are accusing you at the Grammys because the new president is African-American?"

"Mr. Baker, are you expressing dissatisfaction with the new president?"

"Mr. Baker, who did you vote for in this election?"

"Mr. Baker, are you a donkey or an elephant?"

The reporters roared.

Link did not answer, left the scene through the safe passage, and went straight to the commercial vehicle parked on the side of the road.


"Link, you are too impulsive. You should not blame Grammy, let alone mention the president. Now African Americans are proud that Obama is in the White House. You brought this matter to him, It will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the black community.”

In the car, Mrs. Andrea criticized.

Link leaned back in his seat and shrugged nonchalantly, "Don't worry, they can't do anything to me. Whether they use public opinion to attack me or use other methods to suppress me, I will have a way to deal with it. If they do It’s too much. At worst, I will temporarily immigrate abroad. With my ability, I can develop the same wherever I go.”

Mrs. Andrea frowned, remembering that this guy was not only a singer, but also a world boxing champion, an Olympic champion, and an athlete who had won honors for the United States. If he immigrated due to this incident, I am afraid that the new president would also be frowned upon. Less criticism.

"You're going to lose the support of your black fans."

Mrs. Andrea thought for a moment and said.

"Black fans?"

Link thought for a moment, did he have any black fans?

"Annie, do you think those guys who listen to hip-hop, rap, and hip-hop all day long will like my songs?"

He doesn't think he has many black fans, and even if he does, there won't be many. Just like Taylor's fans, the vast majority are light-skinned, and those who support her are mostly those people.

The root cause of future conflicts between her and Kanye will also be entertainment factions + political struggles + racial conflicts.

What he did today was also a bit irritating.

"Link, I support your approach. Lil Wayne and Kanye accused you as a guest on the podium. No matter how much the media hypes it up, they are the ones who did the wrong thing. You handled it right."

Ms Mandy said.

Mrs. Andrea shook her head, "It's still too extreme, Link. The news says that you are a smart person. You can handle it in a softer way instead of this direct and no-room approach."

"Yes, there is such a way, but the effect is too slow. I broke up with them directly and made the matter bigger. Then they will either make peace with me or continue to suppress me in public opinion and career. Suppress me. If they use the second method, it will only make this matter bigger and make both parties look bad. I think the person who just moved into the White House doesn't want to see this happen. "

Link said.

Mrs. Andrea still felt that this matter was too big and not a good thing.

Ms. Mandy said, "This is not bad, but it makes things simpler. If someone attacks Link, everyone will think of Kanye or even the White House. In order to avoid the matter from expanding, they will not do it. Deliberately targeting Link, fans who support Link will support him even more, and people who hate that group of people may also support Link because of this incident.”

Mrs. Andrea thought for a while, and gradually came to her senses. Link was a light-skinned person, and it was indeed possible to gain a large number of support from white leftists through this method, but it was too risky when it came to politics.

"Link, be careful, they are not that easy to deal with." Mrs. Andrea said.

Link nodded. There are indeed some risks in this matter. In the United States after 2008, the power of African-American groups has obviously increased in sports, entertainment circles, politics, etc., and it is indeed easy for him to become a target by doing this.

But if you want to make a name for yourself in the world of music and gain a firm foothold, how can you do it without taking some risks?


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