"You have so many things to do."

In the holiday villa in the west of Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles, Link said a few words and put away his phone.

"Hey, Link, it's party time now, don't make calls, put your phone away."

Paul Walker shouted with a glass of wine.

Link shrugged his shoulders and returned to the party.

After a busy time outside, Link returned to Los Angeles to rest. Taking advantage of the good weather today, he called Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Amy Adams and other people he got along with to come to the villa for a party.

Paul Walker also brought James Franco, Joaquin Phoenix, and Casey Affleck, all of whom are new generation stars in their twenties and thirties.

Michelle brought her girlfriend Ashley Benson, and Amber Heard also brought a large group of young men and women.

More than 40 people had a party on the lawn by the swimming pool of the sea view villa, with fine wine, barbecue, music, and marijuana, and everyone had a great time.

"Hey, Link, you're really popular recently. The newspapers are full of news about you."

Michelle Rodriguez, wearing a braided braid, was lying on a beach chair with her girlfriend next to her.

"Yes, the new album has just been released. How can it be sold without hard promotion?"

Link took a bottle of light beer and sat back in his original chair.

"Link, it's hard to imagine that a boxer like you who switched to become a singer can sell more than three million albums."

Joaquin Phoenix sat in the corner, holding a cigarette in his hand, with greasy hair, looking a little depressed, and somewhat out of tune with the lively party.

Joaquin is a famous Hollywood actor. In the past, people would call him River Phoenix's younger brother.

In recent years, he has developed well in the film industry. He was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards for "Gladiator" and the Best Actor at the Golden Globe Awards and the Best Actor at the Oscars for "Sing Along". He has achieved higher achievements in the film industry than his brother.

In the future, he will also win the Oscar for Best Actor for "Joker".

He is a very talented and powerful actor.

Link was still a little surprised that Paul Walker would bring him to the party.

"Lucky, I met a good market!"

Link laughed.

"This guy is being modest again."

Paul Walker lay on an orange rubber air cushion in the swimming pool and said to everyone: "Link is a real sports genius. Last July, I asked him if he could drive fast. He said a little, and then left me a few miles behind on the road. Last time I asked him if he could play tennis, he said a little, and then won all five games. There are also volleyball, swimming, diving, etc. He seems to have no sports that he is not good at."

"You didn't mention boxing, but he defeated Tyson, the world boxing champion."

James Franco, who became famous with the "Spider-Man" series of movies, leaned lazily on the chair, lighting a hemp leaf cigarette in his hand.

"It goes without saying that no one will doubt his boxing skills." Paul Walker said.

"I can't play table tennis."

Link chuckled.

"Okay, I'll play table tennis with you next time."

"Link, I'm a singer now, too. Let's work together sometime."

Joaquin said, holding up a beer.


Link raised his glass in response.

At the premiere of "Two Lovers" last year, Joaquin said he would retire and become a rapper.

He also released a poorly-sold album. He was late for a concert and had a conflict with fans. He told them, "I have a million dollars in the bank. What right do you have to blame me?", which caused a lot of controversy.

Link has also heard about these things, but Joaquin is quite popular in the entertainment industry. Inviting him to be a guest singer in future concerts is also a good choice.

"Hey, gentlemen, I brought up the topic just now. I haven't finished what I'm saying yet. Can you wait and talk?"

Michelle Rodriguez picked up a ball and threw it into the swimming pool, splashing Paul Walker with water.

"Okay, Michelle, what do you want to say?"

Everyone stopped talking and gave her enough time to speak.

Michelle raised her thick black eyebrows and smiled coolly, "Link, the news I just mentioned is not the news about the album. I'm talking about Amber's interview. She said you are super strong. Is that true?"


Everyone at the party laughed. The recent coverage of this news is indeed no less than the news about Link's album selling well.

"Link, come on, I'm also curious about this matter. I've wanted to call you to ask you a long time ago, but it feels very perverted for two men to talk about this on the phone."

Paul Walker laughed.

Link was helpless, "We are all serious people, don't talk about such boring topics, okay?"

"It's a private party, what else can we talk about? Hi, Amber!"

Michelle shouted to Amber who came over with a drink, "Is what you said on the ABC Fashion Lady Program true?"

"Of course it's true. Link is more powerful than me. If you don't believe me, try it."

Amber wore a bikini, with her blonde hair loose, and shrugged her shoulders charmingly.

"Wow, how big is he?"

Michelle asked, gesturing with her hands.

"Hey, Michelle, since you are so curious, how about I take off my pants to show you."

Link teased.

"Haha, take them off! Take them off quickly! Do you think I dare not look?"

Michelle laughed heartily.

Others also clamored for Link to take off his clothes for Michelle to see if she was really not interested in men.

Link shook his head. He was no match for this group of people when it came to telling dirty jokes.

"End this topic! Michelle, you just said you wanted to fight me? Come on, let me see how good you are?"

"Okay, when I was filming "Girls Punch", I also practiced for a year, and I've been practicing in the past few years. My skills are definitely at amateur level."

Michelle said confidently.

Link brought two pairs of boxing gloves and fought with Michelle.

He just dodged, without punching, and made the other person sweat profusely. In the end, Michelle wanted to wrestle him like Mario, but he picked her up and threw her directly into the swimming pool, causing everyone to laugh.

Paul Walker, Casey Affleck and others were also very excited and wanted to fight him.

Link was not polite either, and used fast punches to knock several people dizzy.

While they were playing, assistant Anna came in and gently told him that Taylor was here.

Link was a little surprised. Why did Taylor come back at this time?

Link got up and went out to greet him.

Taylor drove a red Porsche convertible and wore a white tasseled long skirt with sparkling sequins on it. The hem was knee-length, revealing her slender and straight calves and high-heeled sneakers.

Her long golden curly hair was draped over her shoulders, her fair and delicate cheeks, her rosy lips, and her expression was faint, like a fairy.

"When did you come back?"

Link asked.

Taylor didn't respond to him, but handed the luggage in her hand to him and walked in with her long legs, as if she was the hostess here, not polite at all.

"There's a party going on inside, it's a bit messy."

Link followed with the luggage and said.

Taylor looked in the direction of the swimming pool. There was a rose garden in the middle, and noisy sounds came from there. A few playful figures could be vaguely seen.

"I won't go over. After the party, bring that woman to see me."

Taylor said as he walked.

"Hey, Taylor, we broke up." Link reminded.

"I said, I don't agree."

Tyler looked at him with his blue eyes, took Anna's hand, and asked her to help find a clean room. She needed to rest.

Link shook his head helplessly. This Taylor was too different from the Taylor in the news. He suspected that this must be a parallel universe. This Taylor was not that Taylor.

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