Leaving the recording studio, Link kept thinking about Graeme's suggestion.

Graeme said that he is only twenty years old this year and is at the age of going to university. When he has time, he can go to nearby schools to attend classes and enrich his spiritual world.

After hearing Graeme's suggestion, Link shook his head repeatedly at first. He is a world boxing champion and a multimillionaire, but he still needs to go to school? What a joke.

But on the way, he thought about it carefully and found that this suggestion seemed feasible.

First of all, the cultural level of myself and Link is not high. This is a fact.

When he was a boxer in a boxing gym, he was most envious of those students who could sit quietly in the classroom, play on their mobile phones and fall in love. They would be given money to spend every day without being beaten, wear designer clothes, and live a carefree life, like a utopia. the world inside.

It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to experience it, which is also one of the regrets in life.

Now that you have money and leisure, do you want to give that kind of life a try?

In addition, a cultured idol and a cultured world boxing champion will have a more positive public image and fans will support him more.

For example, the Klitschko brothers, the current WBC-WBO-IBF world boxing champions, both have doctorates from Kiev University and are known as ‘Dr. Iron Fist’ and ‘Dr. Steel Hammer’.

Link thought that if he also had a doctorate title, it would be interesting to spread the word.


"I'm going to find a school to study in. What do you think?"

On Christmas Day, the table at the Gomez family was full of delicious food. In the middle was a large plate of turkey that was smelling hot. Link cut off a small piece of chicken, put it in his mouth and said.


Opposite Ms. Catherine and Ms. Mandy raised their heads and looked at him with somewhat surprised expressions.

"Link, are you stupid? You are a world boxing champion and you still want to go to college?"

Selina looked up and blinked at him with her big eyes.

"I have this idea."

Link shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have nothing to do during this period. I read a few best-selling books and found that there were many parts that I couldn't understand. I thought maybe I should find a school to recharge my batteries."

"This is a great, great idea, Link. The fact that you came up with this proves that you are better than all of us thought."

Mr. Adam Gomez was the first to chime in.

Catherine nodded in agreement, "Now that you have money, time, fame and status, you can do whatever you want. Studying is indeed a good choice."

"Link, what university do you want to study at? You are an Olympic champion and a world boxing champion. I think all universities in the United States will welcome you as long as you want to study."

Ms. Mandy asked.

"Link, go to Harvard University. I heard that there are all top academics there."

Selina encouraged with a wicked tone.

Link shook his head, "Harvard University is not suitable. I usually work a lot and can't stay in school to study all day. It would only be embarrassing to go to a top institution to study. Just find an ordinary school."

"That's not bad. I wish you a happy college life."

Catherine raised her glass and smiled.

"Happy studying, Link!"

Others also raised glasses to congratulate him.


Link laughed.

Ms. Mandy put down her wine glass and looked at Selena next to her, "Selena, you should also study hard in school and strive to be admitted to a top prestigious school in the future."


Selena, who was drinking juice, was immediately choked. She blinked and looked at Ms. Mandy in confusion, "What does Link going to school have to do with me?"

"Link is so good and still wants to further his studies. As my sister, shouldn't you learn from him?" Ms. Mandy said.

“I can study music and acting!”

"No, it's also important to attend classes in school. You are not allowed to take any more leave this semester, otherwise I will consider ending your job at Disney early."

Ms. Mandy said seriously.

Selina wrinkled her round face, kicked Link quietly under the table, and whispered: "It's all your fault, today is Christmas, isn't it good to talk about happy things? Why do you talk about reading? It's so annoying. ”

Link laughed, "Don't you like studying?"

"Of course not. Only nerds like to stay in school. And I just lied. In fact, your plan to go to college is terrible. It is the worst plan I heard in 2008."

Selina waved her little fist and said angrily.

Link smiled casually, "You asked me to write you a song before? If you get a B+ in every subject in high school, I will write you a few more songs."


Selina exclaimed excitedly.

The song "Dream it possible" written by Link is so great. After the song was released, many professional magazines rated it as the best inspirational song in the past ten years. They also spoke very highly of Link, saying that he is a very, very good person. Talented creative talents.

I heard that many people were asking Link to sing songs. Selena also wanted to be a singer and wanted to ask Link to write songs, but Link was too busy and had no chance to bring it up.

Today happened to be Christmas. Seeing that Link was in a good mood, she took the initiative to bring it up to Link. Link said that she needed inspiration for creation and would have to wait.

"Okay, I will study hard and make sure my grades in every subject are above B+."

Selina patted her chest and said seriously.

Link nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he was doing a good job as an older brother.

Selena curled her lips, revealing a round dimple, and smiled secretly in her heart. Her grades were already good, and it was easy to get a B+. She could also get a few songs from Link for free, which was great.

Link must be Santa Claus.


After Christmas, Link flew to Los Angeles to audition for the movie "The Fighter" and met the main creative staff of the crew, screenwriter Scott Sliver, starring Christian Bale, Amy Adams and others.

After coming to the crew, I found that the director had been replaced.

The new director is David O. Russell, also a New York director. He has shot action movies such as "Three Kings" and comedy "I Love Huckabees". He is also a famous Hollywood director, but his fame is less than Darren Aronofsky.

The original director Darren Aronofsky became the general producer and the person in charge of the entire film project.

Before coming to the second round of auditions, Link spent three days memorizing all the lines of the role, and even used a song as a condition to invite Selena to act with him.

Because of the thorough preparation and the support of producer Darren, Link's second round of auditions went smoothly.

The reason why it went smoothly was that he met Mark Wahlberg during the audition, and the other party's performance was also very good. It is said that because of this, there were some disagreements within the crew, some supported Link, and some supported Wahlberg.

Originally, Link thought that there would be some changes in the role, but in the end he received a call from Darren Aronofsky.

Director Darren asked him to hurry up and prepare, and the movie would be shot in March and April, and he also invited him to be the boxing action director of the movie.

Link readily agreed.

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