Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 122 On the Streets of New York

After leaving the bar, taking advantage of the nice weather, Link drove around New York.

After arriving in New York for more than three months, he was usually busy training and competing, and he had never been on the streets to appreciate the scenery along the way.

It just so happens that today is a sunny day, the sky is tile blue, and occasionally a plane flies over the sky. The long exhaust will take a long time to disperse. The winter sunshine is as clear as mountain spring water, shining in the central business district of Manhattan.

The skyscrapers that were hidden in the clouds and fog in the past were also revealed in full. The Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Chrysler Building, and Thompson Building passed by the car window one after another.

Because Christmas is approaching, there are more Christmas trees, Christmas lights, and Santa Claus dolls on the streets, red, green, white, and full of joy.

While driving by the Thompson Building, he remembered something and called Miss Thompson to ask her how the blind date went.

After the last party, Eva told him that Mr. Thompson held a large party in Atlantic City that day and invited many heirs of wealthy families in New Jersey to attend, saying that he wanted her to choose a marriage partner among those people.

Because Thompson Real Estate encountered a financial crisis and suffered serious losses, many of its properties were facing bankruptcy. Mr. Thompson wanted to use her marriage to solve the family's difficulties.

Ivaca was dissatisfied with this arrangement, so she took him as a shield.

Iwaka heard his teasing and snorted coldly: "Link, if I get married, I can't continue to work at Link Music. Do you want this? So you'd better pray that I don't get married."

"Yeah, you're a great partner and I don't want you to leave, so I'm going to church and praying that you never get married."

"Asshole, what I said is for the time being, not forever. I also pray that you will be single forever, and no matter which woman you date, you will not be together for more than a year."

"So vicious?"

"It was you who maliciously attacked me first."

Ivaca retorted forcefully.

Link shook his head, feeling that he was dizzy and that was why he was arguing with a woman.

"I heard from Graeme that you haven't been to the company for a long time. They wanted to use the money and no one signed it."

"You go ahead and sign. In addition to Link Music, I also own two jewelry stores, a fast food product, a brand shoe store, a reality show, and I am also the vice president of Tompu Group. Oh~ I am too busy. Do you think I am Like you, you have nothing to do all day, can you drive around?”

"Are you showing off your wealth to me?"

"Do I need to do this?"

"It's really not necessary. After all, I'm an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a famous singer, and the vice president of two companies. There's no point in showing off your wealth to me."

Link joked.

"Hey, you are such a bastard. I used to think you were a gentleman, but now I have changed my mind. You are no different from those guys at parties who like to brag about themselves."

Iwaka laughed angrily.

Link shrugged and started talking to her about business.

"Eva, Graeme told me that the sales results of "Despacito" in the first month have been released. A total of 114,208 copies were sold in the United States and 388,000 copies were sold overseas. However, the overseas share has not been received. Remember to contact Universal Music and let them Transfer money on time, the company is short of money at this stage.”

When the "Despacito" single record was released, the domestic part was released by the marketing department of Link Music Company, and the overseas distribution rights were given to Universal Music. Link Music could get 33% of each record, which was slightly less than in China, but Link Music It was just established, and that’s all it can do for the time being.

"I know, when will your new album be completed? You can't open the market by just releasing singles, and the company won't make much profit, so the first album is very critical."

"Fourteen songs have been collected. Recording and post-production will take about a month. Promotion will also take time, probably until March or April next year."

"It's too slow. I want to see a complete album before February and it has to be on the shelves in March."

"Are you too impatient?"

"If someone forces you to marry, you will also be anxious."

"OK, for your freedom and happiness, Graeme and I will go to the recording studio tomorrow to practice singing."

Link laughed.

After chatting for half an hour, Link said goodbye and just hung up the phone when he received another call from James.

James asked him if he would be back in Miami for Christmas.

Link said that he didn't have time for the time being. He would wait until he finished recording the first album and then go back and bask in the sun when he had time.

"Yes, you have become a big star. You have to answer announcements and go out to perform every day. I know, I have watched those celebrity talk shows."

James said.

Link smiled softly. He was not well-known in the music industry at the moment, and he wasn't that busy, but after the first album was released, he would probably be connected every day.

"Why don't you come to New York after Christmas? I'm short of a work assistant. How about a monthly salary of twenty thousand dollars?"

"Coming to New York? No, no, I heard it's very dangerous there. There are gunfights every day. Even if you go out to buy a hot dog, you'll get robbed by niggas."

James said.

"Watch less tabloid news. New York is much safer than Miami. I have been in New York for two months and haven't encountered a single shooting."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just as he was talking, three loud explosions came from the block ahead, like a car tire blowing out, but the sound was sharper, and it was frightening to hear.

"Link, what's that sound? Is there a gunfight?" James shouted excitedly on the phone.

"No, it should be a flat tire on the car."

When Link saw the vehicle in front of him stopped, he turned on his double flash and stopped on the side of the road. Looking out through the car window, he saw that all the vehicles on West 43rd Street at Seventh Avenue had stopped, and pedestrians were moving back.

"It's impossible. How could three tires explode at the same time? It must be a gunfight. Link, why don't you come back? New York is too dangerous. I can hear gunshots just by calling you. There must be gunfights happening there every day."

Link was speechless and had no way to explain. He said a few words to James and hung up the phone.

The place where the gunshots occurred was in a bar. It seemed like someone was causing trouble there and it was a mess.

Link was not interested in watching the excitement, and when he was reversing, he saw Dino Duva, Mario, and Morales coming from the opposite street.

"Hey, here!"

Link shouted as he lowered his window.

"Link? Why are you here?" Dino waved his hand and shouted.


Link invited the three of them to get in the car and asked Mario and Morales: "Christmas is coming soon. I'm going to take a few days off. What are your plans?"

"I'll go home the day after tomorrow," Morales said.

Mario said with a big belly: "I plan to continue training and participate in the Golden Gloves Championship again next year. This time I will definitely reach the finals."

Link shook his head and started the car: "Your skills are not bad, your strength is not bad, and your ability to resist beating is B+. It will be difficult to achieve results if you continue to fight in the heavyweight class. You can consider losing more than ten pounds and participating in the heavyweight competition. There are not many experts in the heavyweight field.”

"I think Link is right," Morales said with a nod.

"Losing weight? This is too difficult." Mario scratched his ugly face and said.

Link didn't try to persuade him anymore. He looked at Dino and said, "Drive back the sports car you put downstairs. I have a car and don't need a sports car."

The last time he completed the real estate handover procedures, Dino drove a Ferrari F50 sports car and put it in his garage, saying it was a gift for him, but Link had a car and a deposit, so he had little interest in sports cars.

"We made millions by betting together. That sports car is your dividend. It's only more than 300,000 yuan. If you don't want it, you can throw it in the car cemetery. I don't want it anyway."

Dino shrugged and smiled.

Link was helpless. The two brothers always liked to force people to give gifts, and they didn't know where they learned this bad habit.

"Give me the car purchase contract and I'll give you a check, otherwise I won't tell you which round you win in the next game."

"Link, I have decided that I want to lose weight and fight in the cruiserweight class."

Mario suddenly shouted while clenching his fists.

Link, Dino, and Morales all looked at him strangely, wondering why he suddenly screamed strangely.

"I also want to be a boxing champion, I also want a Ferrari, and I also want a yacht."

Mario gritted his teeth, as if making a huge determination.

"I am also preparing to participate in the National Boxing Championship next year. Without Link, I am sure to win the championship."

Morales said, flexing his arm muscles.

Dino looked at Link, then at the two of them, and cursed unhappily: "Are you crazy? Link and I were talking about sports cars, why are you talking about this all of a sudden? You all have goals, so what should I do?"

Link smiled softly, sent the three of them to the subway station, and drove home.

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