Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 117: Punch to the Flesh


The game started. When the ring referee waved his arm, Tyson roared angrily and punched Link hard. All the muscles in his arms bulged, and the blood vessels on his neck and forehead also bulged upwards. People become a little ferocious.

Link could have dodged the punch, but he wanted to test Tyson's strength. When Tyson's fist came at him, he crossed his arms in front of his chest to defend himself.

Bang! Tyson's fist hit his arms, and Link felt a powerful impact that spread from his arms throughout his body. He couldn't help but take four steps back, and directly hit the rope behind him.

Link secretly praised that the punch weight of heavyweight boxers is indeed different. The impact of this punch is definitely not less than 1,600 pounds.


Seeing him being knocked back by Tyson's punch, the audience couldn't help but let out a burst of admiration.

"Link, do you know the gap between us? I will make you despair next."

Tyson grinned, waving his fists and charging forward again, attacking him wildly, each punch heavier than the last.

After learning about the weight of Tyson's punches, Link also had some concerns. Facing Tyson's crazy attack, he used his super fast reaction speed to move flexibly and dodge left and right around Tyson. His movements were very clever. And smooth.

In the eyes of the audience, Link and Tyson were fighting hand-to-hand. Tyson kept punching very fiercely, but Link kept dodging, and he just missed Tyson's fist every time. It looked very thrilling. .

"Come on! Come on Tyson!"

"Come on Link!"

The audience in the audience shouted loudly, cheering both sides evenly.

"Tyson did a great job! Link you did a great job too!"

Director Woody Allen shouted, pumping his fist.

Director Martin Scorsese next to him looked at him strangely, "Whose side are you on?"

Director Woody Allen laughed and said, "I used to be a boxing fan of Tyson, but now I am more familiar with Link, and I also like his boxing matches, so I cheer for both of them."

Director Martin Scorsese shook his head and looked at Link on the stage. He was handsome, strong and resolute. He also felt that his image was very suitable for making a literary and artistic film. Maybe he could work with him once.

In the boxing ring, Tyson launched more than fifty punches in the first 30 seconds. All of them were dodged or deflected by Link. None of the punches hit Link's vital parts. He was panting and couldn't help but speed up. Slow down.

"Mike, is this the 'despair' you're talking about?"

Link laughed.

Tyson gritted his braces and stared at him angrily. How could this kid react so quickly? Originally, he wanted to make a comeback by defeating Link and earn more money to pay off his debts, but Link's strength was much stronger than he expected. Compared with heavyweight boxers, he seemed to be not much different.

"It's my turn next."

Link didn't give Tyson a chance to breathe. He quickly punched back and hit Tyson's head with a vicious right swing, but Tyson blocked it with his arm.

Tyson flexed his muscles and grinned at him.

Link ignored him and followed up with the second and third punches to catch up with Tyson's body. His arms were 12 centimeters longer than Tyson's. He could stand in a safer position and keep punching out with both fists without using Worried about getting hit by Tyson.

Bang! The fifth punch was a tricky jab that passed through Tyson's arms and hit Tyson firmly on the left side of his chin. Tyson took a step back, kicked off his legs, and stood firmly in the ring. superior.


Tyson touched his chin with his fist, looked at Link with disdain, and said, "That's it? With this little strength, you dare to challenge Chris Byrd and Valuev?"

Link was a little surprised. The punch he just punched definitely weighed more than 1,000 pounds. In a super middleweight competition, this punch has a 30% chance of knocking down the opponent once, and a more than 80% chance of knocking the opponent staggering or knocking him back three times. Four steps.

But Tyson was able to steady himself by simply stepping hard on the floor.

Link guessed that this was due to his weight. Tyson weighed more than 230 pounds, and his muscles were stronger than those of a super middleweight boxer. This also led to his more stable center of gravity and stronger resistance to blows. Fists weighing less than 1,000 pounds were basically invulnerable to him. Influence.

In addition, Tyson is a veteran who has been in boxing for more than 20 years. He has fought opponents with heavier fists than Link, and has more experience in dealing with his attacks.

If Link wants to knock down Tyson quickly in a short period of time, he must fight as hard as possible and his game must be more flexible.

Before the game, Link felt that Tyson was old. He had been eating, drinking, gambling, and relaxing in training in the past few years, and his strength had been greatly reduced. It shouldn't be too difficult to defeat such an opponent.

Only when the match started did Link realize that he had underestimated his opponent. There was a big difference between a match against a heavyweight boxer and a match against a super middleweight.

Most of the super middleweight boxers are not big guys. Their bodies are similar to ordinary people, but their muscles are stronger and their body fat is lower. This also results in their low resistance to fighting and it is difficult for them to accept attacks exceeding 1,400 pounds.

However, they are relatively fast, flexible in movement, and responsive, so it is very difficult to hit them.

In the heavyweight field, boxing qualities such as punching weight, fighting ability, physical strength, and endurance are ranked before technology and speed. Boxers with this advantage are more likely to achieve results.

For example, Tyson, Lennox Lewis, the Klitschko brothers, Shannon Briggs, etc.

The most typical one is WBA boxing champion Valuev. In the same level, his speed is average and his technical level is average. He only relies on his punch weight and physical advantages to become the world boxing champion. "Boxing Ring" magazine rated him as ' A clumsy polar bear'.

If you want to defeat them, you can't continue to use the tactics you used to deal with super middleweight opponents, you have to use new tactics.

Bang bang bang!

Link immediately increased the speed and strength of his punches, and kept hitting Tyson with both fists, one punch after another.

Compared to Tyson's powerful and heavy punches.

His fists are like spears, and his attacks are continuous, extremely fast, and highly penetrating, making them difficult to defend against.

Under his continuous attacks, Tyson had no chance to fight back. Whenever he hit his head, he would be punched. He could only protect his head with both hands and keep dodging, which was very frustrating.

The audience in the audience had a great time watching it. In the past, Tyson would bombard others with heavy punches in the competition, but now they finally saw Tyson being pinned down and beaten by his opponent.

"Come on Link!"

"Great job, Link!"

The audience shouted loudly.


Link hit Tyson's left rib with a left hook. Although Tyson's rib muscles were very thick, after being hit seven or eight times in a row, his left rib also felt a dull pain, so he couldn't help but put down his arms for protection.

good chance!

Link's tactics were to strike up and down, east and west. When Tyson lowered his arms a little, his jab struck quickly and hit Tyson's right eye socket with a bang.

Tyson was knocked backwards, his steps became scattered, and his defense became loose.

Of course, Link would not miss this good opportunity. He rushed towards Tyson with a very fast left jab + right jab + left uppercut + right uppercut, aiming at Tyson's head, chin and abdomen. , greeting continuously.

Tyson was beaten back and forth, his back leaning on the rope, and he stretched out his hands to hug Link.

Link was worried about being bitten on the ear or hit on the head, so he quickly took a step back and hit Tyson with an uppercut on the chin. Tyson was staggered and hit the rope behind him, almost falling down.


"Tyson underestimated the enemy!"

"Link's punch definitely weighs over 1,500 pounds."

Holyfield and former WBA boxing champion Riddick Bouzan said in surprise

"Damn it!"

On the boxing ring, Tyson stood up quickly, bared his teeth and glared at Link fiercely. He underestimated Link's fists. This guy was more difficult than he thought.

Link didn't care what his mood was and continued to attack Tyson with his fists.

Tyson was also angered by him and stopped protecting himself. He faced his fist and fought with him closely.

Link's fists are fast and accurate, and his offensive efficiency is high. After Tyson puts down his defense, he can often hit three or four out of ten.

Tyson's fists are heavy and his body has high resistance to blows, but his reactions are not as flexible as Link's. Twenty punches can hit Link once.

The two of them punched each other, hitting each other hard, and they were inseparable.

The audience in the audience was dazzled, as if they were back in 1987 when Tyson fought against former IBF boxing champion Tony Tucker. The two fought fiercely for 12 rounds, and Tyson won by points. Meat is considered the pinnacle showdown of heavyweights.

Now I see Tyson fighting with others, and the audience cheers and applauds one after another.

Dang Dang Dang!

At the end of the first round, each professional match lasts three minutes, with a one-minute break in between. Each match has 6 to 12 rounds depending on the format. Link and Tyson also had 12 rounds.

"Link, if it were ten years ago, you wouldn't be able to last a single round in my hands."

Tyson gasped.

"If it were ten years later, I would be sure to defeat you within 100 seconds."

Link laughed.

Tyson snorted and returned to the corner with his fist raised.

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