Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 355: Death of Tousaka Tokiomi

The next day, Tosaka Tokiomi's family, Kotomine Kirei, Isayama Nomei, and Senjumaru finished their day's visit and prepared to go back.

Basically, the two of them had a very happy time as guests at Kamo's house, except that Kirei Kotomine was forced to be punched with a black flash.

But no matter how happy we are, it's time to say goodbye.

Kotomine Kirei looked at these people with smiles on their faces. He just stood aside very quietly like an iron tower.

It’s actually quite good as a backdrop.

After all, except for a few severe beatings at the beginning, other than that, it was all good food, drink, and supplies.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality. My family and I had a very pleasant time at Kamo's house."

Tokiomi Tosaka leaned forward slightly and expressed his heartfelt thanks to Isayama Nomei.

After meeting his wife and children, he no longer had any worries in his heart.

Be able to concentrate more on your own affairs

At the same time, the desire to win has become more real.

After all, his wife and children are Tohsaka Tokiomi's last few concerns in this world.

"I know that Mr. Tosaka loves his wife and son very much."

"If you don't take a good look at their living environment, you won't be able to sleep."

Tokiomi Tosaka laughed dumbly. He had also experienced the living environment of his wife and children. The quality of life has not declined much, except that there are no employees, and they need to do their own work.

In this case, the independent ability of children has been significantly improved.

Even the ingredients used for meals were specially delivered by people from the Kamo family.

If you go out on a daily basis, in order to ensure safety, you need to be accompanied by someone from the Kamo family to apply in advance.

Generally, it will be passed, and the Kamo family is very considerate in providing pick-up and drop-off for the two ladies.

However, Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura are both very well-behaved and sensible children. They usually go home together after school.

That's why Tohsaka Rin made his mother so worried last time when he went to Fuyuki City alone. It was because when he returned home, only Tohsaka Rin's eldest daughter was missing.

The first thing I thought of was that some people had been kidnapped by despicable means because of the Holy Grail War B.

But fortunately this is not true.

He was just worried about his former classmate, so he went back to Fuyuki City in the east to look for him.

Tohsaka Rin's classmates have also fully recovered with the help of the local police.

Without the threat of Caster, Fuyuki City is actually quite peaceful.

After all, Fuyuki City is quite far away from Tokyo. It is impossible for someone to go to Tokyo specifically to kidnap someone. Their brains are so dizzy.

Fortunately, in the end it was just a false alarm.

Tosaka Tokiomi bent down and looked at his two daughters. He has different expectations for these two daughters.

He has already found a next home for Sakura, which is the Kamo family.

Tohsaka Sakura will join the Isayama family, break away from her identity as the Tohsaka family, and join the Kamo family.

And the other one is the next head of the Tohsaka family.

Tokiomi Tosaka held his two children for a long time and was speechless. In fact, what he wanted to say had already been said last night, and the family had already said most of it.

But before leaving, I always think of something I want to say, which makes me easily verbose.

"When you enter the Kamo family in the future, you must study hard and not embarrass our Tohsaka family."

"Rin, do more things for the association before you become an adult. I believe you two can do well in the future even without the help of us adults."

The Holy Grail will eventually appear, and it is the Tosaka family's obligation to obtain the Holy Grail. The Tosaka family will finally realize their long-cherished wish.

Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura both hold a book in their hands. It is the magic book of the Tosaka family. It is quite suitable for the actual level of these two children and will not have any difficulty in using it.

Tokiomi Tosaka specially brought it from the Tosaka family's old house.

Looking at his two lovely daughters, Tokiomi Tosaka felt quite painful in his heart.

He turned to look at Isayama Nomei

"Maybe I really need to ask you to take care of me a lot. My two daughters have thanked you for your trouble."

"Everyone is here with the signed agreement. Don't worry, Mr. Tohsaka."

"Besides, your two daughters are so sensible, so there is basically no need to worry about them."

Isayama Nomei also answered.

There is no need to worry about this guy. He is not someone who will not abide by treaties, and his level of trustworthiness is quite high.

Moreover, the way Isayama Nomei looked at the two of them, he had already regarded Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura as his younger sisters.

Isayama Nomei felt that it was better to worry about whether he would take good care of the two of them.

It's better to take a good look around yourself to see if there are any rebellious scenes.

Hearing what Isayama Nomei said, Tokiomi Tosaka nodded solemnly.

He believed him.

It should be said that the only person who can be trusted now is Isayama Nomei.

For a moment, Tokiomi Tosaka thought, what if. He does not act as a master but as a father of a child.

that would be nice?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Even if he died in the Holy Grail War, it would still be the fate of the Tohsaka family.

"Miss Senjumaru, please excuse me."

After Tosaka Tokiomi made up his mind, he stopped visiting his family.

After Shutara Senjumaru saw that everything they wanted to say was over, he immediately summoned his own domain.

A huge black hole opened up, and a huge door appeared out of thin air.

When the two children saw their father gradually leaving, they held Isayama Norimei's hand gradually harder.

They are also very reluctant to let their father leave them. But they knew that their father had to leave them in order to pursue his family's long-cherished wish.

"What a family long-cherished wish, it's so stupid."

Isayama Nomei just shook his head.

He sensed from Kotomine Kirei that the opponent would never surrender, that it was a time bomb that was about to explode.

As for Kotomine Kirei's statement that he would take the flight back to the headquarters of the Holy Church Church soon to report on his duties, that was simply nonsense.

Too. Just check the purchase procedure for his ID on international flights.

Kotomine Kirei didn't buy any tickets at all. But his master can no longer tolerate him. The final result is obvious, and it will only become a situation of fratricide between master and apprentice.

However, for Isayama Norimei, this is just a guess.

Although they are close friends, there is still a chance that they will get a bye. When the time comes, it will be another matter to accuse them of destroying the relationship between master and disciple.

It's better to stay out of other people's affairs.

Isayama Norimei has already intervened in many things, whether it is a blessing or a curse. This is because fate will only be bad if it changes too much.

As for these two children who have lost their father since childhood, that can only be said.

Who gave them an irresponsible father?

Family status is quite serious.

The only thing Tokiomi Tokiomi did well was to seize the opportunity of the Holy Grail War and use the Tohsaka family's position in the war.

As a supervisor headed by the Kamo family. He paid a certain price so that his daughter could join the Kamo family. This was the best deal he ever made.

Tokiomi Tosaka's car and Kirei Yugomine drove slowly out of Kamo's house, even though the entire building was dark.

But he knew that his family was somewhere here, and this feeling was quite reassuring.

Even though we just met.

But Tohsaka Tokiomi was already thinking that the next time they met, he would have triumphed.

Tokiomi Tosaka imagined himself holding the Holy Grail and proudly boasting to his children that it was the Holy Grail. A smile appeared on his face in the picture in his imagination.

"Fengqi, what did you do when you were at Kamo's house?"

As soon as Kotomine Kirei heard the question from his master, he immediately mentioned the one that left a big impression on him.

He couldn't help but think that even the children trained by the Spell Masters Association were so aggressive.

The other party would never engage in a quarrel without reason, but perhaps, as the other party said, they just wanted to see the methods of their Holy Church.

"Kirei, I remember you have a bad relationship with your daughter, right?"

"Go back this time. How about building a good relationship?"

"The Holy Grail War is over, and you can take a rather long vacation."

Tokiomi Tosaka knew that this taciturn apprentice might not be good at expressing his emotions. His symptoms became more obvious after his own wife died.

After all, it is his daughter and not an enemy who can resolve the misunderstanding between them.

This is also something worth being happy about.

"Yes, I can master."

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Kotomine Kirei's mouth.

"When I go back this time, I have a gift to give you as your farewell gift."

As a gift for ending your practice.

Tokiomi Tosaka is generally quite satisfied with his apprentice.

His strong learning ability is only one aspect. More importantly, he is obedient enough, which is a huge help for him this time.

"Master, please sleep for a while. I will call you directly when we get there."

Hearing Kotomine Kirei say this, Tokiomi Tosaka suddenly felt a little tired.

He also went to bed late because he was having a lot of trouble with the children.

Tokiomi Tosaka's eyelids were so heavy that he immediately fell asleep. It was obviously very abnormal to fall asleep so soundly.

Kotomine Kirei glanced at Tosaka Tokiomi, who had fallen asleep, and showed a creepy smile.

"Good night, master."

Not long after, next to a sparsely populated cliff at the junction of Fuyuki City and the neighboring city, a red car seemed to have lost control. It crashed through the fence at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour and rushed straight to the bottom of the cliff.

The car flew directly to the ground at such a high distance, and the impact force caused the valuable car to roll, deform, and disintegrate, and finally hit the ground heavily.

There was a boom.

It caused a violent explosion.

The wreckage of the vehicle was scattered everywhere.

The explosion looked quite dazzling to the burning frame amidst the rugged gravel underneath. Here was the last light after the death of Tokiomi Tohsaka.

The fire of the explosion illuminated the eyes of Kotomine Kirei who was standing next to the cliff as red as a demon. Kotomine Kirei couldn't help laughing loudly when he saw the explosion.

Does he know what pleasure is?

Kotomine Kirei appears here just because he raised the driver's seat.

Tokiomi Tosaka, who was supposed to be sitting in the back seat, was moved to the driver's seat.

I had this idea as early as when I set out.

For this reason, toxins have already been injected into car fragrances.

It was colorless and odorless before it came, but it was directly injected with toxins after it came.

This poison can knock down even an adult elephant immediately. In order not to affect Toshiomi Tōsaka, Kotomine Kirei even diluted it slightly.

This special poison is so powerful that it burns everything in an instant, leaving no trace.

And Kotomine Kirei had already taken the antidote on the way here, so this poison has no meaning for him.

For this reason, Toshiomi Tōsaka was tied directly to the car and fell off the cliff with the car. He had absolutely no way to remedy it.

The only possibility was that they would fall into the abyss together in the car.

Kotomine Kirei personally sent his master Toshiomi Tōsaka to the underworld.

Kotomine Kirei had long had the idea of ​​killing his master, especially since he had not been able to kill his father before. This made him feel even more unhappy.

This time, he must not miss it no matter what, and he must kill his master.


"Kirei, you have made great progress."

A pure golden light and shadow was gradually forming in Kotomine Kirei's laughter.

It was the Hero King Gilgamesh.

He also looked at the man who had just killed his master with great interest.

He was not even interested in whether Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was at the bottom, was dead or alive. He just stood beside Kotomine Kirei as if he was watching a show.

As a Heroic Spirit, Hero King Gilgamesh could not do anything disastrous to his Master, but it was not necessarily the case for others.

Kotomine Kirei was the next Master that Hero King Gilgamesh had set his eyes on.

In his eyes, Tohsaka Tokiomi was already a villain who was ignorant of the world and wanted to control him. He really deserved to die.

For this reason, Kotomine Kirei killed his master directly without giving him any chance to react and turn the tables. The whole process would not take more than a few seconds.

The worst situation that Kenmei Isayama was worried about still happened. They could not even wait to return to the house, and they killed the head of the Tohsaka family on the way.

So his judgment of people was quite accurate. Lian Fengqi was an ungrateful person. In his eyes, everything can be killed.

Kotomine Kirei once wanted to kill his terminally ill wife, but the good thoughts in his heart still remained when his wife was alive.

That is, after his wife's death, the good thoughts in his heart were completely gone.

Kotomine Kirei then realized that he was a demon, and no one around him could see it.

But Kotomine Kirei and the hero king Gilgamesh didn't expect it.

Tōsaka Tokiomi was also killed by a huge explosion when he was dying, and the blast wind rushed him to a cliff not far away.

His heart was full of unwillingness.

"I don't want to die!"

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