Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 251 The Secret Killer

"[The Ultramarines] are within this area. As long as they arrive at this asteroid belt, we can fight a beautiful battle of annihilation in this area.

The few remaining company commanders of the [Word Bearers], the Primarch Lorgar, and several senior generals of the [World Eaters] are also here.

In front of all of them is the layout of all the galaxies in the entire surrounding area. The gold and red ones are the fleets of the [Word Bearers] and [World Eaters], and the blue ones not far away are the [Ultramarines]. They chase the troops.

They are discussing together here how to deal with the pursuers of the [Ultramarines]. Destroying all these bastards is their only issue at the moment.

In the 500 world, the [Word Bearers] are different from the [World Eaters], and their current situation is quite low-key.

Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters, was not there. The reason was simple. Warmaster Horus had arranged for them not to have two legion commanders on a battleship.

The loyalists' communications were cut off, but the rebel side's communications were not cut off and they could still rely on the help of the Chaos Evil God to get in touch in the subspace.

That's why Horus can strategize thousands of miles away and still have time to move the [Midnight Lord] there.

This means that all eggs should not be placed in one basket to prevent all the eggs from being broken when the basket is knocked over.

Between Lorgar and Angron, Horus would only choose Angron. Lorgar is an unfed hungry wolf who will bite him whenever he has time.

In order to avoid unnecessary losses, the rebels, like the [Word Bearers], cannot afford greater losses.


Luojia shook his head.

"The order given to us by Horus is to hold back the remaining [Ultramarines] forces as much as possible."

The real goal is to prevent the [Ultramarines] from returning to aid Terra.

"Our [Word Bearers] troops have been mostly depleted, and it is not suitable to mobilize troops on a large scale."

Although Lorgar Aurelion wanted to cut off Robert Guilliman's head and kick it as a ball.

But now they [the Word Bearers] can no longer suffer any more losses.

In short, if the fight continues, the [Word Bearers] legion will become unworthy of its name.

It may become the first legion to be wiped out after Horus launched the Heresy.

It's simply a shame and a shame.

Luojia's face turned blue and white, then black.

"The Martian Mechanical Magus whom Horus asked us to protect was directly captured alive by the [Ultramarines] despite us not being able to protect him."

The defeat of the [Word Bearers] was quite eye-catching among the rebels, and they became the legion that suffered the most losses among all the rebels.

Do you still think your face is not clean enough?

The situation is very tense now, and Luojia knows that another of his good brothers will soon arrive on the battlefield.

There is no rush to wait until the guy arrives before taking action. Taking action now is just a quick act.

[Ultimate Warriors] still have a lot of battleships left. In order to reduce losses, it is better to wait until all three legions are reunited.

It can form a siege and carry out an annihilating strike against the [Ultimate Warriors].

"Just avenge the shame."

But what Luojia didn't expect was that due to the successive defeats in the battle, his prestige in the army was also affected and began to be questioned.

No, a [Word Bearer] was quite angry at the weakness of their Primarch. No, he stood up as soon as he slapped the table.

"I can't stand this anger anyway!"

"How can those dead brothers close their eyes down there?"

[The Word Bearers] A company commander loudly reprimanded their Primarch, without giving any face in front of other legion company commanders.

In his opinion, losing a battle is nothing. The most important thing is that he doesn't even dare to take revenge. That's the real joke.

Besides, do you still need to care about the so-called face to this extent?

He could tell that their father had completely changed after surrendering to Chaos.

Or perhaps his father had already changed when the Emperor ordered the destruction of the City of Perfection, and had become just to compete for more power among the brothers, regardless of the life and death of his men.

"Even if I lead my own fleet and suffer all losses, I must bite those [Ultramarines] dogs hard."

After speaking, he angrily wanted to walk out of the door here, but the Word Bearer hadn't left the conference room yet.

A disdainful sneer appeared on Luojia's face, and he saw a flash of white light.

The company commander's head rolled off his neck when he raised objections. Gulu Gulu fell to the ground.

He didn't even know how Luojia took action, and he was killed without any chance of fighting back.

"I am the coach here."

Lorgar didn't even glance at the corpse on the ground and turned to stare at the remaining [Word Bearers] captains.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Although he doesn’t have many people under his command

But in this case, we must kill. If we don't kill, the morale of the army will be unstable.

This is the principle of kindness not commanding troops.

The first one to show up will be killed immediately.

"Transmit my next orders to all battleships. If you encounter [Ultramarines], it is not necessary. If you engage in battle, avoid fighting."


Naturally, the remaining [Word Bearers] did not dare to have other thoughts under Lorgar's forced order.

Watching their former brothers die tragically in front of them was the time when their beloved father had done it himself.

Even if there were other thoughts in his mind, facing the dead body in front of him, all the words in front of him could only be turned into a sigh.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

So basically only Angron, who is stubborn, is still carrying out heinous acts of burning, killing, looting and other interstellar things in the 500 world, while the [Word Bearers] are scattered and hiding in various galaxies in the 500 world. Avoid the pursuit from the [Ultimate Warriors].

"Hahaha, these guys must not have thought of it."

The headquarters of the [Ultimate Warriors] received this message almost at the same time as the order he had just issued.

It can only be said that none of them would think of using the authority of the dead Kor Phaeron to obtain information about the [Word Bearers].

"Luojia is really a waste, he can't even think of this simple truth."

Robert Guilliman sneered.

But what Guilliman also finds strange is that he has clearly annihilated all the [Word Bearers] fleets in the Calth galaxy. It stands to reason that the two legions are now mortal enemies.

He didn't think that his brother was a calm guy.

There is absolutely no way he could be so cowardly and hide himself in every corner of the 500 world.

"All company commanders will gather on the flagship immediately and begin to obey my command."

"All remaining fleets are assembled. After replenishment."

Isayama Nomei shook his head.

Although there will be a login record when logging in, as a sage of the Mechanicum, he should not be too casual with this kind of thing, and delete all his browsing history directly in the background.

At that time, they will have no place to look if they want to.

[The Word Bearer] still suffers from being uneducated.

However, this decentralized approach is quite convenient.

Because the [Word Bearers] are scattered enough. This makes it particularly easy for the [Ultramarines] to defeat the [Word Bearers] one by one.

There is no need to doubt the authenticity of the information

After all, this information is directly in the internal network of the Word Bearers, which means that the decision-making level of the Word Bearers has completely decided on the strategic plan.

It is the final draft and cannot be modified.

Besides, it was too late to change it.

[Ultramarines] marked all the locations of these [Word Bearers] battleships, and then carried out targeted attacks on the composition of these battleships in batches. It should be said that Isayama Norimei was getting this information. when,

This tightly encircling net has been completely woven, leaving no chance for the [Word Bearers] to escape.

"I can only say that I blame you for becoming my enemy."

[The Word Bearer] was almost helpless when it came to the target of his mission.

On the other side, quite far away from Robert Guilliman's 500 Worlds, was an astonishing number of battleships, all neatly arranged in the starry sky, heading towards unknown galaxies.

It can be seen from the flagship clock. This is the famous first legion in the empire. Dark Angel Legion.

During the Horus Heresy, this legion was full of glory, and every time it went on an expedition, it was bound to win.

Lion of all battles

The majestic generalissimo in the main seat was holding a huge sword with the shape of a lion in his hand and stood there quietly.

The golden hair of the same style as Robert Guilliman, and the resolute eyes give people a sense of calmness and self-power.

The shields on the shoulders of the power armor are all made up of roaring lions with teeth bared, and they look quite ferocious and vivid.

He is the Primarch of the First Legion [Dark Angels] "Lion King" Lian El'Jonson.

This Lion King has not experienced the destruction of his home world [Caliban], or even the sadness of half of the Dark Angel Legion rebelling, so now he is still high-spirited and full of the calmness of the eldest prince.

"Look for it! Horus said that there is Caliban's lost artifact here. That shouldn't be groundless."

The most important reason why Lion El'Jonson led his Sons of the Lion on the expedition was to find Caliban's three lost artifacts.

Those artifacts can be combined to span the distance of space and time and carry out long-distance transmission.

Unfortunately, it was originally a complete artifact but was broken into pieces and is now scattered throughout the universe.

And his good brother Horus gave the information in a very timely manner, claiming to have discovered long-lost artifact fragments of their planet in this remote corner of the galaxy.

These artifacts are very important to [Caliban], so even if they encounter quite a few demon attacks along the way, they cannot stop them.

Then the Lion King was easily deceived by Horus and came to this remote corner of the galaxy.

There is no way, the First Legion has a good reputation. The strength of the war group is very terrifying and has never experienced a defeat, so it is a quite taboo legion.

But this was actually just Horus's preconceived conjecture, and he did not really provide any persuasion to the members of the [Dark Angel].

Otherwise, he would be surprised to find that the [Dark Angels] are not monolithic. Some people have long been jealous of the glory of this person who only relied on the emperor's heir to reach the top of the entire monarchy.

There are already undercurrents surging within the entire legion, and they are trying to lurk, waiting for the moment to launch a rebellion.

But when the [Dark Angel] drove to this area, it suddenly discovered that throughout the galaxy, it seemed that the activities in the subspace were particularly frequent for some unknown reason.

Even the Dark Angels Legion lost all contact with Terra, the center of the Empire.

But this was subspace-affected communication, so it didn't make Ryan suspicious. Finding his lost artifact was the most important thing in his heart.

"Sir, we have received an unfamiliar communication."

A dark angel was searching for all radio waves in the receiver's space as usual, but suddenly he heard an unusually strong and anxious voice.

At the same time, the information he heard was not so optimistic, so he immediately reported it to their commander.

"What's up?"

Ryan El'Jonson raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that [Ultramarine] Lord Guilliman has been attacked. He needs help."

"[The Ultramarines] are under attack?"

Lion El'Jonson knew that the [Ultramarines] were not too far away from here. If he remembered correctly, Horus should have asked him to solve the invasion of the Orc Empire.

"Are there too many greenskins?"

Passed on to all legion history, the. The area where communication signals are sent.

It's an artifact, and it won't grow legs to run around.

But if Ryan doesn't provide support, he will lose his brother, so he knows clearly which one is more important.

Ryan El'Jonson changed the direction of the entire fleet and headed directly to the Cowes system.

However, because electronic signals are experiencing severe signal interference, you must be at a fairly close distance to get a reply from the other party.

At present, they can only close the distance between each other as much as possible and convey their goodwill.

It is to send a signal to let the [Ultimate Warriors] know that their [Dark Angel] legion is coming soon.

The battleships of the [Ultramarines] have begun to move towards the [Word Bearers] in batches, unaware that one of his good brothers is already being recuperated and preparing to rush to the rescue.

Isayama Nomei rubs shoulders, he still operates the fire control system of [Macragge's Glory].

It seems that Isayama Nomei is preparing to aim the main gun of the [Macragge's Glory] at Lorgar's flagship.

But suddenly he seemed to feel a biting chill, from the soles of his feet directly to the Tianling Cap above his head.

It felt like there was some cold beast staring at him in the dark with its fangs exposed, which made him feel quite uncomfortable.

He was not the only one who felt this way, even powerful beings such as Robert Guilliman and the Legion Champions of the Ultramarines all sensed the abnormality.

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