Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 367 The White Swan Harbor Incident (Part 1)

Barton County is adjacent to the border of the Bama Canal and is a secondary administrative area in the upper Kyoto city circle.

However, whether it is political, economic, cultural or other aspects, Barton County is not very outstanding among the "one capital and six counties" in Shanghai.

However, thanks to the new local governor of Barton County in recent years, combined with the local characteristics of Barton County, which is close to the estuary of the West Sea, he has increased financial investment in publicity, and has greatly promoted the tourism and seafood catering industry.

At the same time, it improved the treatment and status of human settlements in Barton County, and even creatively proposed a decree to build a [human-friendly city].

The last decree to build a [human-friendly city] is particularly critical.

Every year, it attracts countless young people from other countries who are curious about the city of Shangjing Tianren to come and check in, so that the number of human tourists lingering in the city every year surges even more than Tianren.

Human sociology experts in some countries believe that the decree of Barton County to build a "human-friendly city" is even more significant than the policy of "intermarriage between heaven and human race" adopted by the World Conference more than 500 years ago.

An incomparably solid step has been taken to eliminate the racial barriers between heaven and human beings and to promote the harmony and stability of this world's cross continent.


Some people scoff at experts as pure fart.

Who broke the racial divide with you?

As soon as this policy came out,

Where can there be any real nobles in Bartonshire?

The people who live in Barton County now are just some mixed-race people who can't get along with the heavens and the desolate ones who are trying to make money. The truly powerful nobles have already moved to other states and counties and even Shangjing.

As for this so-called "human-friendly city", it is nothing more than a bone or two thrown at the dinner table by the gods who have been in high positions for a long time.

If you really think that you are in the hall, you are eating in the same bowl as heaven and man

Then you try it at the table?

It is specified that there is no good juice to eat.

There are also some young people who have been to Bartonshire who broke the news on the Internet about the unfair treatment they suffered there. They angrily accuse the so-called construction of a [human-friendly city] is just a pretense, and the place where the decree can be implemented is limited to heaven and man. In the set "circle".

The man went to some other places out of curiosity, such as near the mansion of noble people, and was arrested by the city security management inspection team on the spot.

He was thrown into the dungeon for three days and three nights without even being tried, and finally contacted his family and paid a huge bail before being released.

Human friendly city?

Friendly ghost.

It’s just that this kind of bitter and real experience is often quickly deleted by people in the network security management department after the news is revealed.

over time,

There is no one who dares to talk anymore, and there are still a steady stream of people who come to Bartonshire every year.

Maybe a lot of people have seen it clearly.

Don't go where you're not allowed to go.

Even if a "circle" is drawn, it is the circle of the city of heaven and man, and even the air quality is more than doubled.

Come and take pictures and develop social networking sites,

Isn't it a rushing rise?

In the morning, I took the ferry across the Bama Canal and passed through layers of strict immigration inspections. After about another hour's drive, Higashinohara arrived at the destination of the trip.

Bartonshire Coach Terminal.

As soon as the car stopped, the people in the car rushed down as if the floodgates had been opened.

In less than half a minute, only Higashinohara and five members of the Mithril Club executive team of Stafford Private Great Sword Academy were left in the coach of the long-distance bus carrying more than 50 people.

Are you in such a hurry?

Higashinohara wondered in his heart, and only after getting out of the car did he realize that those who had poured out of the carriage did not leave immediately, but were posing in various poses with the bus as the background.

There is a young woman looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, half of her face bright and half of her face sad.

It is estimated that if this photo is posted on social networks, the copy should be "people must go to Barton in their lifetime".

After getting out of the car, Higashinohara noticed that the five members of the Mithril Society executive team gathered in the open space in front of the car. It seemed that they were not taking pictures but discussing something.

Although he was somewhat interested in joining the Mithril Club's executive team, the timing was obviously not right now.

The main purpose of Higashinohara's visit to Barton County this time was to follow the address sent by the Twilight investigation to see if he could repair and recast his two big sharp knives.


After he got out of the car, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Before taking a few steps, his brows could not help frowning slightly, and he felt the sound of footsteps coming from behind him.

Higashinohara did not turn to look.

He still stepped forward calmly, and when he walked around a corner, he glanced at it, only to realize that the people behind him were the Mithril Society members.

what's the situation?

Higashinohara had doubts in his mind, but soon he realized that he would be wrong.

——The other party is not following him, but seems to be going to the same place as himself, and the destination is the bus stop outside the passenger terminal.

Seems to be a bit of a coincidence.

Tonohara secretly thought.

It's just that something more coincidental happened next.

I got on the bus and passed by Haikou Station, Shashi Station, Cultural Center Station, etc. on the way.

Finally, when the next stop was about to arrive at White Swan Port Station, Higashinohara found that several members of the Mithril Club were also leaning towards the middle door.


Are they going to get off here too?

Although Higashinohara is not persecuted delusional,

But not so simple.

There are more coincidences than coincidences.

However, he did not give up getting out of the car, and also leaned towards the door.

Although he didn't think it was a coincidence, he didn't think that a harmless young man would be targeted by the Mithril Society executive team as soon as he went out.

If they guessed correctly, they just want to go to White Swan Port, and the goal should not be themselves.

Is it just something happened to the white swan?

He thought to himself in his heart.

Next, as soon as the car came to a stop, the few people got out of the car with the crowd.

Higashinohara jumped out of the car a few seconds before the door was about to close.

Then stood at the bus stop and glanced at it, only to find that those people were heading towards the coastal port of White Swan Harbor.

Speaking of which, White Swan Harbour is also part of the construction of a "human-friendly city" in Bartonshire.

And because of its proximity to the sea, the policy is relatively looser. It can be said that it is the area with the weakest jurisdiction in Barton County, because the relatively free environment attracts a large number of human tourists every year.

Although Higashinohara didn't know what the Mithril Society's president was doing here wearing the appearance of a few students.

But looking at the serious faces and appearances of those few people, it is obvious that they would not have come to build a tour group.

Higashino had his own affairs, and although he was curious about it, it was limited.

Standing at the bus stop, he glanced at the direction where the few people disappeared, shook his head but still didn't follow.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced again at the location Dusk sent him a week ago.

5-54 Ninth Street, White Swan Harbor, Bartonshire.

The distance shown on the map from the bus stop where you are located is about ten minutes away.

Of course, if he let go of the speed, the ten minutes would be greatly shortened.

But when Higashinohara set foot on the land of heaven and man for the first time, he naturally did a good job of "despising the enemy strategically and attaching importance to the enemy tactically". It's okay to think about the use of speed-related abilities in the street.

He's been waiting for a week.

Not bad for the day.

But just after Higashinohara left in the opposite direction, it was not far ahead.

Among the group of people walking towards the port, Felina, the deputy captain of the executive team, glanced at the back behind him and said:

"Strange, that guy seems to be on the same road with us all the time, isn't he following us?"

"Are you talking about that little white face?"

Someone in the executive team couldn't help laughing when they heard it, "It's not that it's not. Some of the people who came to Barton County from Meiji House didn't come to White Swan Harbor. If they went to other places, they might accidentally walk out of the bounds. You have to be sent to the dungeon by the city security administration."

"Ah this."

Felina was stunned for a moment, then shook her head with a smile, "It's me who cares too much."

"I don't think Your Excellency the vice-captain is overhearted, but looks at other people's handsome looks."

Someone couldn't help but tease and joked:

"It's rare for us to take a cross-border long-distance bus, but there are a lot of people traveling along the way. Why do you only remember him?"

Vice-captain Felina was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, she seemed to be really handsome.

Immediately, his face sank:

"I think you're the one who deserves to be beaten."

Kailutu Von Caucaso, the president of the Mithril Society, could not help frowning upon hearing this.

He also had some impressions of the young man in his mind, but when he thought about it carefully, he was stunned to find that he couldn't remember the other person's appearance in his mind.

This is not normal!

Kailutu suddenly turned his head to look at the other four members of the executive team and said, "Has any of you seen what that young man looks like?"

What does it look like?

Everyone frowned and thought about it carefully in their minds, and then they looked at each other blankly.

At this moment, even Felina can recall only the charming curvature of the other party's handsome chin.

What other people see is only the side face, as for what the front face looks like, I can't remember at all.

It is estimated that after a long time, I am afraid that even those Xu radians that I have seen will be forgotten in my memory.

Kailutu froze slightly in his heart.

This shouldn't be a coincidence.

The biggest possibility is that the other party adjusts the direction of their head and body slightly naturally every time their eyes meet, so as not to make people feel any abrupt and avoid their frontal face from their eyes.

Just like the "sixth person" in the real society, the sense of existence is extremely thin.

The other party's ability is not necessarily higher than them.

But the insight must be very strong.

"It's not for us, right?" Vice-captain Felina suddenly became worried.

Kailutu, the chairman of the Mithril Society, shook his head calmly, "This time we came to Barton County to carry out a secret assignment from the Condor Bureau. Even we don't know the specific mission objectives, and there is no value in staring at us. , it should be just a coincidence."

Kairoutu's judgment is rarely wrong.

Everyone in the execution team could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard the words. If they were targeted at the beginning of the mission, it meant that they basically ran for nothing in the past three days.

At this time, someone from the executive team suddenly asked in doubt, "But then again. President, why is our first stop at White Swan Harbor?"

The destination of White Swan Port was decided by Kailutu after they arrived at Barton County and got off the bus after they got together and discussed. At that time, everyone did not ask the deep reason behind it.

Kailutu heard the words and looked at the white gulls flying in the sea and sky in the direction of the port, and said calmly, "I checked the travel records of Barton County during this period of time when I hacked into the backstage of Barton's Tourism Bureau website in the car. The number of tourists received by White Swan Port has recently shown an upward curve."

Several people couldn't help but stunned for a moment.

Deputy Captain Felina hesitated for a while, but still couldn't help reminding, "But White Swan Harbor is a popular tourist destination in Barton County, and this season is still the peak season for caviar sales, so more people shouldn't explain anything, right? "

Hearing Felina's words, the eyes of the other three members of the executive team returned to Kailutu, but they only heard Kairutu calmly say:

"But don't forget, the recent turmoil within the Judgment Division and the tragic death of a judge in Mezy House, adjacent to Barton County, the Judgment Division and the local police force's city-wide martial law has made people panic. The local tourism industry in the city is suffering a setback, and it would be good if the number of tourists did not drop, so why is it still rising?"

Hearing Kailutu's stern and rational words, the four members of the executive team were stunned.

Apparently, they didn't take that into consideration.

So that is to say, the abnormality in Barton County mentioned in the investigation task assigned to them by the Condor Bureau is likely to be the abnormal increase in tourists in White Swan Harbor?

But what does this mean?

"Could it be because the World Conference is about to be held?" Someone asked suddenly.

"It's too early."

Kailutu shook his head and said noncommittally in a cold voice, "Take a step back, even if a country representative arrives ahead of schedule,

But this is Bartonshire,

The "Conference Village" that hosts the teams of delegates from world conferences from various countries is located in Baling County, which is more than 500 kilometers away. "

ah this

Did I remember wrong?

The man immediately lowered his head in embarrassment.

Kailutu glanced at everyone and said solemnly, "You are all elites in the executive team, but we haven't graduated yet. This field mission is still safety first. Any problems found in the next three days will be reported immediately. Remember, it's a report."


Everyone nodded yes.

After Kailutu finished his instructions, he forgot to glance at the direction where Higashinohara disappeared behind him.

Although he said just now that the coincidence doesn't matter, but in his heart he always felt that the figure seemed to have met before.

Where will it be?

White Swan Harbor.

dong dong dong-!

A fisherman's door was knocked again.


The door opened from the inside, and the woman holding the child glanced at the person's clothes in surprise.

Black and white checkered hip-hop scarf, blue mask and brown cap, and a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of the nose.

weather in april

This dress is somewhat exaggerated.

"Is this Mr. Tanjuro Kamado's house?" Higashinohara, who was hovering outside the door to complete the 'one-button dress change', asked politely without changing his expression.

He knew how weird he was dressing up, but as long as I wasn't embarrassed, embarrassed was someone else.

The woman holding the child also came back to her senses, stared at the strangely dressed Higashinohara, and suddenly asked, "Are you here to make swords?"


Tonohara was a little surprised.

When he was wandering outside, he saw that this was a self-operated seafood retail store, and he thought it would take a while to knock on the door.

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of her actually skipped the previous steps.

Seeming to see Higashinohara's surprise, the woman couldn't help but muttered to herself:

"Yesterday too. I really don't know what you people think. Find a fisherman to make a sword."

But she was very happy that the fisherman's husband was able to work part-time to earn money to support the family.

Although those visitors looked scary yesterday, she was taken aback just by the deposit they took out.

this guest

Should be very rich, right?

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