Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 66 The Dark Sun Ends (9)

The scarlet color of blood was reflected across a long distance, and the war roar was shocking, as if hundreds of millions of people were chanting "Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God" in unison!

Fortunately, this was just an illusion, although Lynch did not see the limit of the number of demons.

Under Lynch's order, the cold-blooded species began to wait patiently for the mutation.

Through the secret road obscured by the jungle, Lynch observed the demons who were screaming and fighting in the ruins of the temple city under the gloomy sky.

A bit of bright light shone in the distance, and just the afterglow flowing in gave Lin Qi an inexplicable surge of fighting spirit.

Lightning fell densely, wiping away the blood-red devil whose body was burning with flames.

The sky was filled with darkness, filled with flying pterosaurs and demons with bat wings. Arcs of lightning occasionally swallowed up both parties fighting in mid-air.

On the broken Great Pyramid in the center, twisted whirlpools of magic energy rolled, creating gaps that were several miles long.

The dark cracks are healing!

Lin Qi looked at the demons falling continuously from it, gripped the scepter tightly, and looked around the jungle nervously, hoping to find the snake god army.

The evil light of the dark sun could not illuminate the jungle, but Lynch still discovered the anomaly with his excellent eyesight.

Thick shadows passed over the City of Echoes, the air became dull and slippery, and the blood on the battlefield seemed to emit an abnormal light.

It was like a snake making a rustling sound while sliding.

The noise of the battle between the vampires and the lizard-men was so loud that Lynch was not sure whether he was experiencing auditory hallucinations.

But he could never mistake it. The trees on the edge of the jungle were swaying slightly!

Maybe it's the wind? There are many Skink Priests in the Lizard Legion, and they are accustomed to operating air currents.

Soon, Lynch discovered that it was no illusion.

Along the southern edge of the huge battlefield in the City of Echoes, in the dense forest, there was nothing unusual at first.

The entire battlefield was filled with the roars of demons and cold-blooded creatures.

Until a loud noise rang out between heaven and earth, the chaotic forest collapsed due to the fierce attack, and countless red-crowned skinks and their beast companions appeared in Lynch's sight.

Pieces of writhing snake carpets appeared on the ground. The snakes were stacked and entangled, and they quickly slid towards the battlefield.

The giant lizard is among the red-crowned skinks, following its warlike brethren as they attack the demons.

Densely packed cold lizard cavalry also appeared on the side of the battlefield.

Trees were pushed down and smashed by Triceratops. After these mobile bunkers, countless Ankylosaurus also rushed to the battlefield.

Many ankylosaurs carry strange stone arches on their backs, and snakes twist out of the stone arches like rootless water.

The cold-blooded roar shook the sky, and several extremely thick bolts of lightning flashed through the black clouds, like forked snake letters.

Tehenhoin, prophet of the snake god Sotek, has arrived, bringing his bloodthirsty god with him!

On the largest Triceratops, the Red-crowned Skink Seer holds the Sotek Prophecy Tablet high, and the Snake Sword points directly at the boundless demons.

The wind of the beast roared, and was turned into a spell to benefit one's side by the snake god prophet.

The angry monsters rushed towards the prophet, but their sharp claws stopped beside the snake god's messenger. They could not pierce the snake god's protection!

The ground seemed to have turned into life, and the demon army formed an organized body and rushed towards the cold-blooded creatures who came to help. The ground rolled and swept away the demons.

Vipers, cobras, forest pythons, giant anacondas, the ground composed of snakes is entangled with demons. The skinks chant the name of the snake god, letting the snake god's poisonous kiss penetrate into the battlefield.

Another cold-blooded legion appeared in the north of the battlefield. This was the dagger prepared by the snake god prophet.

The Sea of ​​Demons was divided into two sections by the cold-blooded torrent. Taking this opportunity, Lynch lit up the brilliance of Kotago's scepter, letting the cold-blooded species who could no longer hold back sound the horn of attack.

On the west side of the battlefield, Lynch sped up on the trembling and cracked ground, spearheading the attack on the ocean where demons gathered.

As dense rain of fire fell from the sky, Lynch ignored the magic of the Tzeentch demon and rushed towards the vampires who were fighting a group of Thoros.

The ruby-like eyes of the vampires were burning with rage. They brandished the hell blades, and their two-handed swords flexibly moved among the lizard men's sticks and spears, accurately cutting down on the lizard men's warriors.

Unfortunately, the lizard man's hardened skin was as tough as iron armor. The demon's weapon was half-entrenched in the lizard man's thick skin. The lizard man used his strength to hit the demon with a stick, which had never been able to change his moves, and directly knocked it away.

The vampires struggled to get up on the ground, and were about to continue the bloody battle. A bright light enveloped them, and the demon's skin turned to ashes with a sizzling sound.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the tip of the scepter penetrated deeply into the demon's body, and it spontaneously ignited and disappeared like a burning paper ball.

On the shaking ground, there were bites and roars, scattered limbs everywhere, and demons and lizards fighting with each other everywhere.

Lynch charged on the battlefield as if he was in an uninhabited land. No demon could compete with him. Khorne's army charged forward excitedly, and another one was sent back to the demonic realm.

Before Tzeentch's army could escape, Lynch suddenly accelerated and knocked him to the ground.

Lynch, who has completely transformed into a killing machine, has penetrated deeply into the demon horde. With teeth, claws and scepters, he is like a mobile war fortress, capable of exiling dozens of demons every second.

The lizards roared, setting off a wave of counterattack with excitement, and the skinks' chirping war cries also became excited.


"For the big plan!"

Those vampires who were obviously different from the ordinary ones stopped killing among the lizard men. Their scarlet eyes stared at the unstoppable Lin Qi. They deftly escaped from the lizard man group and shouted to kill Lin Qi.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

These powerful demons pounced on Lynch feverishly, and the powerful champion's head was the best sacrifice to the Blood God.

Of course, Lynch didn't even pay attention to them.

Lynch is paying attention to the bloodthirsty ones!

The scepter waved subconsciously, taking away the best of these bloodletters, and Lynch went to kill the bloodthirsty on his own.

These powerful demons seemed to be fighting invisible enemies. Just the strong wind blowing across the battlefield made them roar and attack.

Skinks riding pterosaurs among the dark clouds in the sky were shot down by huge demons with bat wings and short black hair, revealing the gloomy clouds.

Whether it was an illusion or not, through the blood rain in the sky, Lin Qi could vaguely see the bright moon leaking through the dark clouds.

How can this be? The black sun is still in the sky!

Lynch no longer paid attention to the abnormal celestial phenomenon, pierced the demon's body with the scepter, and withdrew a series of demons, past the wall-like corpses of Triceratops and Ankylosaurus, and quietly stabbed the distracted demon in the back.

The roar of the Tyrannosaurus was suppressed by the bloodthirsty rage, but it was already too late. Lynch decisively activated the arc of light of the scepter.

Maybe Lynch is no match for a head-on confrontation, but these demons almost stretched out their heads and let Lynch cut them off!

As the big demon died, the swarms of vampires disappeared.

A minimum of 800 orders is required to be ranked in the recommendation list. Unfortunately, I guess I won’t get the chance!

In addition to adding more updates to the shelves, I will try my best to update them.

But there won’t be so many big battlefields to fight in the future, and it will be more of an adventure.

At most, the protagonist can use Wushuang to attack alone, cutting from Nantian Gate to Lingxiao Palace.

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