Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 48 The Prelude to Darkness

In the south, densely packed torches gradually approached the camp.

The roar of the flying dragon put all living creatures on guard. When Lin Qi raised his eyes and looked up, the flames formed a long dragon.

The strong barbarian beat his chest vigorously and called out "Divine Dog", which is the name of the blood god Khorne in the Norscan tribe.

The bloodletting ghost sword of the god is haunted by demonic fire, mixed among the mortals who believe in chaos.

Some Norscans were covered in skins plucked from lizardmen, and their right arms turned into fleshy tentacles swinging the Skink's head.

The deformed limbs are a manifestation of the grace of Chaos. Those Chaos warriors covered in blood-colored plate armor actually look much more normal, just a head taller than the already tall Norscan Raiders.

The living armor given by the gods has replaced their skin, and the ferocious skull is the decoration of the winner. Each Chaos Warrior can rival three elite mortal veterans!

They have long forgotten the pain, and sacrificing bones to the Blood God is all the meaning of the rest of their lives.

Even more terrifying are the few warriors armed with heavy halberds and giant axes, who are even burlier than the Chaos Warriors.

Among the ranks of Chaos Warriors, some warriors are more favored by the Blood God than their companions. They are the Chosen Ones.

Every chosen one hopes that through this great war, the Blood God will pay more attention to him.

Finally, upgrade and become an immortal demon!

The bloated Chaos Trolls staggered on both sides of the Chaos army, breaking off thick tree trunks as weapons.

Several manticores surround the Chaos Wyvern, and the Chaos Lord controls the two-headed dragon twisted by the power of Chaos.

The Chosen Champion of the Blood God Khorne has found new prey, an opponent more worthy of slaughter.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

The Chaos Lord raised his spear and roared to disperse the dark clouds, and the evil moon cast the expected evil light.

The harsh cold of Antarctica failed to kill him, and countless ferocious beastmen and demons failed to deter him.

Now, hundreds of years of desperate struggle have finally paid off!

The Blood God issued His will. After a bloody massacre, a vampire sneaked into the camp of the "Invincible" Talofast. Blood City.

After tearing the demon in half, the demon's head burned with blood and fire, conveying the blood god's divine revelation.

Cooperate with the Tzeentch demons to destroy the ancient city called Itaza, and then slaughter all the cowardly Tzeentch demons after the war!

After that, Talofast will always be with the Blood God and become the eternal demon prince!

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

The Norscan raiders raised their axes and responded to their leader's will.

Looking feverishly at the invincible figure in the sky, everyone believed that this warrior who had gone through many hardships would eventually become a god serving the Blood God!

Who would question a man chosen by God who led them from north to south, cutting a river of blood, scaring the enemy so much that they dared not organize an army to resist, and crossing the ocean?

The guardians of order silently formed a neat line of defense. Asul believed in their leader, and the cold-blooded species' will to protect the way of the ancient saints was unshakable!

Lynch let the scepter shine with the glory of Kotago again, dispelling the coldness of the evil moon.

The soldiers looked with reverence at the Ancient Saint Chosen One who had single-handedly broken through the military formation.


The skinks chanted the holy name of the ancient saint Kothago, resisting the distant cries of the evil god's minions.

The magic swordsman Obamon points his sword at the Chaos Legion, calling upon the heroes who led the elves to expel demons in ancient times.


The soldiers also excitedly shouted the name of the first Phoenix King, the incarnation of the Phoenix God Asuryan, hoping that the spirit of this great warrior would pay attention.


"Glory forever!"


"Immortal heroism!"

The neat shouts scared away the wild beasts in the forest, and the confrontation between the mortal enemies was like a long time ago.

But now there is no hero to save the world, and the gods no longer provide help.

The enemy is getting stronger and stronger, but the two generations of guardians have already sunk.

Lynch glanced at his warriors, not even the most easily frightened Skinks flinched, because the road to the First City of Itaza lay behind him.

Itaza, the top of the Pyramid of Ichi.

The pure white lizard man stood on the golden platform, looking down at the heads of the cities that were mobilizing for war.

Grok is waiting for the next order.

A large number of Skink attendants tied up Gorok's cloak, but despite the noise, it still stood as motionless as a rock.

The Ulrumak club was respectfully presented by the skink, and Grok mechanically raised it above his head, feeling the guidance of the ancient saint.

Several giant lizards worked together to carry small shields and approached. The heavy Eternal Shield was fixed on Grok's broad shoulders. Grok gradually recovered from his watch.

When one of the two rulers of Itaza, the second generation of Slann and Lord Slot, the vast will directly conveyed the order to Grok's mind.

The deathly silence in Itaza's cold-blooded champion's eyes was replaced by determination and stubbornness!

"Big White Lizard" Gorok looked towards the north, with only cruelty in his bloodthirsty eyes.

In the north, the city of echoes, Zahuitak.

At this moment, there is no battlefield more brutal than the battle in this ruins.

The war spear of the god Taranxra shines like the sun in the night. Wherever the dim light reaches, the lizards fight bravely, and the enemies are afraid to flee!

Dozens of bloodthirsty demons avoided the burning of the artifact and faced the war spear, as if they were facing the ancient holy Talan Xila!

The more powerful a demon is, the more terrifying its power can be felt.

Hundreds of legions are fighting against each other. There is a strange vacuum around the ageless earth tyrannosaurus Quimoc and its master.

Ku.Jia's orders and the roar of the Tyrannosaurus fixed the precarious line of defense. Countless warriors fell every moment, blocking the door of the demon's invasion of the mortal realm with their lives.

From time to time, Tzeentch demons used magic to sneak attack from a distance, but the two unyielding creatures suffered enough damage from magic eight thousand years ago.

There are more and more demons. Not only do they rush into the battlefield from the cracks, but from time to time, big demons lead their legions to appear in the jungle, cooperating with the demons blocked by the cracks to attack from both inside and outside.

No one knows how these great demons swarmed into the mortal world!

Maybe the world has fallen, and only these stubborn hard-skinned warriors are left to resist.

Ku.Jia only knows that if the demon wants to open the passage to the Echo City, it must eliminate all the lizard people on the battlefield and end its eight thousand years of long conquest.

The long bloody battle between the Old World, the Empire, and the Midden Territory is over.

"Only Saint Tzeentch!"

The Chosen Champion of Tzeentch whispered in the human ear, and pulled out the demonic metal staff embedded in the heart of the Elector of Middenland.

Everywhere you looked, you could see the charred corpses of human soldiers.

Several beastman tribes were united in the champion's will, and the northern Norscan tribes were reunited under the will of the gods.

No one could have expected this sudden chaotic frenzy. People had just repelled the great invasion more than ten years ago, and the power of darkness has spread again!

The powerful warlock lord looked to the south. That was the end of the trip, the White Wolf City of Middenheim, the capital of the Midden Territory and the only fortress in this province that had not been razed!

Gurgast the Incinerator wanted to know whether the eternal white wolf sacred fire in the city could withstand his legions.

Lustria, Lynch withdrew his gaze towards the warriors. No one could resist the attackers more confidently than him.

He's just a lackey of the dark gods!

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