The truth is, the president of Linda University is here! At the same time, he also brought a group of reporters, the mother and daughter of the person involved, and even the driver. Because only the driver remembered Chen Nian's appearance. Chen Nian's real name was also found out from the driver's taxi record. "I will call Chen Nian out later. Please wait for a moment. This kid did a good deed without leaving his name. His moral character is good!" The students of his own school did a good deed. If it was reported by the media, it would be extremely beneficial to the school's publicity! The president certainly wanted it! What's more, there were reporters from the official news TV station among these people. That was a real honorable guest! "Come on, everyone, we're here."

As soon as the principal led everyone out of the classroom, he saw Chen Nian still standing outside and frowned.

"Why are you standing outside and not going in?"

"Principal, I'm late and the instructor won't let me in." Chen Nian answered truthfully.

The instructor inside couldn't help but twitch his face when he heard this!

The principal didn't know he was Chen Nian, so his face immediately darkened.

Being punished for being late?

This is a bad phenomenon, and it's in front of so many reporters, which makes the school lose face.

Suddenly, there was a cry from behind, and it was the taxi driver who made the sound.

"That's him! He's the little brother who did what was right!"

At the same time, the little girl who was being led also recognized the big brother and shouted timidly.

"Brother, thank you..."

The mother walked over quickly and thanked Chen Nian repeatedly, and even tears came out.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The reporters couldn't help themselves and immediately took out their cameras to shoot!

Various flashes shone on Chen Nian's face.

Oh, it's over!

It seems that he has to be on TV now... Oh.

Since it can't be avoided, at least he has to have some other cover-up so as not to expose his identity as "Bu Yu".

"You are Chen Nian? Good, good, good boy!"

The principal was even more outrageous. He directly performed a Sichuan opera face-changing and patted Chen Nian's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Student Chen Nian, your brave and anonymous behavior is worthy of learning from the majority of students! This is also the purpose of the establishment of the Wuke Department of Linhai University!"

"Let everyone with ability help the weak and maintain peace in their homeland!"

"Today, on behalf of the school, I will reward student Chen Nian with a bonus of 50,000 yuan!"

The principal announced loudly.

There was an immediate round of applause.

The students in the classroom had already been stunned.......

Earlier, many people gloated over Chen Nian's misfortune and laughed at him for being late on the first day, being used as a warning to others.

But who knew that there would be a sudden turn of events!

It turned out that he was delayed because he was saving people and missed the roll call.

Seeing Chen Nian being praised so much, Xia Wen felt very upset and couldn't even say a word, as if ants were crawling on her body......

"Chen Nian..."

That person was her loyal pursuer not long ago.

But not now.

Seeing his current glory, Xia Wen certainly felt uncomfortable, because she couldn't benefit from it, and she would also have a sense of regret for "misjudging".

Yes, she didn't think Chen Nian was so capable.

At this moment, Qin Yu's sadness and grievances in her heart had disappeared completely!

It turned out that Chen Nian was not late himself, but because he was saving people!

This is a good thing, a serious matter!

Qin Yu of course fully understood and supported it, so she suddenly felt very happy, and even had a sense of pride.

After all, this was her "nominal" boyfriend.

The reporters gathered around and started asking questions.

"Why did you leave in a hurry after saving someone?" The reporter from the official TV station handed over the microphone.

Chen Nian thought about it, and suddenly an idea came to him.

"Doing good things is not for rewards. This is what I got from my girlfriend. She also donated money to the disaster area anonymously."

The reporters were overjoyed when they heard it!

According to usual experience, this kind of young boy is usually shy in front of the camera, and his answers are hesitant and perfunctory.

So the effect of the interview is average, and it can't cause much discussion.

But this boy named Chen Nian is obviously different!

His answer is very

There are often particularities, and there is also ductility, such as now extending to "girlfriend", which is definitely a good thing.

After hearing this, Xia Wen's mind went blank and she was dumbfounded.

Girlfriend? Impossible!

Chen Nian was still chasing me a few days ago, how could he have a girlfriend?

"Then may I ask classmate Chen Nian, your girlfriend is a classmate in the school, can we meet her?"

In the classroom, Qin Yu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

Chen Nian smiled and said: "Of course, she is in the classroom."


Everyone's eyes followed Chen Nian's gaze.

All fixed on Qin Yu.

People's pupils were full of disbelief.

Qin Yu is Chen Nian's girlfriend? This is too far-fetched, one is a otaku who had no sense of existence before today, and the other is Bai Yue in the hearts of countless men...

Novels dare not write like this!

The second-generation rich man Sun Jing clenched his fist subconsciously. The thing he hated most in his life was that the woman he liked was snatched away by someone else.

However, when he saw Qin Yu stand up and walk out, his eyes widened and he was furious!

Xia Wen was even more subconsciously tense, watching this girl who was better than her in all aspects walk towards Chen Nian.

Every step crushed her pride to pieces!

"Impossible... How could this be possible... Why would he, a otaku, do this?" There were even bloodshot in her wide eyes.

Qin Yu hung her head and stared at her toes.

She was no longer afraid of facing the camera, but was simply shy. She didn't expect Chen Nian to suddenly do this...

"Qin, Qin Yu!"

"It's really Qin Yu, my God!!"

The reporters were immediately ecstatic. They didn't expect to get an unexpected reward from interviewing Chen Nian!

Female singer Qin Yu!

This is someone you can't interview even if you want to!

I didn't expect that she already has a boyfriend, and it's not just a rumor, but a real deal... It's so explosive!

"Excuse me, Miss Qin, when did you start dating?"

"Miss Qin, aren't you afraid that the scandal will affect your career?"

"Does your agency know about this, Miss Qin?"

A series of questions came like a barrage of cannonballs, and in the end, the school security took the reporters away, and the matter finally came to an end.

Chen Nian's goal was achieved.

He had a girlfriend after being exposed, and it had nothing to do with the emotionless "silent".

But if it was found out, whether it was Ye Hongling, that woman, or his housekeeper "Xiao Qi", they would all face a tragic Shura scene...

As soon as the outsiders were sent away, the principal walked into the classroom with his hands behind his back and scolded the instructor!

"I told you to come here to take up the post, but I didn't tell you to mess around! You almost ruined today's good thing, you bastard!"

After scolding him, the principal looked at Chen Nian in a gentle voice: "Xiao Chen, don't take today's incident to heart, and prepare well for the next test."

"Okay, principal."

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