Conan’s Watch

Chapter 089

“No way, where is the brother from the child. Also, I remember my mother saying that Sharon taught her daughter transfiguration, that is, she also understood transfiguration. Moreover, once transfiguring her father and appearing in front of Sharon, her transfiguration technique should be superb. Moreover, some of the previous things also pointed to her evidence. ”

“Transfiguration… Wait, you said that your brother also attended that memorial service, it was a director’s memorial service, and it should have nothing to do with your brother. Did he go to that memorial service because of Chris? Winyard also participated. ”

“By the way, I remembered that time, my brother said that he was going to go on a date at the memorial service.”

“Nani, go on a date at someone’s memorial service, your brother is really emotional, and the director’s coffin board can’t be pressed.”

“You say, my brother’s date, could it be that Chris?” Winyard’s woman. ”

“I guess it is.”

“Damn it, that woman…”

Hattori looked at the angry Kudo, as if he couldn’t think normally, and felt that he had changed the subject. “Speaking of which, foreign beauty, don’t you have one by your side.”

“Huh? You mean… Teacher Judy!!! ”

“That’s right, let’s go check it out.”


“No, let’s ask Xiaolan and find out where she lives.”

The two people walked out directly, and after asking for the address, they planned to pound Huanglong directly.

Ming Yuan looked at the back of their departure from upstairs, Conan, this kid, is really bright enough, he already suspects Chris, and when did Chris announce his retirement? How did I not know at all?

Fortunately, though, Conan is now targeting Judy, Chris, and it’s safe for the time being.

Judy is the FBI, and what she behaves is naturally different from ordinary people… I don’t know what Conan will investigate.

Ming Yuan flipped through the news about Chris on the computer, and sure enough, it was all retreat news.

Suspected of having a son with her boyfriend? What a mess, Chris doesn’t have much news, except for movies, rarely appears directly in front of the media.

Among them, Sharon’s funeral was one, and the others were all caught by the media, and she was not even present in person to announce the disappearance. However, it seems that as long as there is Chris’s news, it will definitely have its own big name. It can be said that he is still quite famous in the United States.

The target of Conan’s investigation this time is Judy, Judy is more cautious, but Conan plus Hattori Heiji will definitely show something, and even, the more vigilant Judy is, the more suspicious Conan and Hattori Heiji are.

“Ming Yuan.”

“Why did you think of the shadow?”

“After ten years on the big screen, it’s too boring, so it’s gone.”

“Xin suspected you at the beginning, be careful, he knows.”

“Shinichi? I haven’t even seen him. Chris smiled and said, you guy, still pretending here, you want to tell me that Coolguy is starting to doubt me, it’s worthy of being Coolguy.

“I’ll see you, there’s no rush. How have you been arranging lately, and when can you start executing the plan? ”


“Really don’t need my help? I’m free labor, and if I don’t cherish it, I’ll charge it next time. ”

“Ah, is our doctor running out of money recently, and he has to sell himself.” Chris teased.

“If I were to sell myself, would you buy it?”

“Of course, buy you back, cook and wash dishes, mop the floor and wash clothes, it will definitely be no problem.”

“I can also warm your bed by the way.”

“Hahaha, if you want to warm my bed so much, I will definitely kick you down.” Talking to Ming Yuan is really easy.

“Can you bear to make me shiver on the floor?”


“Really, don’t underestimate them.” Walking on the road, Conan is still reminding Hattori not to mess around.

“Yes, yes… Think about when she appeared. ”

“Shortly after that memorial service, it appeared. Moreover, she also had an affair with her brother and made a fuss at school. ”

“Ah, how so?”

“It’s the eight woman in Suzuki Sonoko, she seems to have seen the intimate behavior of her brother and Teacher Judy, and then word spread.”

“Are you talking about the second young lady of the Suzuki family? Forget it, her words are not very credible. ”

“No, what I saw at the time, there was Xiaolan.”

“It’s funny now, if she’s Chris?” Wenyad pretends, then, your brother is estimated to be dangerous. If not, it’s your brother stepping on two boats, what if the real Chris? Wynyard knows, your brother is still dead. “Hattori Heiji made a bad joke.

“My brother won’t die, and besides, my brother is definitely not a man who steps on two boats.”

“So you think Judy is Chris?” Wynyard? ”

“I don’t know, let’s see the situation first.”


“Speaking of which, Chris, do you really need me to help you with a big health care?”

“Not at all.”

“Refuse so simply…”

Akito was on the phone at home and flirted with Chris, but Conan and Hattori Heiji quarreled in front of Judy’s house.

I didn’t think about what to do, so I ran to someone’s house.

“Jingle bell–” Hattori Heiji accidentally rang the doorbell….

Conan, who was in a hurry, managed to find a lame excuse.

Although Judy answered, she made them wait at the door for a long time, on the grounds that they were taking a shower.

Judy came out wearing a shower cap and only wrapped in a bath towel, frightening two young people who had “never seen the world”, no, it should be a young man, a little fart child, and an abnormal blush appeared on her face.

“Hello Judy-sensei, this is Hattori Heiji.”

“Hello Mr. Judy.” Hattori said with a smile, his eyes were about to bend into a crescent….

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