Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 891: No perfect preparation

   Feng Jian Yu also sighed.

   How does he feel that after Mr. Noriya and Mr. Asano are honest with each other, his life has become more difficult?


   Outside the National Medical Research Center, in a Porsche that is too old, Xin Fan is sitting in the seat of the co-pilot, with a laptop on his lap.

   saw his hands flying across the keyboard quickly, and the sound of hitting the keys was crisp and beautiful, which made people want to sleep.

   The screen of the notebook is very simple. There is a bullet frame in the center, which is a map of Tokyo. Xinfan hit the shortcut key, the map immediately zoomed in, and finally gathered on the three-acre land of the National Medical Research Center.

   From the screen, it can be clearly seen that there are many red dots in a certain location of the National Medical Research Center. These red dots are irregularly surrounding the same location and flashing constantly.

   "That's it." Shinshige breathed a sigh of relief, and then left the keyboard with both hands.

   Gin looked at the image on the screen, showing a satisfied expression. It's just that this satisfaction seems to have some disdain for others.

   "How is it?" Sila asked.

   Shinhan leaned on the car window and said lazily: "Kiel's location is probably determined, it's in the room where the signal is."

   "Then how are we going to rescue Keir next?"

   Xinfan was about to answer, but at this moment a communication signal reached the ears of gin, and he made a gesture to signal the people around to be quiet.

Nantian Ludao’s voice came from the earphones: “After the delivery arrived, I have been following a few people holding flower pots. They are all gathered near a certain ward in the inpatient department. But I can’t get closer, they take care of it. Very strict."

   "Where is Nantian Ludao?" Gin asked.

   Shinhan tapped the keyboard, and a small green dot suddenly appeared on the screen. That dot represented Ludao Kusuda.

   As he said, the green dots are very close to the red dots. He hides in the stairwell of the inpatient department, always observing the movements of those holding flower pots.

   "What did you find?" Gin asked Nantian Ludao.

   Kusuda Ludao immediately replied: "These people have received professional training and are very vigilant. And I suspect they should have noticed something."

   "I see. Keep watching."

   The gin cut off the communication after speaking.

   Because Qin was too stingy, he had a one-line contact with Kusuda Ludao, Chianti Coen and others during this operation, and Xinfan could not hear their conversation. But that's nothing. Xinfan had guessed what Nantian Ludao would say.

   Shinhan looked at Gin with a playful smile: "What? The Japanese police already know that we know where Kiel is?"

   In order to figure out the location of Kiel, Gin did not hesitate to cause food poisoning and gas explosions, and arranged for people to send flower pots containing bombs in advance, but their actions were noticed at the very beginning. I'm afraid the gin is not feeling well now.

   Ginjiu snorted: "So what if you know? Now any of their actions is just to create opportunities for us."

   After a pause, he said: "The only thing that surprised me was that the police got together with the FBI. They thought those FBI lackeys could make us helpless?"

The mockery and contempt in the eyes of    Gin is clearly visible.

   Obviously, although gin despises the FBI, he thinks that the Japanese police are a little better than the FBI. This recognition made Xinfan's face immediately darkened, and it had a miraculous effect when paired with Mezcal's identity.

   "That person is a silver bullet after all." Shinshige's face was sullen, as if he hated Akai Hideo, "That is the silver bullet aimed at our heart."

   "A bullet that does not belong to the organization can only have one end."

   "That's right. Then I look forward to your performance."

   Most members of the organization regard the FBI as the biggest threat, and this is not without reason. The fame of Hideichi Akai has become a legend in the organization. When he was a rye, he was scary, and as a senior FBI agent Hideyoshi Akai was even more scary.

   It can be said that almost everyone of these code-named members has a bit of grudges with Akai Hideichi, and I want to kill them quickly.

   For this, Nobuhira can only silently wax Akai Hide in his heart. On the bright side, he is an activist against silver bullets,

   Vodka looked at the eldest brother and then at Mezcal. He felt that he should say something to ease the atmosphere, so he said: "Anyway, the eldest brother has asked Nantian Ludao to keep an eye on the police. We can go in and rescue Kiel at any time."

   "I am afraid it will not be easy." Sila retorted infrequently, "I am very worried that Kusuda Ludao will not be able to complete this task."

   "Have you heard, vodka, learn from Shiraz." Shinshige tapped vodka on the head. "As expected, I have cultivated all the way from Northern Europe. It is better than the vodka born and raised in Japan."

   Jinjiu glared at Xinfan.

   Vodka was even more helpless: "That, Mescal, I'm actually a Russian." And he hasn't stayed in Japan all the time. Brother Gin runs all over the world, and of course he has to run around the world.

   "Huh?" Shinshige seemed surprised.


   Almost when Shiraz questioned the ability of Kusuda Ludao, Kusuta Ludao, who was monitoring the Japanese police, suddenly felt a chill in the back of his neck.

   Before he had time to think about what happened, his eyes went dark and he passed out into a coma.

   Jiang Gu Ling stopped and caught the fallen Kusuda Ludao.

   He almost didn't let Kusuda Ludao stay in his hand, and as soon as he took it, he threw him to Yuya Kazemi next to him.

   Feng Jian Yu also has no time to worry about the man in his He asked worriedly: "Are you really going to drive water by yourself without mercy? It's too dangerous, right?"

   Jiang Gu Ling nodded, his eyes filled with indomitable firmness: "This matter is very important. I don't trust anyone except myself."


   "Don't worry, I'm fully prepared." Jiang Gu Ling exhorted.

   Although he said so, he knew in his heart that there was no complete preparation in this world, especially for his undercover. But there are always things that must be done. If he blindly stays in place, he will never be able to make a breakthrough and gain the upper hand.

   Kazemihiro is still very worried, but now he is the only one in charge of the National Medical Research Center, Mr. Asano is still dealing with the organization, let alone contacting him. Jiang Gu Ling is his boss again, and it won't help him worry anymore.

   Jiang Guling faced the glass of the fire hydrant, carefully adjusted the camouflage on his face and body, and then walked towards the underground parking lot of the hospital.

   There were several ambulances parked in the underground parking lot. He got into the second car and sat in the driver's seat.

   And there is a person sleeping by the window beside him, that is Mizumi.



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