Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 802: Years are killing pigs

   Judging from the level of the public security system, there is no doubt that Yutani's position is above Asano Nobuhiro. After all, one of them belongs to the Security Planning Division, the other belongs to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and even the relationship between the central and local governments.

   But Nobuhiro Asano is different from others, his level of secrecy is much higher than that of Noriya. The level of confidentiality means that he can obtain information that Jiang Guling cannot obtain, and his identity information is also closely protected by the public security.

   In such a situation, as long as Mr. Asano asks, Kazami must do what he says-for example, to prevent Mr. Yutani from seeing the water without mercy.

   "Please rest assured." Kazami Yuya immediately felt the great responsibility on his shoulders, and he solemnly promised, "I will personally take care of the security of the target, and never let unrelated people wait to see her."

   Nobuhira looked at the energetic Kaze to see Yuya, and couldn't say a word.

   Forget it, you can't discourage the enthusiasm of your subordinates, otherwise no one will work for him in the future.

   I hope he can really watch Yutani Ling.

   Kazemi Yuya's phone rang suddenly, and his face suddenly changed after seeing the call notification on the screen. Kazami Yu also glanced at Shinhan vaguely, and then answered the phone.

   "Hello? It's me, um...huh? Then, come here."

   After putting down the phone, Kazami Yuya's expression became even more strange, he said with feelings: "This world is really a heart and soul!"

   Shinhan politely expressed his confusion.

   Feng Jian Yuya shook his head pretentiously: "It's nothing, I just sigh with emotion."


   How did the wind see you become like this? Time really is a pig-killing knife!

   "Then I will leave first." Xin Fan had his sister in his heart, not wanting to stay in the hospital.

   At this time, Feng Jianyu also wished him to leave quickly, so he immediately replied: "Okay, just leave it to me."

   Xinfan is even stranger now, but he attributed it to the fact that Yu Kazumi was in the menopause of his youth transitioning to middle age, so he didn't care much about it.

   He left the ward and walked towards the hospital gate.

Shui Wu Rennai is unwilling to cooperate with the police, simply because she relied on being the undercover agent of the CIA. It was expected that the police would not be able to do anything to her. The most was to send her back to the United States, and the organization could not easily give up a code name member. , Will definitely find ways to save her out.

   Comparing heart to heart, if Xinfan fell into the hands of the FBI or the CIA, he would not cooperate with them, but quietly waited for the opportunity, cooperated with the organization to escape, and returned to his job to continue to provide information to the police.

   So the next task for Xin Fan is to cut off Shui Wu's hope and let her know that no one other than the police can help her go back. For example... Let Shui Wu Ren Nai be abandoned by the organization. It's just that there is a great risk in doing so. If possible, Xinfan still hopes that Shui Wu Ren can take the initiative to cooperate with their plan of action.

   Just then, a striking head suddenly broke into Xinfan's line of sight.

   That person was so eye-catching that Xinfan didn't even react at the first time.

   But shortly afterwards, his body had already subconsciously hid behind the pillar next to him. After hiding, Xinfan suddenly realized that he hadn't done anything wrong, so why did he hide?

   Besides, he is now facing a strange face, even if he is face to face with Jiang Gu Ling, he will not be spotted.

   After thinking about it, Shinshige breathed a sigh of relief. He sorted his mind, walked out from behind the pillar again, and walked towards the door naturally.

   Just after getting the information that Mizuno Reina was awakened, Rarity Jiang was rushing eagerly, and did not notice that the man who was approaching him was the owner of the music classroom.

   However, at the moment they passed by, Jiang Guling suddenly looked back and glanced at Xinfan.

that person……

   Jiang Gu Ling frowned, and couldn't tell what the feeling in his heart was for a while.

   The man seemed to have come down the stairs on the left, which is far away for most wards, but closer to the special ward that nurses Mizuno.

  As an undercover agent, Jiang Guling believes in his subconscious very much. He believes that the subconscious is actually a warning issued by the brain after it automatically recognizes and analyzes the information from the five senses.

   That person must have a problem, and it is probably related to the police.

   It’s just that Jiang Guling feels a little strange. There are many police officers. It is impossible for him to know everyone. It is normal to see strange faces. But why does he have inexplicable emotions towards that person?

   Jiang Gu Ling walked to Shui Wu Ren's ward with doubts, and after showing his credentials, he easily went in.

   Feng Jianyu also saw him, and quickly greeted him: "Mr. Jiang Gu, you are here."

   "Yeah." Jiang Guling replied softly, and then asked, "Did you have someone else by your side when you called? I heard you seem anxious."

   Feng Jian Yuya's face suddenly stiffened, and he hurriedly retorted: "No, no, I've been alone here all the time."

   Jiang Gu Ling didn't really care about it, but Kazumi Yu's too nervous reaction caught his attention: "Really? Then why are you so anxious to hang up, did you hide something?"

"Uh..." Kazemiyu was also nervous and sweating on his forehead, "Ah, yes, I might be busy reporting to my superiors. After all, you also know that besides cooperating with your work, I have some other things. Task."

   Jiang Gu Ling glanced at him, did not ask any more, just said inexplicably: "So you are not that stupid."

   Feng Jianyu was also very Jiang Guling ignored him and walked straight to the inner room. Feng Jianyu's face changed drastically, and he quickly blocked: "No, you can't go in."

"Why?" Jiang Gu Ling's face darkened, "I understand you have other jobs, and understand the confidential nature of the work, but the person inside is a member of the organization, and she is closely related to my task, so I am not eligible to enter yet. Interrogate her?"

   Feng Jianyu also said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, but you really can't go in."

   "Give me a reason."

   Feng Jianyu also wants to cry. Why does he have any reason? He can't tell Mr. Moriya this is because Mr. Asano doesn't want him in, right?

   Jiang Gu Ling stared at Feng Jian seriously, in a posture that he would stay here without giving an explanation.

   Feng Jianyu also struggled for a long time, and finally he could only say: "I don't know the reason. If you have any objections, please contact the director directly."

   In the past, he never dared to talk to Mr. Yuguya like this, but the situation did not allow him to be tactful. I hope Mr. Yuguya can forgive him for his occasional presumptuousness.

   Hearing the term "council officer", Jiang Gu Ling's face became even more ugly.

   When did Kazemiyu also learn to suppress with levels?


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