Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 453: Kneel down and call dad

"Movers?" Gin frowned.

Xinfan explained: "Most of the residents in this apartment building are rented, and there are many people who are changing. Renovation is going on almost every day. I will send someone to drive the truck to arrive at the same time as the ambulance arrives. You two You only need to move something downstairs. When the time comes, first responders will be busy saving people and will meet you in the lobby. Under the chaos, even the FBI will not be able to stop it."

Gin didn't speak, he closed his eyes and pondered the feasibility of Mezcal's plan.

Vodka was still dumbfounded: "But where do we have the clothes of the workers in the moving company? If this continues, the FBI will definitely be aware of the problem."

"You don't have one, I do." Xinfan smiled mysteriously.

The goose bumps all over the vodka can make a bump soup, he always feels an ominous premonition.

Two minutes later, his premonition was tested.

Xinfan came over with two sets of old dirty work clothes unexpectedly. This made Vodka once thought that Mezcal planned all this for the purpose of seeing his elder brother embarrassed.

In contrast, Gin accepted this quickly. He didn't say any nonsense, and changed into work clothes after he took over.

Vodka was shocked. The eldest brother is so terrible, in order to escape, even willing to wear this kind of clothes. Who knows if the epidermal cells of the previous master will remain on it.

The gin was very calm, because he was sure that the clothes Mezcal prepared for him could not be disgusting, at most it just looked a little dirty, but he still asked: "How can you even have this kind of clothes in your house?"

"Because I am a magician." Xin Fan smiled and handed them two disguised masks. "Put them on, the FBI guys will never recognize them."

In fact, there are very few people in this world who can disguise. In theory, disguise is the best way to help gin escape. His face changed, his body changed, and his hair hid, making sure he wouldn't recognize the gin **** alive.

However, Hideichi Akai is staying by his side as Subaru Okinawa recently, and it is not ruled out that he once told the subordinate organization to have members such as Belmode who are good at disguising.

Therefore, it is necessary to create a chaos.

Xinfan handed the earphones and car keys to Ginjiu, and then said, "You should change floors and hide, and follow my instructions. The FBI will soon be aware of your abnormality, so the truck will only carry you nearby. My car is parked there in one place, you can just change and leave when the time comes."

Mezcal was very considerate and had no objection to the gin. He took the screens prepared by Mezcal and left with vodka.

Through the monitoring screen, Xinfan commanded gin and vodka to avoid everyone and hid in the stairwell on a certain floor downstairs.

At the same time, he called the emergency number.

Five minutes later, the ambulance arrived.

As soon as the anxious medical staff entered the hall, they ran into two men in a hurry. They carried a screen window, quickly passed the hall, and walked outside the door.

Of course, the FBI immediately saw the sudden increase of people in the hall, but before they could react, they were dispersed by the medical staff. By the time they noticed the two men coming downstairs, the gin and vodka were already riding away in the van.

"Not good!!" one of them said hastily, "contact Ms. Stalin! The criminal has probably already gone!"

Judy, who received the report from her subordinates, immediately ordered them to send someone to track the truck.

She frowned to the headset and said, "Ariane, how is the situation on your side?"

Facing the upper floor of the apartment building with floor-to-ceiling windows, a young man with a western face was crawling on the ground, staring at the sight in the sight.

"The goal has been lost. The situation on my side is still normal, and there is no sign of harbouring criminals." Arian Swan looked at every window carefully, not letting go of any clues, "Wait, this house on the top floor. A lot of people swarmed into the house suddenly, like doctors and nurses. It was too chaotic to confirm whether the target was hidden in it."

"Ah, yes, I just received a report that an ambulance rushed to the scene. You continue to pay attention."

Compared to the ambulance that came from outside, Judy cared more about the two men who had just left. The number and gender are right, maybe they are really gin and vodka.

Even so, when Xinfan accompanied the medical staff out of the elevator, they still accepted the FBI inspection.

If it hadn't been for the pale face of Hui Yuan Ai who was lying on the stretcher, it would appear that something really happened. I'm afraid the FBI people would be even more exaggerated.

Sitting in the ambulance bound for Mihua Central Hospital, Xinfan received feedback from Gin that they had successfully replaced his Maserati.

After thinking about it, he still sent an email to Bourbon.


Hui Yuanai is fine. The doctor said that she was just a little frightened and would wake up soon.

Xinfan stayed by her side, and when he changed to the second bottle of IV drip, he decided to go out and ask about the gin.

The headset he gave to the gin is not one-way, and the gin can also talk.

"Hey, how is your place? Is it safe?" Xinfan asked when he turned on the communication device.

There was a sound of rubbing clothes and naive vodka words: "Brother, this headset will vibrate!"

The next second, the headphones were put on by gin: "What's the matter?"

"Where are you now?"

"On the way to the hospital," Gin answered indifferently.

Xin Fan couldn't help but feel disappointed in his heart. Even if reason told him that helping gin get out is the most appropriate way, he still subconsciously hoped that the gin would be caught by the FBI.

He didn't show it on his face, his tone was still calm, but he was more joking: "You owe me a favor this time."

The kindness of life-saving, even if you don't play with the ancients, you should kneel down and call you father.

Gin didn't know what Mezcal was thinking, otherwise he would not be so calm, and he didn't even refute Mezcal's words.

Instead, he promised: "The next transaction will take you to "? ? ? "

Does he care about the reward? Doesn't it fragrant during holidays? ?

Sure enough, working as a model worker will become addictive.

This person is afraid that he is already crazy.

"Oh." After hearing no response for a while, Gin Jiu thought he understood again, "If you prefer exciting assassination missions, I can also arrange them for you."


No need, thank you!

Xinfan didn't want to say a word to Gin Jiu: "You can do nothing, I'll hang up."

However, just before he pressed the hang-up button, Gin suddenly said: "By the way, I only discovered today that the Japanese police are really good."


What the hell? !

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