Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0085 Cameo

In the defense seat on the far left of the courtroom, no one could see the small movements under the table.

Li Shanlu's head was lowered, his face was flushed and he didn't dare to be seen, his eyes were full of water mist, and a pair of small hands tightly grasped the document in front of him, suffering like a quail, he didn't dare to shoot at all. stop.

The wave/wave of stimulation became more and more intense, and the action became more and more excessive. Kuri Shan Lu could hardly bear it, and his body could not help shaking slightly.

Mr. Mouri, this is in court! You can't do this!

But Mouri Kogoro never knew how to restrain, but instead became more and more flamboyant.

The judge above continued to question.

"Please cross-examine defense lawyers!"

"Please cross-examine defense lawyers!"

Only then did he hear that he got up and walked towards the middle of the courtroom, while Kuroyama Green let out a long sigh.

At this time, Kisaki Eri glanced suspiciously at the little assistant in the OL suit, and Kuriyama Lu was so terrified that he didn't dare to move at all.

However, after Kisaki Eri inspected Kuriyama Green's body, he turned his eyes and looked at the question in the middle of the courtroom.

Mouri Kogoro came to Arima Yahiko and asked, "Mr. Arima, the deceased Mr. Otsu is your father-in-law. He ate at your restaurant on the night of the crime, and then he told you that he had something to go back to the company, right? ?"

Arima Yahiko nodded yes.

Mouri Kogoro continued: "Then you found his reading glasses left in the restaurant, and they brought them back from the restaurant, and then they went up to the second floor with the administrator, and they saw the murder in the room on the window of the office door. ."

"As I said suspiciously, do you remember the time of the murder?"

Arima Yayan was clearly prepared: "I remember it was past nine o'clock!"

"Then why is it different from what the defendant said at 8:30?"

Arima Yayan sneered: "I don't know about this, maybe the defendant made a confession because he wanted to get out of the crime, and the prosecution just missed it!"

Mouri Kogoro chuckled: "Then how can Mr. Arima explain why there are reading glasses on the floor of the crime scene, and besides, why did the small screws on the reading glasses jump next to the safe?"

Mouri Kogoro's eyes became intimidating: "Under normal circumstances, the screws of reading glasses will not fall off. Could it be that Mr. Otsu put on reading glasses early, but was attacked from the ashtray behind, and under the heavy blow, You fell down, your glasses fell off, and the screws jumped out, right?"

Arima Yahiko's originally calm face suddenly oozes sweat, his eyes are erratic, and he dare not look at Mouri Kogoro.

And the prosecution's Reiko Kujo stood up at this time: "Objection, what the defense lawyer said is all speculation, without any basis!"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help frowning and glanced at Reiko Kujo. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ma Yayan's state was very wrong, and it was very likely that he would ask for more inside information.

She ignored it completely and jumped out to make trouble.

Could it be more important than finding out the truth in the eyes of this inspector general to be better than Kisaki Eri?

The judge glanced at the two of them, and then knocked on the hammer: "The objection is valid, please don't ask the defense attorney for speculation without evidence!"

Mouri Kogoro shrugged with an indifferent gesture: "Judge, this is the end of my questioning, please ask the next witness, Noriko Endo!"

Arima Yahiko breathed a long sigh of relief.

The face of Reiko Kujo in the prosecution seat was a bit ugly, and the testimony of the two previous witnesses was caught by Mouri Kogoro.

That is to say, the credibility of the testimony of the first two witnesses has declined on the judge's side. If Kisaki Eri seeks the crime of negligent wounding based on this, the judge may also sentence it like this.

In other words, this time the duel, Reiko Kujo is not sure of winning.

Her slightly blue eyes were fixed on Mouri Kogoro, and she kept exclaiming: Detective Mouri, you really surprised me!

Seeing Noriko Endo come to the center of the courtroom, Reiko Kujo stood up for the third time and began to question.

And Noriko Endo's performance was normal, and all the questions and answers were exactly the same as what Reiko Kujo ordered yesterday.

Mouri Kogoro, who was on the defense table, was not listening to Reiko Kujo's question at all. He completely despised this opponent. His fiery big hand was on Kurisha Green's soft waist, causing the little assistant to clench his teeth and keep his body lightened. trembling.

Reiko Kujo in the courtroom finished her questioning and glanced at Mouri Kogoro on the defense stand.

Seeing that Mouri Kogoro didn't look at him, but got very close to a young girl's head, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

This is the last witness, I want to see, what else can you say!

This time, without waiting for the judge to speak, Mouri Kogoro stood up and nodded to Chestnut Green beside him.

Li Shanlu got up and said, "Your Majesty, for the trial of this case, we have new evidence to submit."

Hearing this, Reiko Kujo's complexion changed, and Arima Yahiko's expression became more and more panicked.

The guards on the side took the briefcase that Li Shanlu handed over to the three judges in the courtroom.

Mouri Kogoro came to the middle of the court, looked at Noriko Endo with a calm expression, and said, "Miss Noriko, you are the murderer of President Otsu Toshiyuki!"

The words were earth-shattering, and the audience in the auditorium couldn't help but start talking, and the courtroom was a mess.

Even the defendant Takashi Inoue couldn't believe it and shouted, "Detective Mouri, what are you talking about, how could my daughter do such a thing!"

The judge hurriedly swung the hammer: "Silence!" "Silence!"

The judge called seven or eight times in a row before the scene fell silent.

And Reiko Kujo immediately stood up and said: "Objection, the defense lawyer has no grounds to identify the person as the murderer, which is already a crime of libel!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Kujo Reiko's body with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He sneered: "It's too much to be a guest lawyer for so long. But in fact, my job is a detective, so naturally I don't feel bad when I find out the truth."

He turned to look at the three judges, and said with a smile: "Is the judge willing to facilitate a wrongful conviction under his own trial? If so, I can keep my mouth shut."

"What's more, I don't have no evidence. I have presented all the evidence. The chief prosecutor of Jiutiao doesn't understand the situation, please don't talk nonsense!"

"Your Majesty, may I continue my reasoning?"

The headed judge glanced at the two and slammed the hammer: "The objection is invalid, please start the defense to state the case!"

Reiko Kujo sat back in her seat weakly.

And the audience in the gallery was excited one by one. They thought they were watching a boring judicial decision, but they did not expect that there would be a turning point, and they could also hear Detective Mouri's reasoning show.

They all looked expectantly at Mouri Kogoro in the field.

Xiao Ran and Haibara looked at Mouri Kogoro, who exuded a different kind of charm in the center of the court, with admiration in their eyes.

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