Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0082 Conquering Yueshui

"But how could it be you? Why should it be you?" There was deep confusion in Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes.

She couldn't understand how that terrifying criminal in the Koshien game, that powerful man with a strange mask, would be the famous Japanese detective, Mouri Kogoro.

One of the most powerful detectives, but also the king in the shadows.

Yueshui Nanatsuki's clear eyes were a little more confused, and today's discovery almost ruined her worldview.

Mouri Kogoro had a small smile on his face, calmly facing Koshimi Nanatsuki's gaze.

The waiter next to him served a cup of coffee he usually ordered. He picked up two cubes of sugar, put them in the coffee, and stirred gently to create a vortex.

After eliminating all the impossible, the remaining one, no matter how incredible it is, is the truth!

Yueshui Nanatsuki recalled the original scene, and looked at each other in the sky at the dock. In fact, it had already foreshadowed all this. If it wasn't for this famous detective, who would it be?

Mouri Kogoro took a sip of coffee and said softly, "But what I most hope is that you can understand what I am saying, even though I don't know you, I've never even seen you, I've never laughed and grieved together, I've never kissed Your face, I still have to tell you, I love you, I love you with all my heart."

He recited these words like a poem!

Hearing these familiar words, Yueshui Nanatsuki's pupils continued to shrink, she quickly reached into the chest of the windbreaker, and came out holding a piece of yellowed withered paper from her arms, like a treasure.

These words are the last words on this dry paper.

This dead branch was also found in the prison by Yueshui Nanatsuki. She regarded it as a treasure and used it as a spiritual support when she was punished and tortured.

If it weren't for the words above, Yueshui Nanatsuki felt that it would be difficult for him to survive the dark prison days.

This is from the hands of Mouri Kogoro, imitating the brainwashing method in V for Vendetta in his previous life. Yueshui Nanatsuki is empathetic.

In that dark cage, it was also the time when Yuesui Nanatsuki was the most vulnerable. With a piece of paper, Mouri Kogoro planted a seed into the deepest part of Yuesui Nanatsuki's heart.

"Did you write this too? V!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked directly, and Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly.

A miserable smile appeared on Yusui Nanatsuki's face: "I don't understand, I know nothing about you, but you have become the most important thing in my life!"

Mouri Kogoro drank the coffee in the cup and showed his acting skills in an instant. His eyes became deep, and there was a look of reminiscence in his eyes, and he spoke softly: "Even if you are called a famous detective, you sometimes feel Powerlessness, more water, some sins beyond your imagination."

"The law is not always fair. In this country, the so-called human rights have been pursued. It is obvious that some people have committed unforgivable mistakes, but they can be dealt with leniently because of the so-called human rights."

"Even some top criminals, with their extremely smart heads, can let you send them to prison without the slightest evidence."

"Such a person, just like that Shijin Runzai, who killed your friend in the first place, still lives in the world in the name of a detective. I think anyone will feel unfair!"

"That's why I became V."

Mouri Kogoro leaned forward slowly, his big hand slowly touching Koshimi Nanatsuki's delicate little face.

Yueshui Nanatsuki's pupils shrank, but he didn't flinch.

Mouri Kogoro, whose acting skills have exploded, has a look of sadness and hope in his eyes.

"Yue Shui, you just made a mistake. You don't know anything about me."

"As you see what I see, as you feel what I feel, then, now I ask you, are you willing to find what I am looking for?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki's face changed greatly, and she gripped the withered sheet of paper harder and harder.

"V, Mouri-kun, is this also what you have experienced?"

Koshimi Nanatsuki just thought it was inconceivable that Mouri Kogoro, who she knew, could never have experienced the story written on this paper.

But if this is not the case, then the existence of V is completely unreasonable.

Such a terrifying existence must be born of such a dark person because of countless sufferings.

After a lot of brainstorming, Nanatsuki Koshimi finally believed Mouri Kogoro's words, and her confused eyes became firm.

Koshimi Nanatsuki burst into the first smile since seeing Mouri Kogoro: "As you wish, I am willing to follow you, so should I call you V? Or should I call you Detective Mouri?"

At this moment, Yueshui Nanatsuki regained a bit of the liveliness of a girl.

Mouri Kogoro showed a satisfied smile: "More water, you believe you should know it yourself, but before that, I want to give you a gift."

Koshimizu Nanatsu suddenly felt a chill on his head, his hat was lifted, and a small round bald head appeared in front of Mouri Kogoro, the same head that was shaved when he was sent to prison last time.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's expression instantly became embarrassed, and he was about to speak angrily, but Mouri Kogoro's big hand covered it, and the coldness spread on the scalp.

The next scene is that Yueshui Nanatsuki couldn't believe it.

Like magic, the shaved head suddenly grew hair, and after a while, Koshimizu Nanatsuki regained his shoulder-length hair.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki tugged at her drooping hair, and it really pulled her scalp, it was real hair.

"V, how did you do it?"

Mouri Kogoro had an extra smile on his face, but didn't answer.

No one in the cafe noticed this scene, so the two continued to talk while sitting in place.



The two talked for a long time, after which Koshimizu Nanatsuki continued to put on his hat and left the cafe.

Just from today, Miyano Akemi's flower shop will have a female clerk who likes to take care of lavender.

Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsu leave, Mouri Kogoro turned around and walked upstairs to the third floor with satisfaction. It seems that he will have a real assistant soon.

Mouri Kogoro came to the door of the third floor, and before entering the door, he heard Sonoko's voice inside.

"Xiao Ran, why don't you think Uncle Mouri hasn't come back yet? Didn't he investigate cases very quickly in the past, swish, swish, and he was done, why didn't he come back all day today!"

Xiao Ran's voice sounded next to him: "I said Sonoko, didn't you say you want to learn cooking with me? Why do you keep thinking about my dad."

"Hey hey, it seems that I am the life of the eldest lady, and I can only live a life of living my clothes, reaching out for food and opening my mouth."

These words were so eloquent, Sonoko immediately gave Xiao Ran a slap in the face.

"The dishes you taught me are so difficult that I can't even learn them."

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro pushed open the door and entered, and the two girls in the family suddenly exclaimed.


"Uncle Mouri!"

The two women immediately greeted him, flanking Mouri Kogoro from left to right.

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