Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0078 Unique Charm

Mouri Kogoro looked at Reiko Kujo's profile, not wearing makeup, but very delicate.

If the eyes with a bit of greenness were replaced by others, they would definitely be full of evil intentions, but on Reiko Kujo's face, it seemed very suitable, which seemed to be judged and had a unique charm.

She sat in a chair with a very straight waist and was very conservatively dressed.

But hearing her voice, Mouri Kogoro felt very familiar, as if he had heard it before, but he couldn't remember it for a while, which was rare.

Mouri Kogoro tried to recall, lost for a moment.

Yukiko on the side pinched the soft flesh around his waist with two fingers, and said with a half-smile, "Isn't it beautiful to watch so fascinated? How about I help you get the contact information and bring her home too?"

Mouri Kogoro patted the hat on Yukiko's head: "Come on, I'm thinking."

"I mean, you are becoming more and more animals now. Both Eri and I are not your opponents. Do you want to find two more to share the burden?"

Yukiko raised his eyebrows, his elf-like face full of bewitchment.

How could Mouri Kogoro not see the dangerous light flashing in his eyes, then he kissed his white cheek gently, and said tenderly, "Don't say such things, I will have no regrets in this life without you!"

Only then did Yukiko smile with satisfaction, and his smiling eyes were extraordinarily bright.

Mouri Kogoro wiped his cold sweat, life is full of pits.



Twenty minutes later, Reiko Kujo got up, nodded to Mouri Kogoro, and left immediately, doing things neatly.

During this period of time, what she said was generally from the side, trying to find new clues, and kept asking what to say in court.

Mouri Kogoro came to the front desk and sat down.

On the opposite side, Endo Noriko is like a city beauty, wearing a red suit with a tight waist, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, just the right light makeup, but she is very good at dressing up.

However, his hands were clasped together, and he seemed a little nervous.

Mouri Kogoro reassured: "Miss Kiko, relax, it's just some simple questions. Lawyer Concubine is not feeling well, so I will do it for you."

He pondered for a while: "Well, I want to ask, when did Miss Noriko reunite with your father, Takashi Inoue."

"As far as I know, Mr. Inoue divorced your mother twenty years ago, and you left your mother at that time."

Endo Noriko replied, "I saw my father at my mother's funeral two years ago. Later, my father often came to the store to see me."

"I take the liberty to ask, how long has the relationship between you and President Otsu lasted?"

Endo Noriko was very calm: "Are you talking about foster care? It should have been five years. In fact, President Otsu helped me a lot when I was in high school."

The help here is naturally the Japanese-style aid.

"Later, his company got better and better, and he made more money, so he asked me to be his mistress. He helped to open this store, but now that he is dead, the rent will expire next month. We can only close the store and leave.”

Endo Noriko sighed deeply, Yukiko looked at her sympathetically after hearing Endo Noriko say this.

Mouri Kogoro gently evoked a smile: "Miss Kiko, do you think your father will kill someone?"

Endo Noriko shook his head: "Although my father likes to do things that break through the air, at best he is just a little thief. How can he have the courage to kill? President Otsu definitely didn't kill him."

Mouri Kogoro immediately shouted: "Since you think your father won't kill, why did you agree to the Jiujiao chief prosecutor as a witness, you know that your testimony will kill your father."

"Originally, with the help of the concubine's lawyer, it was possible for him to be convicted of robbery and homicide instead of manslaughter, but you testified at the first trial, but you just found a motive for your father's murder."

"I wonder if your daughter has been abused by a man who is nearly fifty years old for five years. As a father, does Mr. Inoue have no hatred for President Otsu?"

"With the motive for murder and his own admission that he smashed President Otsu's head with an ashtray, no one would believe that this was manslaughter."

"The punishment for robbery and murder is life imprisonment, or even the death penalty!"

Facing Mouri Kogoro's storm-like questioning, Endo Noriko's forehead was oozing with fine sweat, and her eyes became more and more panic.

"I, I didn't know it would be like this, I didn't know it would kill my father? It was the Chief Prosecutor Jiujiao who came to me and asked me to testify, saying that this would help my father and find out the truth, so I agreed. testified."

"How could it be so serious! Detective Mouri, or I won't be in court in the second trial, and tell the judge not to accept my testimony, okay?"

"Detective Mouri, you must save my dad!"

Endo Noriko was so anxious that she almost cried, grabbed Mouri Kogoro's big hand with both hands, and looked pleading...

Mouri Kogoro shook his head: "There's no way. You can't revoke your testimony at the first trial. Even if you don't appear in court, the judge will use your testimony as the motive for the murder."

"Tomorrow's second trial can only do human affairs and obey the destiny!"

Hearing Mouri Kogoro say this, Endo Noriko's eyes showed a look of loss, tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, and she murmured, "How could this be?"

At this moment, a man's voice came from outside the store: "Miss Endo, your goods have arrived, please come out and sign for them."

Endo Noriko was stunned for a while, then stood up, wiped her tears and said, "Detective Mouri, excuse me for a moment."

After that, she went out the door.

Yukiko sighed with emotion on his face: "I didn't expect that things are changing, I finally reunited with my father and made a testimonial, but accidentally killed my father by accident. I think Miss Noriko must be very uncomfortable."

"Hey, Kogoro, why are you rummaging through other people's cabinets? This is an invasion of other people's privacy rights."

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Yukiko: "The detective thing, can it be called infringement? This is an investigation, okay! I just want to see how the business of this Miss Noriko's shop is, I found it."

Mouri Kogoro took out the ledger and began to look at the water in it, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face.

Before Endo Noriko came back, he put the ledger back in place, and locked the cabinet he had opened with his unlocking skills, then got up and said goodbye to Endo Noriko: "Miss Noriko 3.1, I understand almost what I should know. ."

"This is the end of the matter, you don't have to be too sad. You can show your certificate as usual tomorrow, and we will leave first."

Hearing this, Endo Noriko nodded and sent Mouri Kogoro and Yukiko away, she stood at the door, staring at Mouri Kogoro's figure for a long time.



Mouri Kogoro drove back to Fujimine Residence, and Yukiko kept asking along the way: "Kogoro, what new evidence have you found, tell me now!"

But Mouri Kogoro didn't say anything, and Yukiko's teeth were itching with anger.

When the two got out of the car, they saw a woman ringing the doorbell at the entrance of Tengfengju, wearing a green T-shirt, black cloth pants, and holding a document in her arms.

The woman heard the sound, turned around, and saw Mouri Kogoro's eyes suddenly light up.

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