Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0076 Investigation with Yukiko

After lunch, Mouri Kogoro put his arms around Yukiko, massaging his belly with his big hands, while flipping through the documents.

Yukiko's gasping voice became a little rough: "Kogoro, don't come, I really can't stand it again!"

Mouri Kogoro patted Yukiko's little head: "Do you think I'm the kind of crazy person?"

Yukiko nodded without thinking: "Yes!"

Don't get mad and don't tie yourself up like that last night!

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro was also choked: "You bastard, I kindly tried to massage you, but falsely accused me, didn't you feel much more comfortable in your abdomen?"

Yukiko hesitated for a moment, and he really felt that the soreness from before had subsided a lot, and he knew that he had misunderstood.

She turned around, kissed Mouri Kogoro on the cheek, and chuckled, "Okay, okay, I'm the one who blamed you. I didn't expect you to be serious."

Mouri Kogoro rolled her eyes at Yukiko and patted her on the shoulder: "Do you want to go back to rest, or do you want to investigate the case with me?"

Yukiko opened his mouth and gestured to yawn: "127 is so sleepy, I only slept for four or five hours in the morning."

"Then I'll go by myself!" Mouri Kogoro gestured to get up, but Yukiko put his arm around him.

"I lied to you, I don't feel sleepy after being touched by you for so long. Wait for me to change clothes first."

Yukiko was frightened from Mouri Kogoro, and happily returned to the room and changed into a suit, a small pink and white dress style, coupled with lavender high heels, it was unbelievably beautiful.

She was content to go out with Mouri Kogoro in her arms.

"I said we were going to investigate, why are you dressed like Shuichi?"

"I can't help it, this lady is naturally beautiful and looks good in anything she wears." However, Yukiko still paid attention to her influence and wore a pink hat to cover it up.

The two quickly drove to the Hirano Building, where the incident occurred.

Lexus arrived quickly, and he had already told the building manager that he was coming.

When I came to the Hirano Building, the middle-aged man named Akiyama Takuya was waiting early. He was a bald man and the discoverer of the crime scene.

When he saw Mouri Kogoro, he immediately greeted him, with a warm smile on his face: "Detective Mouri, it's such an honor. I know you're coming to investigate the case. I've been waiting for a long time."

The three went along the elevator to the second floor, and Mouri Kogoro began to ask: "Mr. Akiyama, I remember that you are the discoverer of this case, can you tell me about the situation at the scene at that time."

The bald administrator looked reminiscent: "I remember that at nine o'clock in the evening, I was watching the game in the management room, and suddenly someone knocked on the door at the window. It was Mr. Ma Yayan, the son-in-law of President Otsu."

"Mr. Arima said that he just went up to the door of the agency on the second floor and knocked on the door, but no one responded. He also said that Mr. Otsu had returned to the company. He came to give Mr. Otsu's reading glasses, so he asked me to take the key with him. Go open the door."

"Later we entered the company, and because we didn't have the key to the office, we could only look at the glass window on the door, and then I saw someone fighting inside."

"Mr. Arima immediately slammed into the door, but when he entered, the gangster had already left, and only President Otsu was left in a pool of blood."

"I followed Mr. Arima's advice and went to call an ambulance and call the police, but unfortunately the president is still dead."

The three opened the door of the company and walked into the office. After the murder, the housing agency did not continue to operate.

However, the three could not open the door of the office where Otsu Toshiyuki died.

The bald administrator explained: "After the murder, the key has been in Mr. Arima's hands. I have informed him that he is about to arrive."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man in a green suit ran in, with golden glasses, slender eyebrows, a bracelet on his wrist, and a ring on his ring finger. It was Ma Yayan.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, you are the famous detective, Mouri Kogoro, I often see you in the newspapers."

After the chat, Arima Yayan looked puzzled: "But isn't this case about to go to trial? What are you doing now?"

Mouri Kogoro chuckled: "I was entrusted by the defendant's lawyer, so I conducted an investigation to see if I could find any new evidence to make the defendant get a lighter sentence."

Hearing this, Arima Yayan seemed to be secretly relieved, took out the key, opened the door, and the four entered the office.

"After my father-in-law died, the company stopped running. No one came in after the police surveyed this office that day. Detective Mouri, you can watch it."

After being closed for a month, the air in this office is very dull, even a layer of dust has fallen on the table.

On the left is the desk and boss chair, the safe is next to the desk, and on the right is the reception area formed by the sofa and coffee table.

The left and right sides are just separated by a screen, forming a small partition.

The entrance door is in the middle of the office area and the reception area.

Mouri Kogoro immediately asked, "Mr. Akiyama, where was the president when you came in?"

The bald administrator came over and pointed to the open space between the desk and the safe on the left: "The president was here at that time, and there was no one else in the office."

Mouri Kogoro touched his beard and closed the door: "But this is strange, from the window on the door, the desk and safe area on the right are blocked by screens, how can you be outside? Can you see hitting someone in this position?"

Yukiko immediately ran outside and closed the door, and immediately exclaimed: "Really, there is no place to hit people outside, Mr. Akiyama, how do you explain it?"

The bald administrator immediately said, "I didn't see the beating scene with my own eyes, but because the lights in the office were not turned on at that time, and the neon lights outside came in, what I saw was a figure on the wall holding an ashtray and smashing it. Actions."

"That's why I subconsciously thought that someone was beating inside, and in the middle, Mr. Arima and I heard the sound of the president falling to the ground, so there was nothing wrong."

Yukiko suddenly became angry: "How can there be no mistake, seeing the beating with your own eyes and seeing the shadow of the beating are completely different things, you are perjuring like this!"

When the bald administrator heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "So, what should I do? Hey, aren't you Miss Yukiko? Why are you here, I like your otome character so much!"

"Hey, no, you're not Miss Yukiko, you're too young."

Yukiko, who was recognized, glanced at Mouri Kogoro with a complacent look, and then pretended to be tender: "What Otome, I said uncle, your eyes/looks are too bad, I just graduated from high school!"

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