Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0072 Black Torrent

Mouri Kogoro came to Miwako and greeted Miwako's men with a smile.

Miwako's brows were also furrowed: "Kogoro, this is their hometown. There are at least hundreds of people who are drug dealers and security guards."

"In addition, there are still many guests in the bar, or we should retreat tonight, and call Officer Megure and the others next time, and then start the arrest~ operation together."

Miwako could of course trust Mouri Kogoro to do it, but after all, drug-trafficking is a business with a head.

The drug dealers all had guns in their hands. She was really afraid that something might happen to her sweetheart, and naturally she didn't want to take risks.

It can only be said that the target this time is really difficult, not like the previous gangsters, one by one without weapons, so that people can single-handedly overturn them.

Mouri Kogoro looked confident and said directly, "Miwako, don't be so troublesome, I can take them all tonight."

He began to deploy the mission: "Master, Yamada, this bar has a back door on each side of the back, you should guard there first, wait until the guests leave and ignore it, wait until Miwako gives you a signal, and then attack together. Come in!"

Senior Colonel and Yamada looked at Officer Satou with hesitant expressions on their faces, and when they saw him nod, they could only take orders and leave.

The six of them divided into two teams and went to the back door.

Miwako looked puzzled: "Kogoro, are you planning to let the two of us attack from the front, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, to take down this drug lord's lair in the middle of gunfire!"

Mouri Kogoro tapped Miwako on the head: "What are you thinking? I won't put you in such a dangerous situation, watch it, the show is about to happen."

As soon as the voice fell, all the lights in the bar suddenly disappeared, all the noisy sounds faded, the entire bar was pitch black, and the power was cut off.

The screams were loud, and there were many men on the dance floor who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to wipe out the women.

Immediately afterwards, there was no fire, but the water sprinkler on the ceiling turned on automatically, and the water mist sprayed out.

At this time, the guests in the hotel panicked and looked for the exit one by one, escaping from the bar through the front and rear doors.

Sakata, the head of the office on the second floor, was furious and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "What's going on, why is the power cut off and still spraying water, did someone set fire to it? Hurry up and solve it for me, waste, I'll raise so many of you, What to eat."

His men immediately ran to the electric box to check the power outage and shower problems.

Three or four minutes later, Mouri Kogoro saw that there were no customers coming out of the door of the bar, so he took Miwako and walked towards the door of the bar.

"Kogoro, do you want to ask the Chief and the others to act together?"

"No, you don't have to do anything, just watch it!"

At this moment, the sound of uniform footsteps came from behind Miwako, and she turned her head to look, and she couldn't help being surprised!

When did these people appear in the back?

About forty strong men in the iron tower with a height of more than two meters, wearing black suits and sunglasses, followed behind the two of them, like a black torrent.

The black torrent quickened its pace and rushed into the bar past the two of them.

Miwako's purple eyes widened: "Kogoro, what's going on?"

Mouri Kogoro chuckled: "This is a senior bodyguard from Wuxia Security Company invested by the Qiben consortium. He is a senior bodyguard trained by the training model of the US Marine Corps. Usually, one person can deal with a dozen or so good players."

"I have a lot of acquaintances with Xia Jiang, the head of the Qiben consortium, so I was seconded with her, so it's not a problem to deal with these drug lords."

Miwako still looked panicked: "But the drug dealer has a gun!"

Mouri Kogoro is not worried at all, how can these reinforced robots be afraid of guns!

"Don't worry, these bodyguards all have gun licenses, and they all wear the latest bulletproof vests and night vision sunglasses. It's dark inside, and there won't be any problems."

Mouri Kogoro walked into the bar with his arms around Miwako's soft waist, and said with a chuckle, "We don't have to do anything tonight, just watch the show, and when all the prisoners are dealt with, you can just take them back."

Soon, screams came from the bar, and people kept shouting: "Enemy attack!" "Enemy attack!"

The gunshots were loud, but they could only shoot themselves.

The Ant-Man robot in the dark was like a ghost, approaching a figure, slashing its neck with a knife, and instantly stunned it.

The Chief and Yamada were even more panicked when they heard the gunfire coming from inside, and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Officer Satou, Officer Satou, are you in? Can we act?"

Satou Miwako immediately replied: "It's not yet time, you are guarding the back door. From now on, don't let anyone go. If there is danger, you are allowed to kill the gangsters directly."

Da Zuo and Yamada heard the normal tone of the police officer Satou on the walkie-talkie, as if they were not fighting, and were very puzzled, who was in the shootout, could it be Detective Mouri?

After about ten minutes, the sound of the gun battle became weaker and weaker, and finally all the sounds disappeared.

Footsteps were heard again in Miwako's ears, and the group of towering men retreated.

Only then did Mouri Kogoro let the robot controlling the switch pull back the switch, and the lights in the entire bar were restored.

In the middle of the drenched glass dance floor, hundreds of drug dealers were knocked unconscious, all tied with ropes on their hands and feet, piled up like a hill.

As for those strong men in black, all of them disappeared.

"It's amazing, how did they go so fast?"

"Dark poison dealers can't see clearly, but if there is a light, they will see it. At that time, the bodyguard will be involved in the confession, but it will be troublesome. Now I can let Da Zuo Yamada come in to help find drugs and accounts!"

Miwako's walkie-talkie called Da Zuo and Yamada to come in, but the six people guarding the back door found nothing. It was all because the Ant-Man robots were too fast to let anyone go.

The Chief and Yamada were amazed when they saw hundreds of people piled up into a mountain, and then saw Detectives Miwako and Mouri with a calm expression on the side, and couldn't help but admire them.

Miwako directed his men to collect weapons and search for stolen goods, and then called the Metropolitan Police Department and asked the Metropolitan Police Department to send people to help escort the criminals.

Then Mouri Kogoro pulled Miwako out of the bar, and saw more than a dozen people on the floor next to the door, stunned and bound.

A black car drove by, and after the car slowed down, it threw out bound people, and then sped away.

Mouri Kogoro chuckled: "This is the other people on the list. Except for the drug dealers who stayed in the old nest, I also asked them to help you catch them."

"Kogoro, I love you so much!"

Miwako put his arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck and gave him a hard kiss, and hurried forward to collect the weapons of the kidnapped drug dealers.

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