Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0054 Treatment Ayumi

"It's alright, if you take medicine, you will get better soon. When you recover tomorrow, you can go to Kyoto with everyone to enjoy the red leaves and watch the flower card competition."

Mouri Kogoro gently stroked Ayumi's little head with his big hand. When little Ayumi was sleeping, he finally took off the hairband. The hair was fluffy and smooth, and it felt great to the touch.

An exciting Loli voice came from Ayumi's mouth: "Uncle Mouri, my stomach hurts again, can you rub my stomach like mom?"

"Do you rub your stomach?"

"Well, every time I drink ice, my stomach always hurts, and my mother will rub it for me, and then the whole stomach will be hot."

Little Ayumi spoke with some gestures, saying that when it was hot, her hands bloomed like flowers.

After that, she looked at Mouri Kogoro with big eyes expectantly. Mouri Kogoro was about to give her a healing technique, and naturally he would not refuse.

He lifted the quilt, Ayumi was wearing shorts on the lower body and short sleeves on the upper body.

Mouri Kogoro immediately saw a pair of pink short legs, which were not much different from Haibara.

He followed 10 and put his big hand under Ayumi's clothes and covered it on his belly. The belly was a little sensual, and it felt very smooth and tender to the touch.

Compared to Haibara's flat belly, Ayumi's belly is considered a child's belly.

When Haibara was picked up, she was bony and bony, but after she was well fed, she returned to her normal appearance.

However, she controls her diet and maintains her figure at a young age, so Mouri Kogoro doesn't get fat no matter how she feeds her.

Mouri Kogoro himself doesn't know why he subconsciously compares to Haibara when he touches Ayumi's body.

He put his big hands on Ayumi's belly and started massaging in a clockwise direction with gentle force.

Little Ayumi hiccupped twice, her face immediately turned red, this little Loli was even shy, and she looked so cute.

"Uncle Mouri, you are so comfortable rubbing, much more comfortable than my mother."

Mouri Kogoro rubbed Ayumi's soft belly and suddenly remembered what happened to the robber last time. He left in a hurry last time and didn't pay attention to the follow-up of Ayumi's house.

"Oh! By the way, Ayumi, did the money your uncle gave you last time go to your mother?"

Ayumi immediately fell silent, lowered her head, and did not dare to look at Mouri Kogoro with her big eyes, but she glanced up from time to time, and it felt like her face was bleeding again.

"Uncle, I'm sorry!"

When Mouri Kogoro saw Ayumi's expression, his voice softened.

"It's okay, Ayumi, what's there to be sorry for, tell uncle, uncle won't blame you."

There was still hesitation on Ayumi's face, but she decided to tell Mouri Kogoro anyway.

"Uncle, according to what you said, the money was left by the robber, but my mother didn't believe it. Later, I said that the money was given by you."

It's not a big deal, Mouri Kogoro rubbed Ayumi's little head with his other hand, then chuckled.

"It's nothing!"

Hearing this, Ayumi became more courageous, and continued: "Uncle, I even stole the sheets from you guys, and I told my mother about you hitting Mr. Xiaolin with a big stick!"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help coughing when he heard the big stick, and couldn't help blushing.

Doing this kind of thing in someone else's bed was also known by the owner, which made Mouri Kogoro face that gentle and strong young woman.

Little Ayumi's eyesight was level 10, and seeing Mouri Kogoro's expression changed, he quickly covered his little head with the quilt, daring not to look at Mouri Kogoro.

At this point, Mouri Kogoro naturally wouldn't blame the little Loli who pretended to be an ostrich, so he lifted the quilt and continued to ask: "It's okay, it's uncle's ill-consideration, I don't blame you, but Ayumi, what will your mother do when she finds out? reaction?"


Ayumi bit her little finger and began to recall: "It was just that her face suddenly became very red and red, and then she originally said that she would return the money to you, but then she took it all."

"But my mother always wanted to invite you to dinner at home!"

"Well! Uncle, you lied!"

Little Ayumi remembered something, her expression changed again, and she pouted: "Obviously last time I pulled the hook and sealed it and said to come back to see me, but you didn't come to see me later."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help laughing. It's only been a few days!

"Okay, it's my uncle's fault. When I get back to Tokyo, my uncle will invite you and your mother to a big dinner, okay?"

Little Ayumi's eyes lit up: "I want to go to the amusement park!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

This little Ayumi laughed happily, and Mouri Kogoro felt that his belly was almost rubbed, and the treatment was performed.

A burst of Susu Mama's energy poured into little Ayumi's abdomen from his big hands, making his whole body warm.

Little Ayumi looked extremely helpful, and couldn't help but groaned a few times.

Then, when she heard a strange sound from herself, little Ayumi covered her little nephew with her hands again, and looked at Mouri Kogoro in panic with her big eyes.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but chuckle, and being with this little Loli felt so healing.

Mouri Kogoro patted Ayumi's small belly, making a popping sound.

"Okay, Ayumi, uncle has healed Ayumi, and it's all right now!"

Little Ayumi patted her belly, it really didn't hurt at all, she stood up in surprise, sprinted 213 abruptly, and threw herself into Mouri Kogoro's arms.

"Really, uncle, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore, it's amazing!"

The exciting Loli sound lingers in the ears, and the soft body also exudes the unique milk smell of children, and Mouri Kogoro's face is also smiling without knowing it.

But I don't know if it is because of the many experiments with Haibara, Mouri Kogoro has some strange fluctuations in his heart.

This discovery made Mouri Kogoro a little stunned, but the gurgling from little Ayumi's stomach broke Mouri Kogoro's entanglement.

Little Ayumi shyly buried her little head in Mouri Kogoro's arms.

"Ayumi, did your stomach growl just now? Are you hungry? Wait. Uncle will make you lunch."

Mouri Kogoro immediately got up, took Ayumi's little hand, walked out of the room, went to the kitchen of the suite, and opened the refrigerator.

The room Sonoko ordered was expensive, and the refrigerator was naturally full of ingredients. Mouri Kogoro picked a few of them and started preparing udon noodles.

First prepare the secret soup in the pot, then wash the cutting board and knives, and then start to cut the beef. The sound of Duo on the cutting board keeps ringing, while the little Loli Ayumi below stands silently, watching Mouri Kogoro cook.

Ayumi didn't know what to think, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

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