Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0028 Another crime scene

Officer Otaki touched his flat head and wiped away the rainwater on it: "You are the kid next to Detective Mouri, you are really smart, yes, there should be bloodstains normally, but now it's down On a rainy day, the bloodstains may be washed away by the rain, so it’s not wrong to commit suicide!”

Otaki Goro was quite content with his reasoning, and Conan wanted to ask him to do a blood reaction again, but Otaki Goro quickly ordered a police officer to take Conan out.

"Although you are the child next to Detective Mouri, this is a dead person after all. Children can't get too close. Just go and wait!"

Otaki Goro squatted down and gave Conan a kind smile. There was a scar on the edge of the pig's face and eyebrows, which looked really sinister.

Seeing this, Conan couldn't help twitching his cheeks, but he could only obediently follow the police officer beside him and leave first.

And Heiji was asking the only witness at the time, the shoehorn-faced man, Toshiaki Fukushima: "Mr. Fukushima, what was Miss Katagiri holding in her hand at that time? Are you really sure she committed suicide?"

The shoehorn-faced man Toshiaki Fukushima said, "Yes, I saw her set herself on fire with a lighter in her hand, and then jumped into the water!"

Conan hurriedly asked, "Was anyone else there at the time?"

"No, she's the only one who sees her on the entire Bridge of Bliss, alas, why did all the members of our tour group commit suicide?"

Hattori Heiji was very excited: "Idiot, how could they all commit suicide, one by one self-immolation, this is definitely a problem, it must be murder, damn, I don't believe I can't find any clues!"

Stimulated by Kazuha before he left, Hattori Heiji became extremely impulsive at the moment.

Hattori Heiji rushed to the covered female corpse, opened the cover, and then grabbed the front of the female corpse's clothes, looking for clues!

The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded, and a fist the size of a sandbag instantly hit Hattori Heiji's cheek.

Hattori Heiji was instantly knocked into the air, fell heavily onto the slippery ground, and slid back all the way to Conan.

And Conan looked at Hattori Heiji with concern.

Hattori Heizou stood in front of the female corpse, his left eye was slightly open, the cold light radiated in all directions, and he was full of aura. Everyone present did not dare to happen, Hattori Heizou shouted.

"Heiji, you have to choose the right place when you are dizzy. You must know that this is the scene of the crime. How much trouble you will bring to our police if you destroy the scene!"

Otaki Goro opened his mouth to plead: "Police, Heiji just wants to use his own method to investigate the case!"

Hattori Heizou glanced at Goro Otaki, and Goro Otaki instantly shut his mouth, not daring to say anything more.

"Where is he investigating the case, he is clearly making trouble. Someone gave him the title of a high school detective, and he began to be proud and began to cock his tail. He is still far from being a detective!"

"This kind of unreasonable way of collecting evidence will only affect the investigation, and it will be useless except to destroy the scene."

"Watching two people die in front of you, but you can't do anything, thinking that if the police are there, the murderer will not commit the crime, this kind of mentality is even more wrong!"

"Heiji, I'm so disappointed in you!"

Hattori Heiji lowered his head, his pupils kept shrinking, but he clenched his fists fiercely.

Tōyama Ginshirō, who was on the side, also quickly opened his mouth to help and pleaded: "But our police also have some negligence, and our police are also careless, so there will be a second case of self-immolation here, resulting in the death of this Miss Tong."

Hattori Heizou seemed to lose his anger when he heard the old friend's persuasion. He narrowed his left eye again and returned to his squinting appearance. He looked down at Hattori Heiji, and his figure of 1.9 meters was even more impressive. He spoke again. road.

"All in all, there is no need for a layman like you here, you can disappear for me now!"

Everyone present looked at each other, watching Xunzi's Hattori guarding, not daring to say anything more.

And Hattori Heiji was sitting on the wet ground, and the rain was hitting him drop by drop. His body trembled slightly, and his face became darker and darker!

And Hattori Heizou turned around and squatted down, covering up the cloth on the woman's body.

"Otaki, did these two dead people kill him?"

Goro Otaki quickly said, "No, we found his own fingerprints on Mr. Kato's lighter, so it's very likely that he committed suicide."

"And Ms. Katagiri picked up a lighter and lit it by herself. This is what Mr. Fukushima saw with his own eyes, and he can also testify, so it is very likely to be suicide!"

"So these two cases are suicides!"

Hattori Heizou immediately said, "Since it's suicide, just leave a few police officers here to take charge, Tōyama, let's go!"

"Our police are not idle enough to need so many police forces to handle such a small case!"

After all, Hattori Heizou got up and left under the stupefied expressions of Hattori Heiji and Conan, followed by Tōyama Ginshirō and a large number of police officers.

There are indeed only a few police officers left to take charge of this matter!

But now one of the onlookers narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


At this time, Mouri Kogoro had arrived at the location tracked on the phone, and the signal was sent from the apartment.

Mouri Kogoro held up his umbrella and quickly entered the apartment. As soon as he approached, the electronic security door opened automatically...

As a master hacker, hacking the anti-theft system in this apartment is really easy.

Immediately after that, he began to search floor by floor.

He walked very fast, and went down the stairs to see every floor. The Japanese will put their name tags at the door, so it is very convenient.

Soon Mouri Kogoro found the word Hirano on the eighth floor, and then used his unlocking skills. He took the wire he just broke from the roadside and inserted it into the keyhole. Soon, the door opened.

A rancid smell rushed out instantly, Mouri Kogoro frowned, stood at the door and waited for the smell to dissipate most of the time before entering the apartment.

The apartment had been unoccupied for a while, and Mouri Kogoro saw several scratches of struggling fingernails and broken vases on the white walls of the entrance.

An image flashed back to his mind instantly.

[The murderer disguised as a courier or a delivery boy, pressed the doorbell and let Hirano open the door.

Then he immediately rushed in with a handkerchief sprinkled with the drug, attacked Hirano, covered Hirano's mouth and nose, and then strangled Hirano from behind.

Hirano struggled desperately, grabbing on the wall with his left hand, and smashing the vase with his right hand, but in the end he was unable to resist the effects of the drug and passed out.

After that, the murderer closed the door and dragged Hirano into the back room. 】

Mouri Kogoro walked on, the living room was a mess, everything was scattered, the coffee table stinks of rotting food, and flies and mosquitoes fly over it.

He glanced at it a little and didn't care anymore. This was obviously because the murderer couldn't find any clues in the living room, so he threw everything in a mess, so that when it was smashed in the middle, the pieces were still piled up.

Then Mouri Kogoro walked along the corridor and continued. He saw that the doorknob of the bedroom was very clean, and he immediately understood that this must be the scene of the crime, otherwise he wouldn't have wiped the doorknob.

Mouri Kogoro opened the door with a handkerchief in his right hand, and immediately smelled a slight rancid and burnt stench.

He looked in, and there were obvious burn marks on the bed, black marks on the ceiling, and some thick ropes left from the burn.

On the opposite side of the bed was a chair, and it was this chair and the wall behind it that reeked of rot.

Another image came to Mouri Kogoro's mind.

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