Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0100 The accused Hattori Shizuka1

On the road leading to Shizuoka Prefecture, the Lexus kept galloping, heading towards Shibata Shiro's house.

Shizuka Nami, who was sitting in the back seat, looked depressed. She couldn't figure out how Mouri Kogoro would find Shiro Shibata.

This time Bochi Shizuka came to Tokyo, not only to test whether Mouri Kogoro is as powerful as his son said, but also to draw out Kudou Shinichi.

His son Hattori Heiji was unhappy after returning to Osaka from Tokyo, and he has no longer contacted Kazuha. Obviously, something happened in Tokyo that caused emotional problems.

Hattori Heiji also talked about the two powerful people who were knocked down in Tokyo from time to time, one was Mouri Kogoro and the other was Kudou Shinichi, and the words were extremely respected.

These two are extremely smart people, and Shizuka Bochi is worried that his son will suffer from them.

And according to Shizuka's speculation, Tōyama Kazuha is very likely to empathize with Kudou Shinichi who is similar in age.

That's why she secretly came to Tokyo to seek justice for her son, so she specifically said Kudou Shinichi's name just now.

Unexpectedly, Kudou Shinichi has not appeared yet, but this Mouri detective is amazing, not only looks young and handsome, but also very powerful.

The real name of the old classmate who cooperated with him was not Shibata Shiro, and he changed his name to his current name after being drunk and causing a big accident two years ago. All external records have been erased.

I don't know what means this great detective used to find Shiro Shibata's trace.

Wave pool Shizuka looked at Mouri Kogoro in the driver's seat, his face full of curiosity.

But Mouri Kogoro felt a lot of pain at the moment. The intermediate tracking charm, which was exchanged for 6,000 points, was naturally magical, and he found its trace in an instant according to the photo.


Two hours later, at around four in the afternoon, the car finally arrived at Shibata's apartment.

Mouri Kogoro and his party got out of the car and took the elevator to the gate of Shibata's house on the seventh floor. Xiao Ran looked at the sign at the door with the names of Shiro Shiro and Kyoko Shibata, and couldn't help but say with joy, "We're here, it looks like the entrustment can be done quickly. finished."

Xiao Ran is naturally happy. If he can complete the commission quickly and send this beautiful woman away, then there will naturally be one less threat.

Soon she rang the doorbell, but no one responded.

Xiao Ran rang the doorbell two or three times, and after a while, there was still no response.

Mouri Kogoro was about to push the door in when he heard a man's voice behind him.

"Are you looking for Mr. Shibata?" A bald middle-aged man stood behind the three. He was the downstairs resident Yoshikawa Takezo.

Mouri Kogoro nodded, and Yoshikawa Takezo continued: "Then if you have any problems, please solve it quickly. Later, Mr. Shibata will come to my house to play mahjong!"

Xiao Ran said, "But they all seem to have gone out."

Yoshikawa Takezo quickly walked to the door: "Impossible, how can it be possible to go out at this time."

The door was not locked, so he directly twisted the door handle and pushed in.

"I said he was at home."

Mouri Kogoro and his party also followed in. Yoshikawa Takezo didn't consider himself an outsider at all. After entering the room, he started to walk towards the living room, shouting Shiro Shibata's name.

To the left of the entrance is the restaurant. The TV in the restaurant is still on, making a loud noise, and the food on the table is only half eaten.

The three walked into the restaurant and gathered around the dining table, Xiao Ran wrinkled his nose: "This miso soup tastes sour, and there are newspapers in the morning, so this won't be breakfast, right?"

"It's a waste to eat half of this Gu Ci!"

"Gu Ci?" Xiao Ran looked puzzled.

"That's the snapper!"

At this moment, the door outside resounded, and Mouri and his party came out of the restaurant.

A woman in sportswear, glasses and a golf bag immediately reprimanded: "Who are you? How can you break into other people's homes at will, if you don't leave, I'll call the police."

This woman is naturally the hostess of the apartment, Shibata Kyoko.

But before Mouri and his party could answer, Yoshikawa Takezo's voice came from the living room: "Mr. Shibata, Mr. Shibata, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they rushed in along the entrance. When they came to the living room, they saw Shibata Shiro lying on the ground with blood on his head, and Yoshikawa Takezo was shaking his body.

Mouri Kogoro rushed forward immediately and took his pulse.

Shibata Shiro is dead.

Mouri Kogoro immediately said: "Xiao Ran, the person is already dead, call the police, from now on, no one is allowed to approach the crime scene, this gentleman, you should get up too!"

The hostess, Shibata Kyoko rushed in with a look of panic: "What happened to my husband, Yoshikawa, what did you do to my husband?"

"I didn't do it, he became like this as soon as I came in."


More than 20 minutes later, the curly-haired police officer Henggou led the team to the scene. As soon as he saw Mouri Kogoro, he immediately shouted excitedly, "Master!"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but have black lines all over his head: "I never took you as an apprentice!"

Officer Henggou suddenly looked embarrassed, but he still said cheekily, "But in my heart, Detective Mouri, you are my master and my beacon!"

Xiao Ran also remembered him: "You were the Henggou police officer from Izu last time!"

"Yes, after the last bullet train bombing and the serial murders on Izu Beach, I was promoted to Inspector, Detective Mouri, it's all thanks to you!"

Officer Henggou turned his head to look at Shizuka Bochi, and bowed excitedly: "This must be the teacher, she is really beautiful, Master, good eyesight!"

Bo Chi Shizuka couldn't help chuckling when he saw this, and Xiao Ran's head jumped wildly with the hash key.

So angry, but you have to keep smiling!

"Officer Henggou, this is not my mother, she is just my father's client, Miss Pochi, she entrusted my father to find Mr. Shibata today."

On the other hand, the hostess Shibata Kyoko had an impatient look on her face: "Hey, you have to reminisce about the old times and go to other places to reminisce about the old times. My husband is dead, police officer, can you hurry up to investigate and catch his murderer? ."

"Officer, don't be selfish, these three guys of unknown origin appear in my house, very suspicious!"

Officer Henggou immediately smiled and said, "Mrs. Shibata, you are wrong. This is our famous Japanese detective Mouri Kogoro, and his daughter. They cannot commit crimes."

Hearing this, Shibata Kyoko recognized Mouri Kogoro and her face changed.

But the bald man Yoshikawa Takezo said, "Detective Mouri and his daughter are naturally not suspicious, but what about the lady who is with them? The photo in Mr. Shibata's hand is a half-length photo of this lady!"

Hearing this, the police officer on the side quickly handed over the photo of the deceased's hand. It was the photo of Shizuka Nami holding the medal.

Officer Henggou touched his sparse stubble and said, "It seems that it is very likely that the death message left by the deceased Mr. Shibata, Miss Pochi really can't clear the suspicion."

"I see." Officer Henggou patted his head: "It must be Miss Pochi, you first killed Mr. Shibata, and then entrusted Detective Mouri to investigate, in order to make an alibi that you have never seen Mr. Shibata, right?"


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