Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0053 I'm looking for my mother!

The door of Mouri Kogoro's room opened, and Kisaki Eri, who was wearing a suit and skirt, came out, and all five women appeared in the living room.

At this time, Xiao Ran went down to the second floor to ask Conan and Hattori Heiji to come up for breakfast, and the three of them soon appeared at the door of the third floor.

Mouri Kogoro looked up and saw that Conan and Hattori Heiji both had extremely ugly faces. The distance between the two was three meters away, which was completely different from the closeness they looked together yesterday.

The two walked in from the outside, Mouri Kogoro watched Conan's pace as usual, and it seemed that the most terrible thing had not happened, so he ignored it.

Soon, Mouri Kogoro greeted everyone to the table, and the seats were the same as before, but Hattori Heiji and Conan's chairs were far away, and they turned their heads slightly, not facing each other.

Yukiko couldn't help but secretly said it was interesting when he saw this scene, and he really said the same thing as Xiao Ran and the others.

When everyone saw the extremely hearty breakfast, there was still a pot on the table that had not opened the lid, so they couldn't help being a little curious.

Kazuha said, "Uncle Mouri, what kind of food is that, why is it hidden so tightly?"

Yukiko quickly reacted, frowning subconsciously, this is not the new dish that Eri has been working on recently!

Kisaki Eri laughed and said, "I made this dish, let's try it out."

Hattori Heiji said, "That's great, I tasted Detective Mouri's cooking last night, and I was fortunate enough to taste the cooking of the concubine's lawyer today. This trip to Tokyo is really a complete success."

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Conan's face, he was still haunted by what happened in the morning, and naturally he didn't want to remind Hattori Heiji.

Originally Kazuha wanted to say something, but when he heard Hattori Heiji speak first, he was too lazy to talk.

Mouri Kogoro immediately smiled and said, "Since you said that, Heiji, then take over your bowl and Conan's bowl, Eri's cooking level is very high, you are lucky this time."

He smiled all over, and Hattori Heiji didn't even notice the sinister behind the smile, and handed the bowl over.

Hearing this, Conan's little face suddenly panicked, and he hurriedly said, "Uncle Mouri, I don't want it anymore!"

Mouri Kogoro chuckled twice, then stood up and took the bowl in front of Conan: "Conan, you are young and still growing, of course you need to eat some nutritious food, but there are many kinds of fruits in it. "

"Conan, you haven't tasted your Aunt Eri's food. I promise you will never forget it once you try it."

Mouri Kogoro put the two bowls in front of him.

Yukiko on the side saw this scene, and a narrow smile flashed in his eyes: "Kun Conan, look how good your Uncle Mouri is to you, the first thing that comes to mind is you, look at this, you are mining in South Africa. Mother should be relieved."

Conan forced a smile on his face, staring wide-eyed at the gloating Yukiko.

Mouri Kogoro lifted the lid of the pot, and an extremely strange smell rushed out instantly and penetrated into everyone's nose.

Everyone was shocked, especially Kazuha, Haibara and Hattori Heiji who saw Kisaki Eri's dark dishes for the first time.

Hattori Heiji was startled, looking at the dark things in the pot that had solidified slightly, his black charcoal face twitched uncontrollably.

Mouri Kogoro scooped without hesitation, placing a lump of black slush into the bowl.

The poop-friendly chocolate banana scooped into Hattori Heiji's bowl, and the decadent chocolate durian scooped into Conan's bowl.

Two bowls of dark chocolate fruit soup were placed in front of Hattori Heiji and Conan.

The two bowls were filled to the brim, and the whole pot was emptied, and the rest of the girls couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Kisaki Eri started to introduce with a smile: "This is my latest new dish, chocolate hit fruit soup, first heated with rich dark chocolate, and then add a variety of carefully matched fruits, including apples, pears, oranges, pineapples And durian, all kinds of extreme tastes collide together, you will be satisfied.”

Kisaki Eri looked at the pot and couldn't help but wonder: "Kogoro, I remember that I cooked a big pot full of it, why are there only two bowls left."

Mouri Kogoro smiled brightly: "Because it was so delicious, Xiao Ran and I couldn't help but ate it, so that's all that's left."

The rest was naturally poured by Mouri Kogoro.

Hearing this, Kisaki Eri couldn't help laughing, then turned to look at Xiao Ran: "Ran, how is it? This is what my mother made for you."

Seeing Mouri Kogoro's eyes, Xiao Ran immediately cooperated, with a serious face: "Well, it's so delicious. If it wasn't for Dad to tell others to try it, I would have eaten the whole pot."

Hearing this, Kisaki Eri smiled even more happily: "Silly girl, if you want to eat, mom will cook it for you next time."

Beside Haibara and Yukiko, watching the shrewd Kisaki Eri being so deceived by the Mouri father and daughter, couldn't help chuckling.

Mouri Kogoro said to Hattori Heiji and Conan: "You two have a good time, let's try it!"

Hattori Heiji saw the chocolate soup with a strange smell and a strange thing like poop in front of him. He couldn't help swallowing, and couldn't help but regret that he had just opened his mouth.

On the other hand, Conan smelled the gas-like smell of durian, and his face was helpless.

Yukiko also encouraged him: "Conan-kun, eat quickly, it's very nutritious."

Kisaki Eri also said, "Remember to give me some advice after eating, so I can improve it. It is only by adding new elements to the cooking that we can make satisfying food."

The three elders asked them both to eat in front of them, how could they refuse.

The other girls at the table have already started, tasting all kinds of food made by Mouri Kogoro, and they are all smiling, which makes Mouri Kogoro's food more delicious in comparison.

Die or die!

Hattori Heiji's heart sank, and he took a bite of the thing that looked like poop. When Conan saw this, he could only move his chopsticks and shoved the black thing in the bowl into his mouth.

In an instant, the extreme taste burst in the mouths of the two, and the faces of the two were like being struck by lightning, and they kept twitching.

Hattori Heiji felt the fire-breathing hotness and couldn't help but want to find water to drink.

Conan, on the other hand, felt the extreme acid, so sour that he lost consciousness.

Hattori Heiji took a closer look and saw that this chocolate banana has three layers, the outermost is black chocolate, followed by bananas, and the innermost is actually red peppers.

"How is it? Isn't it delicious?" Kisaki Eri couldn't help but ask.

Hattori Heiji nodded, tears streaming down instantly.

Mouri Kogoro said from the side, "Looking at this kid, I was moved to tears, Eri, your cooking skills are amazing."

A complacent look appeared on Kisaki Eri's face: "Cut, I still need you to say it."

Hattori Heiji cried even harder after hearing the cheeky words of the Mouri couple: I'm looking for my mother!

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