Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0028 Music Hall Play2

In the concert hall, Qiu Ting Lianzi couldn't help but sing loudly, with a unique rhythm in his oriole-like voice.

The huge concert hall is extremely empty, but the soprano singer's reputation is well-deserved, and it resounds through the entire concert hall in an instant.

Her voice was poignant and moving, and it made people unable to stop being ecstatic.

Qiu Ting Lianzi has long been lost in the gorgeous movement from the mobile phone, and her soul has long disappeared.

A pair of plain hands tightly held the wooden frame on the left and right of the pipe organ. She knelt on the pipe organ, her body trembling constantly.

She only wore white high heels on her jade feet, white headbands on her jet-black hair, white elbow-length gloves on her arms, and no strands elsewhere.

At this moment, Qiuting Lianzi is like a sacrifice, like some kind of evil ceremony, located on the central axis of this concert hall, at the highest point of this stage, and can't stop singing.

Bright lights shone on her body, wrapping her jade body in a warm color.

Qiu Ting Lianzi's crimson eyes had long since lost her usual calm, her eyes were full of confusion, and her face was flushed like never before in her life. , the beads of sweat hang on his chest with gravity, slowly dripping from the top.

With sweat and blood dripping down, dripping onto the piano cover.

The white hair band suddenly loosened, and the black waist-length hair rolled freely, covering most of the fair beauty.

But soon the black hair was stained with the sweat on his body, and tightly attached to Qiu Ting Lianzi's body.

The singing like the oriole never stopped, resounding throughout the concert hall.

If the audience at noon today knew that the goddess Qiuting Lianzi was singing like this at the top of the stage, they would definitely be surprised.

It's not ugly, but it's the most beautiful song in the world.

The sacrifice seemed to have stopped, Qiu Ting Lianzi got a chance to catch her breath, and the singing stopped. She finally had a chance to get off the organ platform, her legs in high heels were a little unsteady.

Qiu Ting Lianzi stood on the high platform, facing the auditorium, and grabbed the fence of the high platform with her hands.

At this moment, Qiu Ting Lianzi was like a queen, her white belly bulged, and she sang loudly again.

The music in the concert hall lasted for four hours before the concert finally came to an end.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Lexus was driving on the road, and the neon lights on the left and right sides kept passing by. The complexion of Qiuting Lianzi, who landed on the passenger seat, was intertwined, dyeing Lianzi's small face with a different luster.

Qiu Ting Lianzi was soundly asleep in the passenger seat. As the only audience member of the special concert just now, Mouri Kogoro knew how much energy and physical strength Qiu Ting Lianzi had consumed.

His big hand gently stroked Qiu Ting Lianzi's black hair, and the car drove very gently.

Soon, Lexus drove into the villa area, and the car stopped at the door of Qiuting Lianzi's villa.

Mouri Kogoro got out of the car and carried Qiuting Reiko in the passenger seat into the house.

Qiu Ting Lianzi slept very hard, and it was Mouri Kogoro who took her to the bathroom, bathed her, cleaned her body... put on a nightgown, and Qiu Ting Lianzi did not wake up after the whole process.

Looking at Qiuting Reiko who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, Mouri Kogoro gently kissed her white forehead.

Then he exchanged a sweet dream and put a peach branch in Lianzi's hand.

In an instant, the pink light flashed from the peach blossom branches, and the illusion flowed, covering Qiuting Lianzi. This sweet dream was set by Mouri Kogoro for twelve hours.

By eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Qiuting Lianzi will fully recover and wake up.

Sweet Dreams cost Mouri Kogoro 5,000 points, but it's nothing compared to the income from this case. After the theatrical version of the case was completed, the system rewarded Mouri Kogoro with 50,000 points and a lottery draw. Chance.

Mouri Kogoro's points once again pushed 100,000 to 125,642, and he has accumulated two lottery chances.

The case this time is very simple. Mouri Kogoro originally thought that he would not get so many points, but he did not expect to gain so much. It seems that the case in the theatrical version is where the real points are harvested!

Looking at Qiuting Lianzi lying on the bed, a smile appeared on her beautiful little face, as if she was in a sweet dream, and Mouri Kogoro didn't bother anymore.

He turned off the lights in the room, then went out the door, got in the car and drove towards his home.


Soon, Mouri Kogoro returned home. After he took the key to open the door, he saw Xiao Ran and Haibara in the living room with surprises on their faces.

However, the surprises on the faces of the two women disappeared in a flash, and they converged.

Haibara turned her head to look at the TV, and said with a cold expression, "You still know how to come back, I thought you were so fascinated by that Miss Qiu Ting that you forgot where your home is, are you planning to live with her tonight? "

This kind of feeling, how can there be a sense of being interrogated by his wife.

Mouri Kogoro hurriedly explained: "How is it possible, when you were not at home last night, it was a busy case to protect Miss Qiuting, but you don't know that there were three groups of killers at Miss Qiuting's house last night, but they were all subdued by me."

Because Haibara also heard Mouri Kogoro instructing Officer Satou today, she nodded and agreed.

"Besides, tomorrow morning is Xiao Ai's singing competition, and the afternoon is Xiao Ran's hard rehearsal. How could I be absent."

Xiao Ran on the side smiled gently, pretending to be concerned: "Dad, why did your suit turn black, I clearly remember that you didn't wear this when you went out yesterday, what about your previous suit? "

Mouri Kogoro replied easily: "Yesterday's suit was accidentally torn while subduing the killers, so I couldn't wear it to the concert, so I had to buy a set on the way this morning. No, the label hasn't been removed yet. !"

Xiao Ran came over and saw the label hanging on the lining, so he nodded, accepting the statement.

Feeling no more doubts, the two women looked at each other and their expressions became relaxed.

Mouri Kogoro immediately noticed the eyes of the two, and they were united!

Fortunately, I am an old driver, driving is stable!

Mouri Kogoro was free now, soothing his frightened heart a little.

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