Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0088 Sad Sonoko

At this moment, Xiao Ran returned with a refreshing clapping of hands.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ran, where's Sonoko? You didn't hurt her, did you?"

Xiao Ran couldn't help but pouted and said, "Dad, really, am I that violent?"

"Sonoko said she went to put things in the car and went to the mall to use the toilet."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help frowning: "Did Sonoko come by car?"

Xiao Ran nodded and said in a low voice, "Yes, she secretly drove her sports car today."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro frowned.

This is too bad, I thought I didn't lend the key to Sonoko, even if Sonoko wears thick-soled shoes, it won't be seen by the prisoner, but now she has a car, isn't that the same as a girl who drives in thick-soled shoes? ?

At this moment, the hearty laughter sounded, and the majestic figure of Matsumoto policeman appeared from the crowd. He looked at Mouri Kogoro and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to trouble you, the big detective every time!"

Officer Satou on the side said, "Matsumoto police officer, why are you here?"

Matsumoto police officer said: "There is so much noise here, how could I not know."

"Megure, the reporters outside are going to make a mess. They all say that it is an indiscriminate serial murder case. You should clean up the scene quickly, and then close the team. The most important thing is to eliminate the impact."

Officer Megure nodded quickly and replied, "Hi!"

Detective Matsumoto turned his head to look at Mouri Kogoro and said, "Detective Mouri, how are you, have you found anything?"

Conan, who was observing the corpse, also looked up at Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro said: "There is a strange thing about this body, that is, the shoes she was wearing were obviously wrong and changed to flat shoes."

Everyone followed the direction pointed out by Mouri Kogoro and looked at the shoes on the female corpse's feet. Xiao Ran immediately reacted, while police officers Matsumoto, Officer Megure and others all looked puzzled.

"What's wrong with flat shoes?"

Mouri Kogoro said: "This special makeup method was also introduced by Sonoko before. If the skin is tanned and dressed exaggeratedly, it must be matched with a pair of platform shoes."

"But these were replaced with a pair of flat shoes, and the yardage did not correspond to the feet. It can be seen that these were specially put on after the gangster committed the murder."

"Obviously, he didn't want people to know that, knowing that he was targeting his shoes."

Mouri Kogoro continued, "Combining with what Officer Satou just said about the car accident caused by Miss Lan Ze a year ago, the child died because she was wearing thick-soled shoes and couldn't step on the brakes."

"And today, the ladies in the other three cases were only injured, but Lan Ze Duohui was killed, which obviously explains the problem."

"I suspect that the revenge and anger carried out by the child's parents a year ago caused the serial crime, so it is necessary for the police to investigate in this direction."

Officer Megure immediately ordered Officer Chiba to investigate.

And Officer Satou said: "But if it's really revenge, wouldn't it be enough to kill Miss Lan Ze directly at the door?"

Mouri Kogoro said: "Ms. Lan Ze is only 20 years old this year, and she was still underage at 19 a year ago. Out of the protection of minors, her identity and address will not be released, so the prisoner can only live in this cup. Stores waited and saw women who were driving alone with platform shoes and attacked."

"Once you find the murderer who killed your child, you will kill the killer directly."

"In that case, the guards, security guards, and cleaning staff of the Cuphu shopping mall are the most suspicious, especially those who apply for jobs within a year."

Hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Bai Chuan Chunyi immediately said, "I remember that there was a guard in this parking lot who was hired half a year ago. It seems that his surname is a deposit. There has been a murder case, and he is nowhere to be seen."

Hearing the word deposit, Satou Miwako's expression changed.

She turned her head to look at Bai Chuan Chunyi: "Are you sure that the guard's surname is Deposit?"

"What's wrong?"

"The child who was hit and killed a year ago was living with his mother because his parents divorced, so his surname is Sakurai, but in fact his biological father happened to be surnamed Jin, which is too coincidental!"

The Matsumoto police officer immediately ordered: "In any case, this deposit guard has a serious suspicion, find him for me."

The police officers nodded one after another, and then acted independently.

And Mouri Kogoro pulled Xiao Ran over and said, "Xiao Ran, hurry up and call Sonoko and ask her to come back soon."

"What's the matter, ah! Dad, you can't do this!"

Mouri Kogoro flicked Xiao Ran's finger and said, "Where did you want to go, Sonoko drove by herself today, and she was also wearing thick-soled boots. If the prisoner really saw it, I'm afraid it would be dangerous."

Hearing this, Xiao Ran immediately took out his phone and called Sonoko.


The phone was connected, Xiao Ran immediately said, "Sonoko, where are you now?"

Sonoko on the other end of the phone said, "Xiao Ran, I'm in the stairs of the Cuphu shopping mall right now, don't you know how pitted this mall is, the toilets on several floors are being cleaned, and it's dark inside now. A piece of paint is really scary!"

"It was said to leave in 20 minutes, but in fact, the power was turned off very quickly. This mall is really stingy, eh..."

Xiao Ran hurriedly said, "Sonoko, come back quickly, listen to Dad's reasoning, the prisoners are very likely to target women who drive by themselves and wear thick-soled shoes."


Sonoko's shrill screams came from Xiao Ran's phone, followed by the sound of the phone falling, and the sound of footsteps.

Xiao Ran's face immediately turned ugly.

Police officers Matsumoto and Megure couldn't help looking over. Mouri Kogoro immediately said, "Police officer, it's very likely that the criminals are going after Sonoko in this cup shop. Hurry up and send someone to search."

Then Mouri Kogoro's speed exploded and he ran to the stairs in an instant, Xiao Ran and Conan quickly followed.

Police inspector Matsumoto immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Attention to all police officers, attention to all police officers, the prisoner is very likely to hunt down a little girl in the Cuphu shopping mall, all the police officers divided me into two teams, one from the top and one from the other. Search below, and be sure to protect that girl."

Matsumoto turned his head to look at Officer Megure and said, "Megure, hurry up and tell the staff at the mall to turn on the lights."

"Move it all to me."

All of a sudden everyone took action.

In the corridor of the Cuphu shopping mall, Sonoko was running constantly, and a man behind him waving a metal baseball bat kept chasing her.

So unlucky! How could I just bump into something like this! You will be hunted down for shopping! Is there anyone to save me!

Sonoko scrambled to escape into the dark mall, which was filled with glass counters to the left and right.

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