Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0056 Re-grant Guidance 1

There was a hint of provocation in the eyes of Emperor Morigu: "Since it is a riddle, then of course Detective Mouri is the best at it. Detective Mouri, where are you?"

Hearing someone calling him, Mouri Kogoro pulled Haibara back into the crowd.

Mouri Kogoro took the paper with a calm expression: "If that's the case, then I'll give it a try!"

Emperor Sengu said: "This is the information of three people in my company. Please find the password hidden in it. The time is three minutes. No matter who it is, if you guess it, you will be rewarded!"

A group of people looked at the information on the paper and began to think hard.

And Mouri Kogoro saw through it at a glance. This is the same as in the previous animation. The birth years of the three people are separated by one year, and they belong to the monkey, the chicken, and the dog.

Such a simple puzzle, Mouri Kogoro showed Haibara.

Haibara soon found out, and she whispered to Mouri Kogoro, "Is the answer Momotaro?"

Mouri Kogoro immediately laughed: "Xiao Ai is so smart, Mua!"

The big mouth kissed Haibara's little face directly.

Three minutes passed quickly, and Sengu Di Er, who was smoking with a pipe, returned to the crowd and asked, "Has anyone guessed it?"

He looked at Mouri Kogoro with a complacent look on his face: "Detective Mouri, could it be that you didn't guess it?"

Mouri Kogoro smiled: "The answer is Momotaro, you can tell by the year of birth!"

Surrounded by the talent of the audience suddenly realized!

Emperor Morigu said, "As expected of Mouri Kogoro, it's amazing!"

The onlookers also applauded and discussed in a low voice one by one.

"As expected of Detective Mouri!"

"I'll just say that puzzles like this can't beat Detective Mouri!"


Morigu Di Er then said, "Since you have guessed Detective Mouri, then as a reward, I invite you to visit my private exhibition room. Miss Xiao Ran and this little girl can also come together!"

Hearing this invitation, Mouri Kogoro did not refuse, so he and Xiao Ran Haibara followed Sengu Di Er into the exhibition room to visit.


In the evening, on the return car, Mouri Kogoro fell into contemplation, and this time to attend the afternoon tea party confirmed his conjecture.

This Emperor Sengu is really paranoid and wants to make trouble!

Mouri Kogoro turned his head to look at Xiao Ran, who was holding Haibara in the passenger seat, and said, "Xiao Ran, do you have any plans for these few nights?"

Xiao Ran turned his head back and forth: "No, there are no plans at all!"

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro felt a little relieved: "If you don't have it, remember, don't go out to play these few nights, just stay at home!"


Xiao Ran, who verbally agreed, turned her head to the window and looked at the scenery passing by. She remembered the single date with her mother tomorrow night.

Some things have to be asked in person!

Xiao Ran instinctively didn't want Mouri Kogoro to know, so he lied very naturally.

And Mouri Kogoro didn't expect Xiao Ran to lie to him at all, so he felt relieved!

Immediately afterwards, Haibara in Xiao Ran's arms turned her head to look at Mouri Kogoro, and said, "Uncle Mouri, what did Miss Qiu Ting give you just now?"

Hearing this question, Xiao Ran also turned his eyes to Mouri Kogoro's heart.

Just now, Qiu Ting Lianzi pulled Mouri Kogoro aside before leaving and left him his phone number, saying that he hoped to discuss music together when he was free.

Looking at the two girls who were staring at them, the old driver smiled lightly and said, "I don't know what it is, so I put it in the left pocket. Can Xiao Ai help my uncle take it out? If it's useless, just throw it away!"

Haibara immediately reached out to Mouri Kogoro's left pocket and took out a small note with a number on it!

Seeing the number, Haibara couldn't help pouting.

Mouri Kogoro said, "Xiao Ai, is it useful? If it doesn't work, throw it away!"

"It's the phone number, she left you contact information!" Although Haibara was jealous, she didn't throw away the note.

Mouri Kogoro immediately said: "That's useless, it's just a fan's phone, it's useless to keep it, throw it away!"

Satisfied smiles appeared on the faces of the two women, the window was rolled down, and the note was quickly thrown out the window.

Mouri Kogoro also had a faint smile on his face, and he had already remembered this number in his mind.


Soon, the car drove home, and Haibara couldn't hide her tiredness when she got home.

She didn't sleep much last night, and was tossed for most of the night. After waking up, she was tossed for most of the morning. In the afternoon, she had a strong spirit and could no longer support it when she returned home.

Mouri Kogoro gently placed Haibara on the newly made bed and covered it with a quilt.

He sat on the side and watched little Loli fall asleep peacefully, with pity in his eyes.

After a long time, he walked out of Haibara's room, closed the door, and entered the living room.

Xiao Ran was sorting out the magazines on the table in the living room.

Mouri Kogoro looked at Xiao Ran and said, "Xiao Ran, stop first, I have something to tell you!"

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, is this about his mother? Is it finally coming?

Xiao Ran felt sad in his heart, but stopped what he was doing and took slightly heavy steps to come to Mouri Kogoro's side.

Mouri Kogoro reached out to touch Xiao Ran's hair, but she bent over and avoided it. Mouri Kogoro frowned when he saw this scene.

He could only say: "Xiao Ran, I wanted to tell you yesterday!"

"But you were so tired that you fell asleep on the bed as soon as you got home. I can only tell you now."

Xiao Ran's eyes were full of gloom!

"Xiao Ran, there are some mistakes in the guidance technique I taught you before, which caused you to practice, but you haven't made much progress. You lost your senior sister yesterday."

"So Dad thought, I still have to teach you how to build a perfect astrological map and practice Guidance again!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran's face turned sullen to love, showing a look of surprise, not about his mother, but about cultivation!

"Teach by hand?" Xiao Ran couldn't help but turn his head to look at Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro coughed lightly and said sternly: "It's just teaching it by hand, no longer borrowing the previous auxiliary substitute."

Hearing this, Xiao Ran immediately recalled what Mouri Kogoro had done to the auxiliary avatar when he was learning Guidance! Xiao Ran's face immediately turned red.

Mouri Kogoro said righteously: "Xiao Ran, for the karate competition, don't worry too much about a few sections!"

"But! But!" Xiao Ran hesitated for a while, but he will meet with his mother tomorrow.

"No but, it would be very dangerous for Xiao Ran to solve a case with Dad, and Dad can't protect Xiao Ran all the time, so Xiao Ran must learn to protect himself, and he must continue to practice Guidance!"

After all, Mouri Kogoro took Xiao Ran's hand and entered the room!

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