Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0033 Don't have a secret

The blood on Shijin Runzai's hands and the blood on his head showed two colors, and the blood of different people was also different, which could be distinguished at a glance.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help frowning: "If you say that, it means that this high school detective from Hokkaido chopped off Mr. Hamlet's right hand, what kind of grudge?"

"Let's go, let's go to the warehouse and take a look!" After seeing the crime scene, the group walked towards the warehouse in heavy rain.

The door of the warehouse was originally locked, but the padlock was pried open. When the three entered the warehouse, they saw the generator and the smashed signal transmitter. The signal on the island was lost because of this machine. smashed.

"Sure enough, it was vandalism, trying to trap us all on this island?" Conan also frowned.

After reading the warehouse, the three found nothing, and returned to the hotel in the rain.

But soon, White Horse Detective quietly left the team, and came to Mr. Hammertail's room alone, and then rummaged through his toolbox. When he saw that his toolbox was as expected, and there was nothing, He couldn't help but bring a smile to the corner of his mouth.

When Hattori Heiji returned to the restaurant, he saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki waving a white piece of paper full of words, and said, "Come and have a look, this is a letter from Mr. Kotani!"

Hattori Heiji grabbed the letter with one hand and began to read.

"I know that I have already sinned deeply, and I deserve this punishment. Even paying this price for my silence back then is also my due meaning."

"One year ago, in the mansion of the eldest lady, I knew that the eldest lady was suffering from depression and finally committed suicide. Later, the detective suspected the maid of the mansion. I thought the most to investigate, and soon The suspicion was cleared, and there was no explanation, but the maid committed suicide!"

"I'm really sorry, I've spent the past year in repentance, but now that something like this has happened, I can feel at ease!"

The text stopped here, Hattori Heiji turned to look at the Mr. Kotani, and said, "So it is, because the silence of the past has now paid the price of the tongue, what about you? Mr. Hammertail, you again Why did you break your right hand?"

At this time, White Horse Detective walked in from outside the room: "That's probably because this gentleman is a thief, am I right? Mr. Hammertail!"

Masumi Hiroshio's expression suddenly turned terrified: "How is it possible, I am a member of the drama club, how could I be a thief?"

Bai Ma Tan took out the padlock he found in the warehouse and said, "You said you have been to the warehouse, but there was originally a padlock on the warehouse, and the key was kept by Mr. Kogu, so how did you get in? In the warehouse, of course, you can only use your thief's lock-picking skills to open the padlock with the wire in the toolbox."

"And, in addition to this, the right hand held by the left hand also exposes you, and the fingers are all calluses and scars left by training in unlocking!"

As soon as Hakuba opened his mouth, Hamleto Hiroo quickly put down his right hand and blocked it.

The white horse scout asked: "The most dishonest person here is you, tell me honestly, what else do you have to say!"

Hamleto Hiroo sighed involuntarily.

Conan asked quickly, "Is it related to the lavender incident a year ago?"

Masumi Hiroshiro said: "That's right, as you said, I'm actually a thief. I've only recently become an actor. In the incident a year ago, I was secretly outside the room of the eldest lady who committed suicide. , to remove its window, just use pliers to cut off all the connected screws, and then fix it with glue."

"I originally wanted to enter the villa to steal the next time when no one was there, but I never thought that a detective would suspect the maid because of the arrangement I made, and the maid was forced to commit suicide. As soon as I was afraid, I would never do it again. Dare to go to that mansion full of lavender."

"That's why I was scared when I heard you guys mention this matter today. I didn't expect that my hunch came true. Now my right hand is cut off!" Hamleto Hiroyo had a wry smile on his face.

Hattori Heiji said, "I didn't expect that all of you were related to the lavender incident, and this hotel is full of lavender, but I'm curious, who is that high school detective? Isn't he among us!"

At this time, Kotani Renzo shouted excitedly, and Yueshui Nanatsuki hurriedly took the pen and paper.

I saw Kotani Renzo hurriedly wrote on the paper: "The high school detective who framed the maid is Tokijin Junya, I know him!"

When everyone saw what was written on this piece of paper, they couldn't help looking at each other.

Hattori Heiji said, "It's not that this guy knows he has made a wrong reasoning, and then feels guilty, and then he plans to invite Mr. Kotani and Mr. Mallet to the island, and after punishing them, he will commit suicide and apologize. , this is too curious!"

Bai Ma Tan said: "It is very likely that this is the case. Look, this is the bottle of fluorosulfonic acid that was poisoned in the soup. I found this bottle on the body of the deceased."

"Fluorosulfonic acid is a super acid. It will emit white smoke when poured into the soup, and it is extremely corrosive. Mr. Kotani has only tried a little and can't speak, which shows the strong toxicity."

"You bastard, why didn't you say anything when you found it?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help complaining.

White Horse Tan smiled: "Who told you not to pay attention during my autopsy!"

Hamleto Hiroo said: "The person who hurt us by saying this is Shijin Junzai, it's unforgivable, he is about to commit suicide, yet he has to make us suffer like this!"

"However, what I want to know more is whether there will be a boat to pick us up tomorrow morning, I can't take it anymore!" Hamuwei Hiroo was already numb from the pain at this moment.

"Shouldn't you know better, fake director?" Hattori Heiji said involuntarily.

Hamleto Hiroo said quickly: "Since you know that I acted according to the script, you should understand that I don't know either."

"What about Mr. Kotani?"

Kogu Liansan hurriedly wrote: "I was also hired by someone, and I don't know if there is a ship?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help frowning: "It's hard to do this now. If the man behind the scenes is this deceased Toshijin Junzai, then whether there is a boat to pick us up, I'm afraid only the dead will know."

"Hey, White Horse, didn't you arrive half a day earlier than us today? How did you get to the island? Is there a helicopter coming to pick you up tomorrow?"

"You are disappointed with this. Although I arrived half a day early, I arrived on the island on a boat to deliver supplies to the island. I spent a lot of money and didn't tell anyone else, so I don't have any Someone will pick you up!" White Horse Tan shook his head.

At this time, Yusui Nanatsuki said, "Don't you think it's strange? I felt very strange when this uninhabited island came up. The whole uninhabited island is very humid, and the plants outside are all salt-tolerant. Plants, lots of sand on the ground."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Bai Ma Tan opened his mouth and said, "What do you mean?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "I've seen this kind of terrain, and this happens to those lands that are flooded by seawater."

"In other words, if the tide rises tomorrow morning, the situation may become very bad, and the entire Kojima may be submerged!"

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