Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0029 The first confrontation in Jiaziyuan

Hearing that someone was looking for her from outside, Koshimizu Nantsuki had no choice but to give up her search, and started wearing Koshien's special clothes, which were the school uniforms worn by high school students during their graduation ceremony.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who put on this outfit, was full of girlishness and looked very young and beautiful. After opening the door, Hattori Heiji and Conan were immediately stunned.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said, "What a cute girl!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at everyone with a smile on his face: "I'm really sorry to keep you all waiting, our school uniforms are too troublesome to wear, there are too many rules, hair can't be dyed, socks must be over the knee, and shawls are too You have to tie them right and left!"

At this moment, Qishui Nanatsuki started to perform. With her youthful appearance, she was twenty years old and had already graduated from high school, disguised as a high school student without any sense of disobedience.

Koshimizu Nantsuki did not tell others about the mysterious figure who had just appeared in her room, and confessing that there was such a figure on the island would only break her revenge plan.

Although he was known about his plans, that mysterious and strange, powerful and vicious guy didn't seem to be a good person and would never interfere with his plans.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki judged confidently and proceeded according to the plan.

The group followed Kotani Lianzo to the restaurant soon, and the table was full of delicious food.

Seeing the steaming food, Koshimizu Nanatsu made a little girl gesture: "Wow, that's amazing, Mr. Kotani, did you do all of this?"

Jiagu Liansan smiled: "There is still a soup that is being stewed, and I will be able to taste it later."

At this moment, White Horse Tan looked around and frowned, "Where's Director Malleto?"

Kogu Liansan said, "Director Malleto, I knocked on his door just now, but there was no answer, and I don't know where he is!"

Detective Hakuba hurriedly said, "Please Mr. Kotani take us to Director Masumi's room!"

The group didn't eat, and soon came to Director Mallio's door.

Hattori Heiji knocked on the door and shouted, "Director Hamuo! Director Hamuo!"

But there was no answer.

Hattori Heiji didn't care about being rude and started to twist the doorknob, and soon he raised his hand, blood on his palm.

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and the white horse opened the mouth and said: "There should be a window at the back of this room, I'll go over to make sure first."

The long-haired Toshijin Runzai rushed out after chasing Hakuba, but soon they heard the sound of hitting the door, and turned around to see that it was Hattori Heiji that was hitting the door.

The two were stunned, and soon, Hattori Heiji slammed open the locked door and saw the bald and fat director Hiroshio Hamlet lying on the floor.

He was tied to the ground by Wu Hua Da, Hattori Heiji and Conan hurriedly stepped forward to determine the life and death of Hamuo Hiroyo, and they were relieved when they felt the pulse.

He hurriedly helped Hamuo Hiroo untie, while the other three white horses, Toshijin Junya and Yueshui Nanatsuki were constantly exploring the scene.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "The door was locked, and after it was knocked open, the latch was still inside!"

Detective White Horse looked at the only window and said, "The only window is also locked, which means that this is a secret room crime!"

But Tokijin Junya stared at the window with a thoughtful look, and he didn't realize that he was also stared at by Koshimi Nanatsuki.

At this moment, Kotani Liansan, who was beside him, opened his mouth and said, "Detective Koshien's first battle, please all the detectives participating in the game to decipher the method of this secret room crime, and the person who solved it will summarize his reasoning and report it to me quickly. , if the reasoning and the truth kiss, then this person will advance to the second battle and allow him to leave the island later!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but smile: "So the game has already started."

White Horse Detective also smiled: "It seems that there must be hidden cameras here!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hugged his chest and said, "Really, I thought it was the first battle to expose the identity of this fake director."

"What fake director, I'm a genuine director of Nippon TV, how could it be fake!" Sweat hung on Hiroshitsugi's head.

Hattori Heiji looked at him jokingly: "What are you pretending to be? On the speedboat just now, these two used the working language of the TV station to test you, but you didn't react at all. You are not from the TV station at all!"

Conan on the side said, "And one more thing, uncle, the uniform of the Japanese TV station you are wearing is also fake, and the direction of the vortex on it is reversed."

Hearing this, Hiroshio Hamu couldn't refute, he couldn't help touching the blood scab on his head, and said, "Really, why is it different from what I said, it's not about using anesthesia, how about using a stick, no. , I'm going to ask him for medical expenses when it's over!"

However, the detectives present were extremely intelligent, and they quickly realized that Hammertail was instructed.

At this moment, Shijin Runzai, a long-haired man, said, "I'm sorry everyone, I'm afraid I have to go first."

"I already know the technique of this secret room. Would you like to show it to you?"

"So fast?"

Hattori Heiji said, "Then you can make it for us!"

Jiagu Liansan hurriedly stopped and said: "This is absolutely not allowed, once it is said, others will know the method, just like what I said just now, give me the answer, no matter what, this is the first A battle is not a decisive battle!"

Shijin Runzai said confidently: "Okay, okay, anyway, for me, whether it's the first battle or the final battle, the result is the same."

Shijin Runzai walked out of the door slowly, and then said, "All in all, I'm going to go to the second floor to arrange the upper room in this way. You should eat first. It will probably take about an hour."

Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at Shijin Runzai, and said in surprise, "How long does it take?"

Tokitsu Junya waved his hand and walked outside, he didn't notice the color of his eyes, the more indifferent the eyes of Yueshui Nanatsuki.

The white horse in the room opened his mouth and said, "Hattori from Kansai! I was disappointed when I saw it today. I didn't expect you to be so reckless!"

"What do you mean?" Hattori Heiji looked resentful.

White Horse Tan opened his mouth and said: "In the situation just now, if Mr. Hammertail is dead and leaning against the door, if you break into the door, you will destroy the crime scene. You should first determine the situation from the window and then decide whether to break the door or break it. Entering the window, it seems that my father has also seen the wrong way!"

Hattori Heiji sneered: "Che, you are so calm, I can't learn from you, after all, the great detective Mouri you admire once told me that before confirming death, always believe in the existence of life. It's where famous detectives are called famous detectives."

"Boy, you still have something to learn!" Hattori Heiji smiled smugly.

Bai Ma Tan frowned and stopped talking.

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