Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0098 happy like a fairy

Xiao Ran in the bathroom opened his mouth and was brushing his teeth. Hearing the scene of the two separating outside, a smile appeared on Xiao Ran's face.

But when she looked at herself in the mirror, Xiao Ran's complexion soon changed again!

Gradually, the smile on her face narrowed:

[It seems that I did it wrong again!

It's obvious that Mom and Dad are such a loving couple!

Didn't you tell yourself already! 】

Xiao Ran kept talking to himself in the mirror in his heart.

Soon, Xiao Ran came out after washing up, saw Mouri Kogoro dazed on the sofa, turned around and went to the kitchen, and started to prepare today's breakfast.

And Mouri Kogoro quickly took the car keys that Yukiko put on the table, went downstairs and drove out.

Xiao Ran looked at Mouri Kogoro who was going out and frowned slightly: Dad, are you angry?


Soon Haibara got up too, and little Loli went to wash up.

The door to the third floor reopened, and Mouri Kogoro appeared in the living room with two bags.

Yesterday, Kisaki Eri's suit and skirt could no longer be worn. Yukiko's clothes were washed and dried last night, and they are still dry, so Mouri Kogoro drove to the 24-hour shopping mall and chose a set of clothes for each of the two girls. .

Then Mouri Kogoro pushed the door into the bedroom, and saw a very shameful scene.

The two women were tossing and turning on the bed at the moment, and the pajamas were pulled loose, revealing a large area of ​​white and greasy skin around the waist.

I think it was Kisaki Eri who wanted to wake up Yukiko who was lying in bed, but was directly suppressed by Yukiko's aura of getting up.

At this moment, Yukiko has the upper hand, with a wicked smile on his elf-like face. Yukiko's little hand is grabbing the majestic chest on the right side of Kisaki Eri, and is constantly rubbing it softly.

Seeing this scene, Mouri Kogoro's pupils continued to shrink, his blood vessels continued to spew, and there seemed to be flames coming out of his eyes.

When Kisaki Eri saw the door open, he let out a yawn, and then hurriedly pushed Yukiko down with his judo skills.

I saw Kisaki Eri sitting on Yukiko's chest, with two beautiful legs pressing Yukiko's shoulders.

Mouri Kogoro wanted to take his place when he saw this scene.

Kisaki Eri hurriedly said, "Why are you opening the door?"

Mouri Kogoro, who was standing outside the door, hurriedly entered the room and closed the door with his feet. He didn't want to turn around and miss this wonderful scene.

Kisaki Eri is about to go crazy again: "Who told you to come in?"

"I'll bring you clothes!"

Yukiko, who was pressed down, said quickly: "Kogoro, come and help me, I'm almost out of breath."

Mouri Kogoro, who heard the call for help, flashed a green light in his eyes, and he flew up and said righteously, "You two are so grown up, how can you two fight!"

Mouri Kogoro threw himself on the bed and pushed their chests with both hands. His brows were furrowed and his face was serious.

Yukiko turned over immediately after being rescued, but instead rushed away, trying to press on Kisaki Eri.

Seeing this situation, Mouri Kogoro made a decisive decision and was willing to be a human obstacle. He suddenly flashed into the middle of the two girls, and kept blocking the excited two girls!

Soft things kept bumping against Mouri Kogoro's solid body.


The two women who quickly reacted to their hatred together pushed Mouri Kogoro off the bed with all their strength.

Both women were sitting upright on the bed, looking at Mouri Kogoro ill-naturedly.

Seeing this, Mouri Kogoro, who was at the tenth level of acting stupid, couldn't help but said, "That's right! It's so nice! Look at the new clothes I bought for you!"

Mouri Kogoro took the two suits out of the bag like a gift.

Kisaki Eri said with a cold face: "The clothes have been delivered, what are you doing here, do you want to see us change clothes?"

"It's not impossible, since you have invited Eri, then I will help you with the staff!" Mouri Kogoro smiled cheaply.

"Get out!" Two pillows flew from the bed and hit Mouri Kogoro's head. In desperation, Mouri Kogoro could only scramble out the door and go back to the living room outside.

Haibara in the living room was sitting on the sofa drinking water when she saw Mouri Kogoro running out, she glanced at Mouri Kogoro with her big pale blue eyes, and then said, "Big pervert!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Mouri Kogoro's face returned to seriousness, he walked to the sofa, and said, "Xiao Ai, how can you say that uncle!"

Haibara put the water glass down, glanced at Mouri Kogoro with big eyes, patrolled down, and landed on the lower body.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Annoyed, Mouri Kogoro took the delicate doll-like Loli into his arms and patted her small buttocks with a big hand. Haibara immediately counterattacked with a fist and hammered Mouri Kogoro's chest.

It was like a game, you clicked, I clicked, and the two slapped rhythmically.

Days like this are really not even for a god!


As breakfast begins, Mouri Kogoro glances over.

The head is Kisaki Eri, who is wearing a black professional dress bought by Mouri Kogoro, with a white shirt inside, a pair of black stockings, and the original high heels. The queen's aura is simply chilling.

Then there is Yukiko, who has a playful face like a fairy, she is wearing an orange shirt, light-colored jeans, a delicate hairstyle, and her little fairy face is bursting with smiles from time to time.

Next is Xiao Ran, who is wearing a pink jacket and brown shorts, showing a small section of her calf. She is very girly.

Finally, there is Gao Leng Loli Xiao Ai, she is wearing a small yellow school uniform with a small school skirt underneath and white knee socks on her legs.

It's really plum orchid, each with their own strengths, and Mouri Kogoro is dazzled.

But how could there be an inexplicable thing in it? Mouri Kogoro looked at Conan, who was just looking at eating. He was upset and smashed a burst chestnut directly on Conan's head.

Conan burst into tears when he was in pain, and couldn't help asking, "Uncle Mouri, why are you hitting me?" Conan spoke with confidence at the moment with his mother there.

He thought Yukiko would help him get ahead, but Yukiko didn't care at all, instead watching the scene in front of him with interest.

Mouri Kogoro said, "Conan, hurry up, you'll be late if you don't hurry up!"

Conan glanced at the clock, there was still more than half an hour, and there was no need to worry at all, and Xiao Ai was also going to school, why did he beat himself, it was clearly aimed at himself!

He couldn't help turning his eyes to his mother Yukiko, hoping Yukiko would do justice.

Unexpectedly, Yukiko said, "Conan, your Uncle Mouri is right, eat quickly, go to school quickly, stay at school, don't come out and be naughty."

Conan felt that he had met a fake mother, and couldn't help feeling depressed. He pushed the bowl, picked up his schoolbag, and walked out: "I'm full, I'm going to school!"

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