Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0088 Nakamori Aoko

Mouri Kogoro looked at the Megure couple who had gone away, and really felt that the two of them didn't match up.

One was short and round, and the other was tall, half a head taller than Officer Megure, with a slender figure, his hips surging like waves as he walked.

Mouri Kogoro looked away, shook his head and continued to wander. He walked out of the church and came to the lawn outside. The guests gathered in twos, threes and threes. On the long white table on the lawn there were champagne, various drinks, plant fruit.

Mouri Kogoro grabs a glass of champagne and looks around.

It's a pity that Satou Miwako didn't come to the wedding today, otherwise there would be someone to talk to.

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up and he saw a girl.

The girl was wearing a white dress, showing her fair arms and fair calf, sitting on a swing under a big tree on the lawn.

The little pink leather shoes were constantly pushed on the lawn, and the body swayed to and fro on the swing. There was a bright smile on the face like an angel. This scene was simply picturesque.

This girl's appearance is almost identical to Xiao Ran, and Mouri Kogoro's eyes are instantly drawn to her. This is Nakamori Aoko, who met at the pier last time.

Mouri Kogoro took the champagne and approached the girl, and immediately heard her whispered complaining: "Dad is also true, and left me here alone again."

Her voice is different from Xiao Ran's. Xiao Ran's tone is usually very gentle, but this Nakamori Aoko's tone is a little playful.

But the difference between her and Xiao Ran is that apart from the hairstyle on her head, I am afraid that she has a flat chest on her chest. This chest is really pitiful. If she has children in the future, she will definitely be hungry.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Nakamori Aoko's chest with sympathy. It was also because of her breasts. Although Nakamori Aoko was one year older than Xiao Ran, she was still like a child, and her childishness was not eliminated.

Speaking of which, her daughter Xiao Ran is the best. She can become a little boy and act like a spoiled child, and she can take care of Haibara like a big sister. After wearing a dress, she shows a domineering figure and a bit of Eri's queen aura. , switch freely, the temperament is ever-changing.

Mouri Kogoro lost his mind at the thought.

"Hey, uncle, what are you doing standing here?" Nakamori Aoko's playful voice sounded, she blinked her big eyes and looked at the handsome middle-aged uncle beside her.

Mouri Kogoro lowered his head and saw a small face that was almost identical to Xiao Ran's. He was a little dazed for a moment, but he quickly noticed the difference. Ran's brows seemed to be more stretched and he looked more mature.

Seeing the handsome uncle in front of him, Nakamori Aoko immediately stood up in surprise, clenching her hands in front of her chest, looking excited: "You, you are Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Detective, right?"

"I'm really lucky to meet you! Famous detective Mouri Kogoro, Kidd's nemesis, I like you so much, I'm your fan! You saw through Kidd last time on the Elibes, but it's good It's a pity that we didn't catch him."

A small star appeared in Nakamori Aoko's eyes, came to Mouri Kogoro's side like a little fan, and put his arm around Mouri Kogoro.

No feeling at all! ! !

This time the difference is very obvious. Every time Xiao Ran hugs his arm, he can fall into the middle of two extremely soft things, but Nakamori Aoko really doesn't feel at all when he hugs him, and even a little panicked. Completely immature.

Mouri Kogoro remembered, because Nakamori Aoko's father Nakamori Ginzou chased Kaito Kidd for eighteen years, and Kaito Kidd escaped from Nakamori Ginzou every time, so Nakamori Aoko especially hates Kaito Kidd.

So Mouri Kogoro, who caught Kidd last time and regained the gem, has secretly brushed a wave of Nakamori Aoko's favorability.

Since the last time, Nakamori Aoko joined Mouri Kogoro's fan support group. After getting to know Mouri Kogoro, she immediately became a fan of this smart and handsome uncle. She has always wanted to pull her friend Kuroba Kaito to join Mouri as well. Kogoro's fan support group.

Every time Kuroba Kaito sees Nakamori Aoko talking about Mouri Kogoro's reasoning show with excitement, he really wants to die.

Mouri Kogoro smiled and said, "You should be the daughter of Officer Nakamori. Last time I saw you at the dock, you are called Aoko! I've known your father for a long time. We used to be in the Metropolitan Police Department. We worked together, you can just call me Uncle Mouri."

Nakamori Aoko's eyes widened when she heard this, and her expression was confused: "Mr. Mouri, you actually know me, but my father never mentioned you."

Mouri Kogoro laughed heartily: "Then you have to ask your dad about this!"

Looking at Nakamori Aoko holding his arm, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but said, "I said Aoko, you really look like my daughter Xiao Ran, you are exactly the same, Xiao Ran also attended this wedding banquet, wait for me Let me introduce you to me."

"Nani?" Nakamori Aoko showed a dazed expression again, she was so cute, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but scratched Aoko's nose, Nakamori Aoko's face immediately turned red.

At this moment, a loud voice came from behind: "Qingzi, who are you hugging?"

Nakamori Ginzou saw Nakamori Aoko holding another man's arm in the distance, and rushed over in a panic.

Aoko turned around immediately, waving her hands constantly: "Dad, look who I caught, Detective Mouri."

When Nakamori Ginzou saw that it was Mouri Kogoro, his face immediately turned ugly.

Nakamori Aoko said again: "Dad, if we ask Detective Mouri to help, we will be able to catch Kaito Kidd soon, Dad, you don't have to work so hard."

Hearing his daughter compliment his nemesis, Nakamori Ginzou vomited blood in his heart, his cheeks twitched, and he pretended to be calm: "Aoko, Kidd's business is not yours, let go of Mr. Mouri's arm first, so rude!"

"Oh!" Nakamori Aoko was about to let go of her hand when she saw Mouri Kogoro's big hand grabbed directly on her small hand.

Mouri Kogoro smiled, grinning two rows of big white teeth: "It's okay, I don't think it's rude, Qingzi, if you want to hug, just keep hugging, it just happens that I am missing a female companion."

Hearing this, Nakamori Ginzou's eyes were fixed on Mouri Kogoro's big hand and his daughter's small hand, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Suddenly, a scream came from the direction of the bride's room, it was Xiao Ran's voice.

Mouri Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzou's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed towards the bride's room.

Police officers had already surrounded the bride's room. As soon as they saw Mouri Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzou, they let them go, and Aoko followed Nakamori Ginzou in.

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