Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 385 Belmod, betray the dark organization? 【1】

He was deliberately trying to trick Belmod.



Gin, a mentally retarded, has been successfully counted.

Belmod, still want to return to the dark organization?

Impossible, impossible in a lifetime.

Although Belmod was a little touched by Mu Mu, how could my sister Bei in society be easily captured by a man?

To say that among so many women in Conan, the one with the most difficult strategy is Sister Pei from my society!

If Xiao Ran's strategy is a four-star level, Beijie is definitely a five-star difficulty.


Belmod coldly shook off Mu Mu's hand and said coldly: "If you are really good for me, then let me go and let me go. I will go to the headquarters of the organization in person, clarify the facts to the gentleman, and let me go. He forgives me."


Mu Mu looked shocked: "How can it be? It's too dangerous! I firmly disagree."

"Don't think that if you have sex with me, you can call the shots for me!"

Belmod, like a wild cat, turned his face suddenly, shook off Mu Mu's hand, and shouted loudly: "I'm not your woman, you don't need to be responsible for me."

"this is not OK!"

Mu Mu looked like a domineering president and said with angry eyes, "Even if you don't need me to be responsible, I can't let you go into the tiger's mouth."


Belmod is about to cry...

I beg you, okay? Can you not be such a mother-in-law?

I can not stand it any more!

Belmod is in a state of collapse.

She didn't notice at all, there was a hint of teasing in Mu Mu's eyes.

Hehe, Sister Bei, even if you are a cunning vixen, you have no choice but to meet a better hunter like me.

No matter how cunning the fox is, it is destined to be the hunter's prey.

Just wait and be honest, be my mistress, be my subordinate, and let me enjoy a new life of sex every day.

"You don't care 々'!"

After Belmod finished speaking, he threw his hands away and left.


The next second, she was handcuffed by Mu Mu, and her hands were tightly bound.

"To protect you," Mu Mu said solemnly, "I now announce that you have been arrested."

Belmod looked at Mu Mu in disbelief: "What?"

"I don't allow you to go back, it's too dangerous!" Mu Mu said solemnly: "Gin won't let go of the chance to slander you, and that gentleman probably won't let you go. You'd better stay with me and avoid the limelight, right? After offending the underworld, the safest place in the world is the police's prison, the dark organization can't always attack the police station just to kill you, right?"

Belmod: "..."

In this way, she was escorted back to the police station by Mu Mu.

Mu Mu did not directly put Belmode into the prison of punishment, which is her future belonging, but it is easy to startle the snake. Mu Mu knew that the female spy was still obsessed with the dark organization, and he needed to play with her slowly.

However, for a female spy of a dark organization who was caught in the police station prison, how could Mu Mu easily let go?

As a result, in the next few days in this prison, there will be blank periods when prison monitoring is closed.

Before each blank period, Director Mu Mu would come to "kindly visit" the imprisoned Belmod. After the blank period, Belmod was lost and left alone in prison.

What is going on in this untold secret, only Mu Mu and Belmode know.

However, for Belmod, these few days are really "days" like years.

"Damn! Since I was arrested, I haven't stopped for a day. She said she was arrested to protect me, but she came four times in three days! One day at a time! %&*¥%!"

Not to mention the resentment that Belmod was controlled by Mu Mu, Gin experienced a near-death experience and finally escaped from the ghost ship.

The helicopter in the sky, as ordered by Mu Mu, searched the sea closely, day and night. Gin risked the gunshot wound in his hand, and finally escaped by relying on diving equipment.

During this period, because of the blood, he was chased by a shark and bit his butt.

He collapsed on the beach, gasping for breath...

"Bastard, hahaha, I finally escaped! Belmod! You traitor, prepare to die."

Gin's face flashed a happy look, he took out his mobile phone viciously, and pressed a series of numbers.

"I have something to report to you."

In a remote base, the gentleman picked up the phone and said coldly, "You're bothering me so late, you better have a reasonable explanation."

"The situation is really urgent."

Gin had a falling tone, adding fuel to it, turning Belmod to Mu Mu, betraying the dark organization, and reporting to the gentleman.


The gentleman was petrified on the spot, furious!

"Belmode, she actually betrayed the organization? Joined Mu Mu? This is impossible!"

"That's absolutely true!"

Gin told the boss one by one the information he had heard.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

"Decisive action must be taken now!"

Gin struck while the iron was hot and pursued the victory: "You must find a way to get rid of Belmod as soon as possible. This woman knows too many secrets of the organization's core. Her betrayal is definitely more dangerous than the betrayal of Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho sisters... "

"To shut up!"

The gentleman shouted angrily.


Gin was petrified on the spot.

How fat four?

"Hmph, you idiot, it was you who fell into Mu Mu's alienation scheme!"

The gentleman sneered: "Mu Mu hasn't dealt with Belmod at all, it's just used to deceive you. You've been deceived." (Good Wang Zhao)

"It's impossible. Mu Mu couldn't have known that I came to his door..."

"how do you know?"

Mr. Na sneered: "Instead, I am Mu Mu. If Belmod has joined me, I will not say it. On the contrary, I will be hostile to her on the surface, and even deliberately hurt her to make the organization trust her more. Mu Mu, such a meticulous person, will you eavesdrop on the corner? I don't believe it!"

Gin barked on the spot and cried.

I only got the information after a near-death life, why don't you believe me, boss?

"I think you were blinded by that woman to make this judgment."

The gentleman was noncommittal.

Although ordinary people in the organization dare to refute his opinion, it is a dead end, but he knows that Gin's loyalty to him is extraordinary.

Gin said so...

"Okay, don't worry about this.".

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