Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 382 Belmod's wishful thinking! 【1】


Belmod was furious: "Why do you doubt my loyalty to the organization?"

"This, do you really need me to say a little~?"

Mu Mu said indifferently, and at the same time glanced outside without any emotion.

Even Belmod didn't find it, and without knowing it, there was already one more person outside.


It turned out that Gin took action after learning that Mu Mu had brought the police aboard the ghost ship and that his good brother Vodka had been identified and captured alive!

Outside the patrol line of defense of the helicopter, he changed into a diving equipment, jumped into the sea, and quietly came to the ghost ship in the posture of a frogman.

Gin, armed with a tactical knife and his pistol in a waterproof airtight bag, came to the boat, rolled over into the cabin, shot vengeful rage in his eyes, and came out of the cabin.

Using assassination, he succeeded in killing a lone policeman, and the interrogation found out that Mu Mu was alone, searching for Belmod, the Witch of a Thousand Faces, in the cabin.

"Hehe, Mu Mu, today is your day of death!"

Gin was overjoyed, thinking that he had finally grasped Mu Mu's weakness, and this time he would succeed in revenge and kill Mu Mu.

Mu Mu faced Belmod alone. If he attacked from behind, wouldn't he be able to flank with Belmod and kill this guy who caused big trouble for the dark organization?

Afterwards, although it was necessary to get into big trouble, Gin thought it was all worth it!

Gin quickly found Mu Mu, lurking outside the door secretly, ready to make a sneak attack.

With a magnifying glass, Mu Mu, who already knew that Gin was approaching, deliberately said something that killed Belmod.

"Hehe, Belmod, you have already betrayed the dark organization and wanted to leave the organization for a long time. Right?"

"You, you are talking nonsense!"

Belmod's voice sounded very unsettled.

Just as he was about to raid in and seek a wave of cooperation with Belmod to kill Mu Mu's Gin, he stopped at that time.

"What? Belmod, that woman? Really betrayed the organization?"

Gin suddenly didn't want to go in right away.

Mu Mu pretended not to know what Gin looked like outside the door, and said coldly: "Okay, then I'll make it clearer. I'll convince you."

"First of all, you found Sherry's traces early in the morning and hid beside me. Because you have seen the young Sydney, even if Sherry becomes small, you can recognize it at a glance. But goose, you didn't tell Gin, didn't tell the gentleman either!"

"This..." Belmod took a step back and said reluctantly, "I, I thought that after catching Sherry, I would hand it over to that gentleman, I'm afraid Gin would take the credit for me."

Gin's face darkened.

Mu Mu's words are very convincing!

Belmod actually discovered Sherry without reporting him and the organization?

If you don't tell him, it can be understood as a struggle for power and profit, and for credit, but at least you should report to the gentleman immediately!

Sherry, the one who must be removed from the organization.

This alone is enough to make the organization doubt Belmod's loyalty.

Thinking of this, Gin sneered, thinking that Belmod was the woman that the gentleman admired the most, and there was no real evidence, so he couldn't easily bring it down.

He turned on the recording function of his mobile phone and wanted to record the evidence of Belmod and submit it to the gentleman.

Who knows, Mu Mu's next revelation will be even more explosive.

"If you talk about Sherry, you can be forgiven, but you discovered Kudou Shinichi early tomorrow and are still alive in this world, but you didn't tell the organization, how can you explain this?"

Gin's eyes suddenly widened!

"What? This woman!"

"Kudou Shinichi, really alive?"

"Vodka is right, and Mu Mu proves this fact from the side."

"This woman found out long ago, but is covering the organization for Kudou Shinichi?"

"That's enough to execute her a hundred times!"

As a dark organization, the killer responsible for clearing the portal internally, Gin can be described as ruthless and murderous, and countless members of the dark organization died tragically in his hands.

He had long disliked Belmod.

Belmod's face changed greatly.

She never imagined that Mu Mu had so much control over her affairs, so clearly.

"Kudou Shinichi..., I, I'm definitely going to kill!"

Mu Mu glanced deeply behind the door, and heard Gin's gradually heavy breathing, snickering in his heart.

· · ·

Gin was going to kill me, but after hearing my words, the target of the assassination should be changed to you, right? Belmode?

Now, let me see how you can get back to the organization?

Mu Mu deliberately wanted to use Gin to cut off Belmode's back path.

So that this half-hearted woman, who is half-hearted and two-sided, will play ambiguous between herself and the dark organization, playing as a double agent.

What he wanted was a Belmod who was absolutely loyal to himself.

"Ha ha"

Seeing that the denial was useless, Belmod suddenly relaxed, hehe smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, you know so much, Director Mu Mu. I have already rated you very high, but I still underestimated your ability."

"That's right, I'm looking for silver bullets for..."


"Leave the organization! Leave this shady scene!"

"I'm tired of it! Killing enough! I don't want to live like this for another day!"

Hearing Belmod's voice, Gin's eyes narrowed, killing intent everywhere.

"This woman is indeed a traitor in the organization!"

"My intuition is right!"

"She must die, die immediately!"

Gin's eyes flashed cold killing intent, thinking about how to kill Belmod.

Belmod's expression of hating the organization disappeared in a flash, but he was hesitant to Mu Mu: "But!"

"I didn't mean to go to you!"

"Although I admit that you are indeed very powerful, far beyond my imagination, the strength of the organization is not what you can imagine."

"In my opinion, although you are strong, you are still a little weaker than the real strength of the dark organization. The dark organization you see in front of you is just the tip of the iceberg! The reason why you are still alive is because that gentleman is still alive. I didn't make up my mind to get rid of you."

"haha, really?"

Mu Mu instantly understood what the woman meant.

In a word.

Belmod has a heart to break away from the organization, and she also thinks she is a silver bullet, but she will not openly stand on her side and do things for herself until the situation is clear.

Belmod, a woman who is extremely shrewd, certainly wouldn't take such a big risk.

She wants to step on two boats and be a double agent! .

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