Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 343 The ceremony of Wending? The wild vision of the 3 bears! 【1】

Suzuki Sonoko cheered, as if Mu Mu would come, to give her the great face of the Suzuki family.

Mu Mu smiled slightly: "Okay, Sonoko, I see."

"And..." Suzuki Sonoko's voice was a little unhappy: "Actually, at the banquet tomorrow night, my sister's fiance will also come!"

"Uh? Is it Suzuki Ayako's fiancé? Tomizawa Kuma?"

Mu Mu frowned.

"Yeah." Sonoko didn't seem to like his future brother-in-law very much, and sighed melancholy: "Fumizawa Xiongsan just called my sister and said that the previous marriage contract was almost fulfilled, and I had to force it. My sister, marry him right away. It sounds very anxious. The Tomizawa family is also publicizing the matter of marrying my Suzuki family, and they are making a lot of news everywhere. Recently, many people in the upper class know about it. "

Hearing that Tomizawa Xiongsan couldn't wait to force Suzuki Ayako to marry him, Mu Mu frowned.

What's the matter with you, little brother?

How dare you, Director Mu Mu rob women from me?

Isn't this the ground breaking on Tai Sui's head?

Mu Mu snorted coldly.

He had the experience of robbing 16 women before, no matter what status he was, he ended up miserably in the end.

Among them, including but not limited to the unlucky Suzuki Shiro and so on.

You Fuze Xiongsan, a mere second-generation rich, what is it?

"Okay." Mu Mu had MMP in his heart, but the city was very deep, and there was no hint in his tone: "Then tomorrow night?"


Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfiedly: "That Tomizawa Xiongsan wants to hold a grand dinner tomorrow night and invite my family to come over. In name, it is a gift. In fact, I know that they have widely issued invitations to invite all walks of life in the upper class. People are here to force a marriage to my family in front of everyone!"


Mu Mu frowned.

With his IQ, as long as he uses a little brain, he can understand where the little Jiujiu of Fuze Xiongsan is.

Ha ha···

Obviously, it was for the huge wealth of the Suzuki family.

Now that Suzuki Shiro has passed away, and Suzuki Jiroji has also died, the three mothers and daughters of the Suzuki family occupy most of the family property!

It can be said that each of them is rich and rich.

Suzuki Ayako, as the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family, inherited a lot of property shares of the Suzuki family, of course, which is quite impressive.

If you can marry a beautiful woman like Suzuki Ayako back home, wouldn't it mean that you will get a windfall for no reason?

This is definitely a good thing for the Fuze Xiong San family to be an empty-handed white wolf!

Mu Mu rolled his eyes slightly, and already thought of Fuze Xiong San's conspiracy.

But before, Suzuki Shiro did promise his daughter to Tomizawa Xiongsan.

This pig-headed man is about to overturn the Chinese cabbage.

How can Mu Mu endure?

Of course Suzuki Tomoko belongs to him, the eldest Suzuki Ayako and the second Suzuki Sonoko belong to him too!

Can't miss one!

In the future, the mother and daughter will play mahjong together.

Courtesy of Written?

As a country deeply influenced by Chinese etiquette, Japan still retains many traditional ceremonies in the past. The ritual of the text is a traditional ceremony that is popular in Japan's upper class society.

Among the great aristocrats in Japan, before the two families are married, they have to exchange tokens, which is called the ceremony of Wending.

Even a family like Shiratori can't do this kind of ritual ceremony, and only top giants like Suzuki and Tomizawa can enjoy it.

But tomorrow night, will the ceremony be written?

Mu Mu asked, "What about Tomoko's attitude?"

"Mom doesn't want my sister to marry that Fuze Xiongsan like this, but the marriage contract has been settled before, so there is no way. My sister has already locked herself in the room and won't come out."

Suzuki Sonoko said bitterly.

"···Okay, I know."

Mu Mu suddenly recalled that there was actually such an episode in Detective Conan!

It's about Tomizawa Xiongsan and Suzuki Ayako.

What is the name of Fuze Xiongsan's father...

A bright light flashed in Mu Mu's eyes.

At this time, in Tokyo, the wealthy family, the Tomizawa family.

The head of the Fuze family is Tetsuji Fuze, who is holding a family meeting.

Beneath him, Xiong Da, Xiong Er and Xiong San, ah bah, it is Fu Ze Taiyi, Fu Ze Da Er and Fu Ze Xiong San, the three brothers are present, and everyone's face is full of piety from the sky. color.

At first glance, Kenji Fujizawa looked like an old fox, with a very deep city and a sinister gaze. He glanced at his third son, Fuze Xiongsan, but he couldn't hide his joy.

There is no way, people feel refreshed on happy occasions.

This old man is so cool.

"Xiong San, tomorrow we will have a ceremony with Suzuki Ayako. Are you all ready?"

Fu Ze Xianzhi said solemnly.

"Report to father, everything is ready. Gifts and clothes."

Fuze Xiong San also respectfully said.

"very good!"

Kenji Tomizawa nodded and couldn't help showing a treacherous smile and said: "Xiong San, you are going to marry Suzuki Ayako this time, you can't make a mistake. Suzuki Ayako is the eldest lady of the Suzuki family, and she is in the midst of Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Jiroji. After everyone is dead, there will be no man in the Suzuki family! You, your son-in-law, are the only man. Although Tomoko Suzuki has inherited the position of the Suzuki family at present, a woman cannot make a big deal. Sooner or later, she will hand over the Suzuki family. I will inherit it for you! You have to do it well and slowly annex the Suzuki family. In the future, my Fuze family will definitely become the number one wealthy family in Japan, wow ha ha ha!”

The old man, overjoyed, laughed wildly.

The three sons also laughed wildly.

Even the eldest son, Taichi Tomizawa, said with emotion: "The third child, I really envy you. Your father really set a good marriage for you. In the future, if you have both money and sex, maybe you can also be your mother-in-law and sister-in-law, hehe. It's just that I've worked harder and married a tigress..."

"Shut up! Taichi!"

Kenji Tomizawa sternly and angrily reprimanded the eldest son: "You bastard, you spend all day drinking and drinking, and want to be extravagant, but I want to tell you a good daughter-in-law like Suzuki Ayako, but can people agree? Saburo has a stable personality. , and never make it public, can you get the approval of Shirou Suzuki and become the son-in-law of others! Are you a fart?"

"Yes, father..."

Fuze Tai bowed his head to admit his cowardice, but a glint of resentment flashed in his eyes.

It's just that everyone else is focusing on the big happy event to be held tomorrow - the third child of the Tomizawa family, who is about to hold a ceremony with Miss Suzuki. .

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